The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 3)

So many are realizing that just maybe we’re going to go through some things before the rapture. That is an amazing change of heart and mind, especially for pastors. I recently heard from a pastor that changed his mind about the timing of the rapture after preaching a pre-tribulation rapture for 40 years! I know that had to be hard for him, because it was hard for me, too, when God changed my mind after I studied every word of the Bible while in prison. And they say you can’t be rehabilitated!

So now we’re going to talk about the six things that have to take place before the rapture. Jesus told us that He didn’t want us to be caught unaware, that we’re to watch for these signs, signs that are popping all over the place right now. What’s happening in Israel right now is one of the signs of the time. The signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, many are happening right now. The floods, the droughts, the economic woes; all of this stuff is happening now. So, if we were instructed to watch that we would not be caught unaware, then how can these signs not mean anything? Continue reading

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 2)

John Shorey made the point that the middle class is disappearing in this country and we now have the very rich and those who are working two jobs at Walmart and McDonalds to make ends meet! John continued to read from Racing Towards Judgment, “God will judge this nation with economic disasters. Critical money problems will strike large and small cities alike.”

Then, David Wilkerson addresses the current issues of our day (in Racing Towards Judgment) that are in our news headlines with chilling accuracy; “There will be violence everywhere. Unheard of violence. Unbelievable violence. Unnecessary violence. Uncontrollable violence. The violence seething beneath the surface for years will explode.” They are saying today, this week, that crime is rising and even death. There is unrest in America, and when all this poverty hits and there is no food, it’s going to explode like crazy! If 50 million people suddenly did not receive their food stamp allocations, we will be seeing violence erupting in virtually every city in America. Continue reading

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 1)

So much is happening in our world. The reason we bring news into our show is because it’s the Revelation fulfillment – it’s the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation and the signs of the End of the Age in Matthew 24.

It’s amazing that all of the prophetic word is being fulfilled – the droughts, the slaughtering of Christians. This ISIS is killing Christians – Jesus said before I come back, they will hate you and put you to death because of my name (Matthew 24:9). I never thought in the United States of America that people would hate Christians, but it is an antichrist spirit, and anti-Word spirit. You can get a comic book into schools but not a Bible! In the news recently, there was a 5th grader that was banned from reading the Bible during ‘free reading’ time! And a teacher was punished and banned from bringing her Bible to school. She wasn’t reading it to the class; she was just reading it for her own devotional! She could have a pornographic book, or x-rated material sitting on her desk, and she could get by with that. And during this last season, a professor specifically told his students that you cannot thank God during your graduation speech. Continue reading

Trumpets are Sounding (Pt. 3)

Prophetic consensus from many sources is that the beginning of the Great Tribulation will be in 2015. John Shorey went through David Wilkerson’s and other prophecies about an economic collapse preceded by a great earthquake in the northwest. John said that considering the huge bubble in the stock market today, this economic collapse can’t be far off and he believes it could be this Fall – with the obvious indicator that a huge earthquake is even closer. If the dominos start to fall, everything could fall into place and happen very quickly – in less than six months!

John noted that on March 20th, 2015, a solar eclipse will happen which, prophetically speaking, indicates the judgment of the Gentile nations, which includes the United States of America. Three and one-half years after the Spring of 2015 (the possible beginning of the Great Tribulation), would be September of 2018… the week of the Feast of Trumpets and the 70th year from the rebirth of Israel in 1948! Continue reading

Deep Wells Coming Forth!

I knew in the beginning of this year and I had an urgency in my spirit that I had to get my body prepared for the difficult days ahead.  I knew that the physical body had to get well and be strong to live through these final days to help others because this is the “Harvest Time.”

Heaven forbid that the “Harvest Time” becomes a cliché to God’s people.

God chose me, and He chose you to occupy this earth and to work the harvest fields in the very last days and hours before the end of this age. We are not here by happenstance. That’s a hard thing for most people to realize and completely comprehend – and what’s even harder is to grab a hold of the very thing God ordained for you to do before the foundations of the world in this season! Continue reading

Trumpets are Sounding! (Pt. 2)

The prophetic word that was written by David Wilkerson in his 1985 book, Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth, had already come to pass in stunning accuracy in the oil fields of the Middle East. And now, from the grave, David Wilkerson’s next prophecy was confirming what God had shown John Shorey when he wrote about the Five End-Time Wars.

