Officials in Ottawa County, Michigan are returning a sign to a public park that contains Psalm 13:1.
The catch is that it will have a disclaimer to satisfy a resident who complaint of its presence.
The sign had been in Hager Park over 40 years stating “the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Last year, a resident who chose to hide their identity complained about the sign saying they were illegally promoting Christianity.
The sign was removed by Ottawa County Parks and Recreation director John Scholtz who said he removed the sign to “reduce potential conflicts.”
The County Board of Commissioners voted 9-2 to return the sign but also to include a sign that would talk about the history of the sign’s placement. The sign was part of an agreement with the landowner who deeded the land to them.
The anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter to the county demanding they do not return the sign.