Not widely reported is the ongoing Persecution of Christians


Important Takeaways:

  • Muslim Slaughter of, and Violence against, Christians
    • Nigeria: Some May headlines from the ongoing Muslim genocide of Christians in the African nation:
    • May 1: “Fulani Herdsmen Kill 12 Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria”
    • May 6: “Herdsmen Kill 28 Christians in Benue State, Nigeria”
    • May 7: “Six Christians Killed, Eight Wounded in Kaduna State, Nigeria”
    • May 10: “Suspected Fulani Herdsmen Attack Catholic School in Nigeria”
    • May 14: “Christians, Others Increasingly Targeted in Plateau State, Nigeria: Amnesty International reports 1,336 people killed in three months”
  • A raging Muslim mob attacked and savagely beat a 74-year-old Christian man, on what turned out to be a false accusation of “blasphemy”. Nine days later, on June 3, Nazir Masih Gill died from his many injuries, including a smashed skull. — Morning Star News, June 3, 2024, Pakistan.
  • The Muslim employer of Saima Bibi, a 24-year-old Christian woman, dragged her outside and shoved her toward an electric chaff cutter—which sliced off one of her ears, cut off most of her scalp, and injured an eye. Her husband, Shahzad, who worked on the same farm and was present, said that one of their employers, Muhammad Mustafa, was angry that they were taking a break and ordered them to cut fodder for the cattle. — Morning Star News, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Shahid Masih, a 35-year-old Christian dairy worker, was falsely accused of theft and subjected to “merciless torture” at the hands of Muhammad Ijaz. It included forcing him to ingest acid, from which he died in the hospital 11 days later…. Last reported, authorities are refusing to prosecute Muhammad Ijaz and his murderous accomplices. —, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Many other attacks on churches in France persisted throughout the month of May, including arson attacks, general desecrations, desecrations of cemeteries, defecations in churches and urination in their baptismal fonts, and bomb threats. — France.
  • “Imagine the uproar if it was Christians throwing rocks at a mosque? MPs and the media would be all over it screaming ‘Islamophobia!'” — Tommy Robinson, British activist,, May 1, 2024, England.
  • The Church of the Holy Trinity was vandalized with Islamic graffiti, which included “Allah Akbar,” “Remove this church from here,” “Only Muslims are here,” “We don’t want churches, we want mosques,” and “Islam is the only true religion!” —, May 15, 2024, Kosovo.

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A World in Conflict: Violence in the world is at an all-time high since WWII


Important Takeaways:

  • More armed conflicts took place worldwide in 2023 than any other year since the end of the Second World War, according to a Norwegian study published Monday.
  • Last year saw 59 conflicts of which 28 were in Africa, the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) showed.
  • But the number of countries which experienced conflicts declined from 39 in 2022 to 34.
  • The number of deaths in combat also halved to around 122,000 over the previous year, according to data collected by Sweden’s Uppsala University from NGOs and international organizations
  • “Violence in the world is at an all-time high since the end of the Cold War,” said Siri Aas Rustad, PRIO researcher and the main author of the report covering trends during the period 1946-2023.
  • “The figures suggest that the conflict landscape has become increasingly complex, with more conflict actors operating within the same country,” she explained.
  • According to PRIO, the increase in the number of conflicts can be partially attributed to the Islamic State spreading across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and the involvement of a growing number of non-state actors such as the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM).
  • While the number of combat deaths decreased last year, the accumulated number for the past three years is the highest for a three-year period in 30 years.
  • A total of 28 armed conflicts were registered in Africa, followed by Asia with 17, the Middle East with 10, Europe with three and the Americas with one.

