By Kami Klein
All of us need a life-changing encounter with the presence of God! This week begins our Prophetic Encounter Conference and Morningside is ready for each amazing guest! We wish all of you could be here for this truly inspiring conference but we understand that many of you could not be here. We want you to be a part of this prophetic week and join us every night via live-stream during our worship service and experiencing our incredible speakers!
Our guests are world-renowned and emerging prophetic voices and there is nothing quite like the uniting of believers praying and worshiping together! You may not be able to be on Grace Street in person but we want to worship with you anyway!
Tonight, Monday, October 14th, at 7 pm please join Tammy Sue Bakker and the PTL Band and Singers as they begin our worship service filled with song and gratitude. Our special guest speakers will be Ana Werner and Larry Sparks. Ana travels internationally teaching others to see in the Spirit, move in the prophetic, and experience healing and deliverance through her ministry. Larry Sparks is a sought after prophetic minister encouraging others on how to create space for the Holy Spirit to move in presence, prophetic words, and power, he has been featured on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural!, The Jim Bakker Show, CBN, TBN, the Elijahlist, and Charisma Magazine.
Tuesday, October 15th at 7 pm join us for worship with Tammy Sue and the PTL Band & Singers followed by our very special friend to Morningside and a true Christian Leader and Prophet for today. As Founder and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries, Rick Joyner has authored more than fifty books and is sought after by leaders all over the world for his no-nonsense, biblical and common-sense approach. In his program “Prophetic Perspectives” found on the PTL Television Network, he illuminates the current events of today with direct, informative and biblical thought.
Wednesday, October 16th at 7:30 pm Tammy Sue Bakker and the PTL Band & Singers will start the worship off followed by our special guest Jeremiah Johnson. A gifted teacher, prophet, and author of multiple books, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. He has been a guest on Christian television and radio shows including The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, and The Line of Fire with Dr. Michael Brown, as well as on networks such as Daystar, TBN, and God TV.
Thursday, October 17th, 7 pm Larry Sparks is back with another riveting worship service and joining him will be Jenny Weaver! Once a homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan, Jenny is now a true worshipper and lover of God. Transformed by His re¬newing power, Jenny’s heart is to lead people into an encounter with the Holy Spirit that will transform them as well. It is Jenny’s desire to lead prophetic, spontaneous, high praise worship and release the song of Heaven into the Earth!
Friday, October 18th, 7 pm Jenny Weaver will be back to lead the worship, followed by an inspirational, full of the Holy Spirit, healing service led by Katherine Ruonala. Katherine carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.
We all lead such busy lives that sometimes we don’t take the time to spend with God and fill our hearts with his loving presence. Our Lord has so many plans for YOU! Please schedule some time with him this week and join us during these very special worship services on Grace Street at Morningside!
To be a part of any of our LIVE events this week you can join us on the PTL Network from your Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV or go to jimbakkershow.com or ptlnetwork.com to tune in!