Abortion Coverage May Be Banned In Michigan

A pro-life group in Michigan has submitted a petition to the Republican controlled legislature that would put restrictions on abortion coverage in insurance plans.

The new law would require women to purchase an additional rider to any insurance plan if they want to cover an abortion.

The “Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act” could be passed by majority vote in the state legislature and does not require the signature of the governor. Governor Rick Snyder, a Republican who says he’s pro-life, said he is opposed to this particular measure.

The group had to obtain 58,088 valid signatures from state citizens to require action by lawmakers. The Detroit Free Press reported the group obtained at least 299,000 valid signatures.

If the legislature does not take action within 40 days of returning from a break, the matter will go to a vote on the November 2014 ballot.

Vandals Destroy Pro-Life Display On College Campus

A pro-life student group at Central Michigan University discovered that someone had torn down and stolen their pro-life campus display.

The display featured infant clothing hanging on a clothesline. One out of every four pieces of clothing contained a red X to show that one in every four pregnancies is ending in abortion. The group also had a sign posted informing people about the horrors of abortion.

The Central Michigan University Police have confirmed they were investigating the vandalism and theft.

“I can’t say that I am surprised given the culture of the campus and I think that it’s sad that people can’t just disagree and the only way they can express themselves is by silencing our message,” Sarah Donetti of CMU’s Students For Life told Campus Reform.

The group had requested to post the display in September but the Student Activities and Involvement Office kept delaying action on their request until finally approving it in mid-November.

Midwestern Tornadoes Leave Six Dead

At least six people are confirmed dead after a Sunday outbreak of tornadoes across the Midwest.

The town of Washington, Illinois was devastated by a massive tornado that tore an 1/8th mile wide track through the entire town. Mayor Gary Manier said that up to 500 homes have been damaged or destroyed and that some neighborhoods are completely destroyed.

“How people survived is beyond me,” Manier said.

The tornadic storms are considered unusual for mid-November. Damaging winds and tornadoes were reported in 12 states: Michigan, Iowa, Illnois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York.

The storms moved so fast at times that weather forecasters were warning people to see shelter even before they could see a change in the weather.

The storm threatened the Chicago area forcing the game between the NFL’s Chicago Bears and Baltimore Ravens to be delayed for two hours as teams and spectators huddled under the stadium.

Michigan Governor May Declare Detroit In “Fiscal Emergency”

Detroit, the 18th largest city in the United States, is on the verge of being declared in a “fiscal emergency” by Michigan governor Rick Snyder.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said it seemed likely after talks with Snyder that the governor would declare the emergency and appoint an emergency manager for the city. The city is facing a $327 million budget deficit. Continue reading