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Haitians call for law and order to be restored as gangs target the wealthy neighborhoods and power stations


Important Takeaways:

  • Former Haitian Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe says there’s a ‘total void of law and order’ on stricken island, as power station attacks leave much of capital in darkness
  • Haiti descended into darkness overnight as gangs attacked electrical stations, leading Former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe to call for law and order to be restored on the island.
  • Nearly 1.5 million Haitians are on the brink of famine as armed gang leader Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier attempts to seize power.
  • The nations power company announced on Monday that four substations in the capital and elsewhere, ‘were destroyed and rendered completely dysfunctional.
  • As a result, swaths of Port-au-Prince were without power, including the entrance to the U.S. embassy, the Cite Soleil slum, the Croix-des-Bouquets community and a hospital.
  • ‘Law and order needs to be restored in Haiti as there is a huge security void and breakdown,’ Lamothe said on Tucker Carlson Uncensored.
  • The former prime minister said Haiti had a strong military and police force until Jean-Bertrand Aristide became president and then he disbanded them out of a lack of trust, which has created the void in security the country is seeing now.
  • He claimed Haiti is the only country in the Western Hemisphere outside of Costa Rica that has no military and that has the biggest gang activity after El Salvador.
  • ‘That created a void. And that created a situation where we have to deal with that void is filled by gangs,’ Lamothe said.
  • Gangs attacked two upscale neighborhoods near the capital city of Port-au-Prince and killed at least two dozen people in the rampage on Monday.
  • Gunmen looted homes in the communities of Laboule and Thomassin before sunrise, forcing residents to flee as some called radio stations pleading for police.

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Senior official for Hamas says “Now it our nation’s turn to pressure Americans” “We need acts of violence”


Important Takeaways:

  • Hamas threatens violence against Americans ‘everywhere’ in chilling new video
  • Speaking on Memri, Senior Official for Hamas Sami Abu Zuhri called for acts of violence against the USA and also the UK.
  • Zuhri’s comments come as tensions over the Israel-Hamas war intensify with pressure growing on Israel to stop the fighting.
  • Speaking on Memri, Zuhri said: “When Blinken is justifying the killing of women and children, the sons of our nation should say to him: ‘You are the enemy, just like Netanyahu, and you must pay the price, just like Netanyahu.
  • “Now it is our nation’s turn to pressure the Americans to stop this war. We need violent acts against American and British interests everywhere as well as the interests of all the countries that support the occupation.
  • “They must pay a price for the blood of our women and children who are being killed in cold blood on the streets of Gaza. They must pay a price so that they know that Gaza is not alone and that when they gave the order to kill, they should have been prepared to pay the necessary price.”
  • Memri’s statement and Zuhri’s words come just days after Hamas issued a chilling threat saying that no more hostages would be released unless their demands were met.
  • Israel has claimed that Hamas still has 117 hostages and the remains of around 20 people in its possession.

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Hal Lindsey points out the World’s Social Decay goes hand in hand with calling Evil Good, and Good Evil


Important Takeaways:

  • Violence And Extremism: These Things Happen To A Society That Calls Evil Good, And Good Evil
  • On September 16th, in Palmdale, California, authorities say a man drove up beside a marked Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department patrol car, then shot and killed the deputy inside
  • In Florida, a video shows a high school football player ripping off a fallen opponent’s helmet, and then beating him over the head with it
  • And then there are the schools.
  • Much of the media now call it a “book ban” when someone suggests we limit children’s access to pornography. The head of the American Library Association describes herself as “a Marxist lesbian.” At the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago, she said, “Public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing.”
  • There have always been murders, violence, and extremism, but not in such overwhelming numbers as today. These are symptoms of a mental health crisis overwhelming America. Other symptoms include the number of people on mind-altering drugs both legal and illegal, widespread depression, rising suicide rates, and the mad quest for escapism.
  • Violence is becoming so commonplace that many ignore it and walk on by.
  • America’s problems are not America’s alone. These evils infect every nation on the face of the earth.
  • Don’t lose hope or walk in despair. But understand the times.
  • John 14:1, 3. “Let not your hearts be troubled… I will come again.”

