By Kami Klein
Last night Philip Cameron and the worship team lifted spirits and joyfully shouted hope for a Holy revival like no one has ever seen before! The Morningside Restoration Marathon is continuing on Grace Street and the outpouring of love and in the belief of this ministry is inspiring.
“God is raising up people RIGHT NOW who aren’t necessarily religious but hungry for GOD!” Cameron declared!
America does need revival and what many are experiencing and seeing around the world is the the embracing of Jesus and of God’s Word. Our partners are writing in and expressing this new hope for our country and the gentle courage to build up the Church. During this Morningside Restoration Marathon, not only are the people working together for a common purpose, they are doing so with faith.
Faith is what Philip Cameron spoke of last night during the evening Praise service. “Ridiculous Faith that will bring a mighty pouring of the Holy Spirit!”
Philip recalled the path and restoration of Pastor Jim Bakker and how the Lord has walked with him in his obedience. The amazing things that happened at Heritage, the people whose lives were changed in deep and profound ways, and the loving Christian family that was created there by the thousands who visited from all over the world.
“I am family here at Morningside too. We are family and you are a part of this family too! I invite you to be a part of this ridiculous faith that can move mountains. I see a revival happening here, a 24 hour a day revival with God’s mighty hand and love pouring out to America! If anyone can get a 24 hour a day revival going it would be Jim Bakker! He is crazy enough in faith to do it! This nation needs to be shaken from DC to Sacramento! “
We are family here at Morningside! We are READY to take this message of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ and continue spreading it as far as God allows! We need your help to make that possible!
Please consider a Thanksgiving donation. Help us get this revival moving! And don’t forget to keep watching our Restoration Marathon for more testimonies, fellowship and celebration for God’s incredible hand on you and on our ministry!
Please tune in to Morningside’s Restoration Marathon on Watch Us Live .
Look for Facebook live posts on The Jim Bakker Show Facebook page and donate here to bless this ministry.
Morningside Restoration Marathon