A Progression of Events Are Taking Place

Michael Snyder explains why he believes volcano activity is a critical sign of events that take place before Jesus returns. READ MORE

The Year of Jubilee & Restoration!

Pastor Jim Bakker shares about all the biblical locusts and how God wants to restore what the locusts have destroyed in your life. READ MORE

Eternally Minded

Are you a part of the 99%?

Who simply JUST live for: the new car, the next raise, the ‘better image’, the best cell phone, the bigger house, a better boat.

Ask yourself, “What is the TRUE motivation behind the things that I do?” (Take a minute.) READ MORE

Visions of Morningside – The Journey to Morningside

After a long flight, with my head buried in my Bible, I made it to Dallas,TX!  After months of waiting, anxiety building to panic, I had gotten on that plane and I made it!

Grabbing my things, I ventured my way off the plane and there was my wonderful brother waiting for me.  I cannot tell you how good it was to see a familiar face! It was so good to see my blood, my kin.  We embraced and I probably hugged him just a little longer than I normally would have.  I was just so glad that I had made it! I was smelling that Texas air and I was with my family. My mind, body and spirit were calm and my anxiety had lifted!   READ MORE

Calling on the Line – The Journey to Morningside Continues

With a simple license plate that said “God Cares,”  I was able to breathe for the ride to the airport to catch my flight to Dallas. I knew the Master’s Commission event that I was to attend there called “The Mix” was a key to my future.  God was showing me that He was there with me, but the ride to the airport was not nearly long enough. And suddenly, we had arrived.  

So far I had managed to keep my head buried in my Bible. Each word, a kind of anti-anxiety treatment, but it really only lasted for as long as I remained there. The moment I turned my head from His Word I could feel the anxiety coming back.  I had been in the midst of an almost paralyzing attack of anxiety, but I knew that God had a plan for me.  It was this plan that would make me fight every blast of fear the enemy could throw at me.   READ MORE

Whose Side Are You On?

In the news, Iran celebrates while chanting ‘Death to Israel and America’. Israel reels from a proposed contract that threatens their nation’s very existence and leaders of our American government congratulate themselves on making a deal regarding nuclear weapon capabilities with Iran.  As a lifelong, passionate student of the Word of God, I should be saying that this doesn’t surprise me.  Although the Bible has been warning of these last days and what will happen, I would not have imagined that America would turn on Israel as it has now. I am witnessing what is happening with my own eyes all the while knowing deep in my heart that it is our relationship with Israel that has that has kept us from Judgment rather than ‘given us grace with God’.   It seems the world has gone topsy turvy.  What made sense in our lives even a year ago in our country and around the world has changed. What do we do? READ MORE

There Is Joy In The Morning

Recently we enjoyed our Fourth of July Celebration during seven amazing days of praise and coming together!  Each anointed speaker that was on our show gave us insight into our world like nobody else could!  In their words we cannot help but know that God is working, ALWAYS working out of his love for us!  Jim and I felt so blessed each and every day as we saw so many wonderful people leaving their burdens in Jesus’ hands and remembering that God has great blessings for them!   READ MORE

Burn That Bridge

It was April and I was on my way to the airport to catch a plane to Dallas, Texas.  The Lord was calling me there, I knew it! Yet, my familiar panic attacks had gotten hold of me; the enemy was determined to keep me from meeting my destiny.  My mom and sister were sitting with me in our car parked in the Walmart parking lot by the airport and I was still in the throes of a panic attack.

My Mom and Kristi were so patient and loving. I was trying to go for a long weekend at an event in Dallas called The Mix, a taste of what Master’s Commission was all about. These wonderful women finally turned to me and asked the big question, “What do you want to do Zach?”   READ MORE

The Tunnel – The Journey To Morningside Continues

In my last blog I had just heard of Master’s Media from my brother during Christmas time of my senior year.

Lloyd Zeigler who was the leader at the Phoenix First Master’s Commission had decided to start another ministry in Dallas, Texas and my brother had moved there with him.  He said, “Listen Zach, there is something coming up this February, (about two months away) and it’s called “The Mix”.  Kids from all around the country come to Dallas and spend two or three days at the Master’s Commission there.  You will have a compact, fast taste of Master’s Commission that will give you the chance to see if this is something you really would like to do.” READ MORE

BOOM! There It Is! – The Journey Continues

It had not even been a year yet since I was saved and God was doing quick work!  I had spent my summer devoted to finding the path and following the calling that God was bringing into my life.  And now it was my senior year of high school.   I knew that God had called me to Christian television and media.  I had no idea what that was going to look like. My mind was incredibly busy with trying to set things up, finding the next step.  God hadn’t given me particular answers quite yet so I was going to try to fill the empty holes with answers the best way I knew how.

I knew that God had called me to be a part of revolutionizing Christian television and Christian media for this generation.  But there were certain things I didn’t know.  I didn’t know the logistics of how it was that this was going to come about.  I decided I was going to go to a Christian college and get my pastoral license and I would take a lot of classes in media and television as well.  That seemed to me to be the most logical thing I could possibly do. READ MORE