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Threats of violence as Trump’s prosecution moves forward

Important Takeaways:

  • Threats of Violence as Trump’s prosecution moves forward. It should be remembered that there are those that want chaos in the streets so they can prove that you’re the villain. Don’t fall for it.
  • At the federal courthouse in Washington, a woman called the chambers of the judge assigned to the election interference case against former President Donald J. Trump and said that if Mr. Trump were not re-elected next year, “we are coming to kill you.”
  • At the Federal Bureau of Investigation, agents have reported concerns about harassment and threats being directed at their families amid intensifying anger among Trump supporters about what they consider to be the weaponization of the Justice Department. “Their children didn’t sign up for this,” a senior F.B.I. supervisor recently testified to Congress.
  • And the top prosecutors on the four criminal cases against Mr. Trump — two brought by the Justice Department and one each in Georgia and New York — now require round-the-clock protection.
  • As the prosecutions of Mr. Trump have accelerated, so too have threats against law enforcement authorities, judges, elected officials and others

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Over the holiday weekend violence surged across the country

Mathew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Important Takeaways:

  • Violence spirals out of control, sending dozens to the hospital over holiday weekend
  • Shootings across the country over the holiday weekend killed multiple people and sent at least 70 to the hospital.
  • A shooting at a Juneteenth celebration in the Chicago suburb of Willowbrook, Ill., left one person dead and 20 people injured early Sunday morning, officials said.
  • Also in the Midwest, police said 10 juveniles were shot and one is dead after a shooting in downtown St. Louis early Sunday morning.
  • Near a music festival at a Washington State campground on Saturday evening, at least two people are dead and three others were wounded in a shooting
  • In California, eight people between the ages of 16-24 were wounded by gunfire at a house party early Saturday, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department said, according to NBC News. Officials said everyone is expected to recover.
  • Also in California, the San Diego Police Department said one person died and another was injured when a shooting erupted at a Juneteenth concert in a park Saturday evening, according to the local ABC affiliate.
  • In Georgia, at least five people were injured in a shooting outside of a nightclub in DeKalb County early Sunday morning, police said. It is unclear whether anyone was taken into custody and officials have not said what led to the incident

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Due to Vulgarity and Violence Bible gets removed from some Utah schools

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Important Takeaways:

  • Vulgarity and Violence’ Cited as King James Bible Removed from Some Utah School Libraries
  • A Utah committee has responded to allegations “vulgarity and violence” contained in the pages of the King James Bible are reason enough for its removal from some Davis School District younger grade library shelves.
  • ABC4 Utah reports the original complaint that sparked the move was filed by an unknown person in March. It came on the heels of a statewide law passed in 2022 that allowed residents to challenge any books found in school libraries.
  • As of March, the law was used 81 times with Davis County having removed 33 books for material found to contain sex, vulgarity, and violence, the report sets out.

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Jerusalem Day March sees heavy deployment of police

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • While Israeli officials describe the march as a festive parade, it has been marred by anti-Arab racist chants and violence toward local Palestinians by some of the marchers.
  • Israel deployed over 2,000 police on Thursday for a march by flag-waving Jewish nationalists through the main Palestinian thoroughfare in Jerusalem’s Old City
  • Two years ago, it helped spark an 11-day war between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza, and the Hamas militant group has urged Palestinians to confront the parade this year.
  • Under longstanding agreements, Jews are permitted to visit the site but not pray there. But an increase in such visits, along with scenes of some Jews quietly praying, have raised concerns among Palestinians that Israel is trying to alter the status quo — a charge Israel denies

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Society is becoming more and more violent

Eyes Look Watching

Mathew 24:12 “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold

Important Takeaways:

  • The Fabric Of Our Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams Right In Front Of Our Eyes
  • An absolutely massive brawl recently erupted at a Waffle House in Austin, Texas
  • Every day, there are more brawl videos featuring our young people on social media.
  • They are brawling in restaurants, they are brawling at Walmart, they are brawling at sporting events, they are brawling on the subway and they are brawling in the streets.
  • One 78-year-old man that lives in Oregon… was brutally attacked by a crazed 25-year-old lunatic that tried to chew his face off for apparently no reason at all. When authorities finally arrived, they could “see the victim’s skull”…
  • Senseless violence is even happening right outside of the White House…
  • A man allegedly beat another man to death with a metal pipe Wednesday in Washington, D.C., near the White House.
  • In Milwaukee, a 10-year-old boy is being accused of murdering his own mother because she wouldn’t buy him a virtual reality headset…

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