David had written, “The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless.”

John continued, “America has a future invasion, which I had just covered as the Five End-Time Wars. And when that was first given to me through the writing of my second book, and I sent this outline of the Five End-Time Wars to Jim, I looked at it as information for his benefit. I never thought we would talk about it, because can we handle the fact that America would be part of an end-time war, and that an invasion would happen in America before the rapture? Continue reading

Trumpets are Sounding! (Pt. 1)

I sat on the set recently with John Shorey, a dear friend whom I believe God has anointed with a clear message for the Last Days. John has heard from God in many instances, and what he hears, he shares with us and our television audience which could number in the millions. I don’t take it lightly that these prophetic messages are being given on our show – because God told me to provide the platform for the prophets to speak to the people in the Last Days and that’s what I’m doing. Continue reading

John Shorey Brings A Master Class on Revelation

Yesterday on Grace Street, John Shorey presented a master class on the book of Revelation that brought truth and wisdom beyond what many people find in classes at a Bible College.

The talk on unraveling the mystery of Revelation focused on the Scriptures in the Bible that clearly show us when the rapture is going to happen and the ways that God’s people are going to be impacted before the return of Christ.

Six things need to happen before the rapture according to Shorey’s teachings.  The first will actually come from a major event, the collapse of the world economy.  That will lead to what is shown in Revelation 13:1:  a one-world government is formed.

Shorey also outlined a series of parallels between Matthew 24 and Revelation 6, where God showed Matthew the things that he would reveal decades later to John.  However, Matthew didn’t understand the significance of what he was seeing at the time.

However, Shorey wasn’t done amazing those in attendance with the way the Word is outlining the way the end times are going to arrive.

He shared about the scriptures and how many of the descriptions of the mountains shaking down and the sky rolling up like a scroll parallels real life volcanoes.

“When Mount St. Helens erupted,” Shorey said, “there were great black clouds of smoke and ash that rushed through the sky at 200 miles per hour.  Witnesses said they looked just like a rolling scroll.”

He said that the volcano below Yellowstone is being saved for after the sixth sign of the return of the King.

The only negative that people in attendance had to say was that time ran out and John Shorey had to stop with his incredible teaching!

Pastor Jim’s Calling Shines During 4th Of July Week

Some things God provides for you immediately when He says that He will do it.

Some times it takes many years to come to pass.

For Pastor Jim, God has repeatedly shown the fulfillment of a promise and calling made when he was at the Dream Center in Los Angeles.  Today on Grace Street, God showed in a powerful way the way that only He can fulfill the call that He places on those that honestly and completely seek Him.

When Pastor Jim was at the Dream Center in L.A., he told his new wife Lori that God told him to build a network to bring the little known or unknown prophets to the world.  Today on the Jim Bakker show, Pastor Jim brought to the world John Shorey, Mark Blitz and Philip Cameron at the same time.

The moment was filled with powerful words from God.  Mark Blitz overflowed with the love of God when he declared that “we’re about to enter the Super Bowl of human history and I don’t want to be on the bench!  I want to be in the game coach!”

The conversation revolved around the importance for all of God’s people to be ready for the times to come.  That we are about to enter another step in Revelation times and that it’s more important than ever for people to listen to the prophets and to read the signs to be ready for God’s plan to unfold.

Philip Cameron said that God’s people need to be ready for Him to pour upon them blessings and miracles.  He says that God is in heaven with an open hand, not a closed fist.  He also called on those who support Morningside to give because God is providing the opportunity to own the entire facility which will provide a wonderful opportunity for God to work through Pastor Jim to make His vision reality.

“We have a chance to tell Jim Bakker go chase after the vision of God,” Cameron said.  “I know good soil when I see it.”

True Friends and Family Give Strength

My friend, John Shorey, has just spent several days here with us taping shows. I appreciate John because he always keeps me in mind when he thinks about preparing for Times of Trouble. It’s not unusual to get an email from him advising Lori and me that we need to do X, Y and Z to update our preps, always for our own good and in our own best interests. John is a master at prepping, and I’m glad to have him in my circle of friends.

It’s important who you have around you in these Last Days when we can almost count on going through at least some kind of difficulties as the prophecies of Matthew 24 come to pass. Good friends and family (including Church family) should come together and support each other with prayer and practical things. Continue reading