By Kami Klein
The 4th of July Celebrations are coming together here at Morningside but the highlight is the return of our special guests Mike and Cindy Jacobs! This prophetic duo will grace the stage of The Jim Bakker Show on Wednesday, July 4th at 11am on Grace Street!
Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but to heads of nations. Perhaps her greatest ministry is to world influencers who seek her prophetic advice. Mike Jacobs is Co-founder of Generals International with his wife, Cindy. Generals International is a prayer-based organization that exists for the purpose of changing lives and transforming nations. Mike and Cindy are passionate about the message that God cares about every individual, He cares about every nation, and He still speaks to us today.
In a recent, article in Charisma Magazine, Cindy Jacobs shared a word of encouragement.
“I see some of you are in this season where you look around, and you feel like so many things have been robbed from you. And there has been a robbing spirit”—that’s what I hear the name is, a ‘robbing spirit’—”to come and take your blessing. And some of you are even in such a desperate state that you are like David was when he came home and all his family was gone, the possessions. And you are in such a terrible state that you do not know what to do.”
But I would say to you, “As you read My Word, encourage yourself in Me,” says the Lord. “The hopelessness that you feel will go away. Do not be disappointed and feel like everything is over, for you have a choice to make,” says the Lord. “You can choose whether to believe My Word, that all things work together for good, or you can say, ‘My life is over.'” But the Lord says, “If you say what the enemy says—’Your life is over; you will never have restoration; this can never be fixed’ —then you will have agreed with what the enemy is saying about your situation. And the Lord says, “Don’t you know, just one great blessing can knock out everything the enemy has done?
We pray for you a great blessing in your lives!
Morningside always celebrates the birth of our nation with the best guests and time for family. We always share an amazing time of worship, prophecy and loving one another! Don’t miss Cindy and Mike Jacobs!
Please stay tuned for more updates! We hope to see you there!