President Discusses Need For Fathers At Catholic Event

President Obama addressed the Catholic-Evangelical Summit on Overcoming Poverty at Georgetown University Tuesday and spoke of the importance of faith and family.

“Faith-based groups across the country and around the world understand the centrality and the importance of [poverty] in a intimate way — in part because these faith-based organizations are interacting with folks who are struggling and know how good these people are, and know their stories, and it’s not just theological, but it’s very concrete. They’re embedded in communities and they’re making a difference in all kinds of ways,” Obama said.

The President went on to say that impacting youth was vital for society.

“When I think about my own Christian faith and my obligations,” Obama continued, “it is important for me to do what I can myself — individually mentoring young people, or making charitable donations, or in some ways impacting whatever circles and influence I have. But I also think it’s important to have a voice in the larger debate. And I think it would be powerful for our faith-based organizations to speak out on this in a more forceful fashion.”

The President specifically spoke of the need for fathers to stay with their families, especially in the black community.

“I am a black man who grew up without a father and I know the cost that, I paid for that. And I also know that I have the capacity to break that cycle, and as a consequence, I think my daughters are better off.”

The summit had a goal to “make overcoming poverty a moral imperative and urgent national priority.”

Ex-Boxing Champion’s Mansion To Become Church

At one point, it was a spectacle of boxing trophies, lavish parties and even a few tigers roaming around the ground.

Now, the former mansion of legendary boxer Mike Tyson is being turned into a church after the landowner who bought the mansion at auction donated it to a local church.

The building in Southington, Ohio was built with gold-plated furnishings and even a jacuzzi room with mirrored ceilings.  The mansion still has many of the extravagant touches but has been abandoned since the boxer went bankrupt and was forced to sell almost all of his possessions.

The mansion was given to Living Word Sanctuary that plans to have the building converted to a ministry center by the end of the year.  They’ve even invited Mike Tyson to come and attend the first service in the building when it’s ready to go.

“How we stumbled upon the place was really God’s grace because we had no intentions of looking…,”said Pastor Nick Dejacimo of Living Word.  The church plans to have Vacation Bible Schools and nature events at the grounds along with weekly worship services and Bible studies.

The church is currently meeting inside a YMCA in Warren, Ohio.

Find Your Calling

One of the many things that Jim and I love about Morningside is the people that work, volunteer and study at this ministry!  From 18 to 80, the talent and creativity absolutely fill this place up!  No job is more important than the other because it takes each and every person to keep this ministry going. We get so excited when one of our staff or students find that special gift, blessed by God, and is able to glorify Him while excelling at their job.  Sometimes people will begin in one department but move to various areas of the ministry to find their right fit.   One thing is for certain, when you put Him in your heart as you go about your work, He will bless your efforts and will reveal your calling! Continue reading

Cuba Builds First Catholic Church Since 1959

The first Catholic Church in 55 years is coming to Sandino, Cuba.

The construction is significant because a number of priests were exiled, jailed or killed in the 1959 Cuban Revolution and the rise of Fidel Castro.

“There is money to begin, building materials to begin, and we have the permissions to start, so everything is ready,” said Jorge Enrique Serpa Pérez, the bishop of Pinar del Río, according to Breitbart News.

Members of the American Catholic Church, especially those serving Cuban refugees and exiles in Florida, were very skeptical about the reason for the government allowing the new church to be built.

“First, I am concerned that normalizing diplomatic ties without addressing [Fidel] Castro’s horrendous human rights record serves as a defacto endorsement for one of the most oppressive regimes in recent history,” said the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.

“As a result of Castro’s totalitarian rule, millions live in poverty, thousands lie in prisons, and many have lost their lives. In addition, the God-given rights of Cuban citizens are held hostage to governmental persecution.”

Father Cyril Castro says that the new church is proof that the faith is not lost in Cuba.

“People can say that Catholicism was lost in Cuba, but it’s not true,” he added. “The family of faith has endured. In fact, we are showing the fruit of those roots.”

American Bible Society Sells Headquarters; Relocates to Philadelphia

After almost 200 years in the Big Apple, the American Bible Society is moving to the city of Brotherly Love.

The ABS sold their New York headquarters for $300 million dollars and announced a move to the history center of Philadelphia, an area called “the most historic square mile in America.”

“We are thrilled that we will be starting a third century of service headquartered here in Philadelphia,” said American Bible Society President and CEO Roy Peterson. “Home to America’s first hopes as a new nation, Philadelphia is now home to a very bright future for American Bible Society.”

The group said the sale of the New York building was intended to provide funding for further ministry outreach.

“The 1865 Broadway property has served us well for nearly 50 years. The decision to sell the property was made to unlock the value of the site to further the mission of American Bible Society,” ministry’s Board Chairman Pieter Dearolf said earlier. “As we approach a third century of mission, we are laying the groundwork for the next 100 years of inviting people to experience the life-changing message of the Bible.”

The first president of the ABS, Elias Boudinot, was a Philadelphia native.

“Philadelphia is a place where businesses and nonprofits receive a warm reception,” Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter was quoted as saying. “On behalf of the City of Philadelphia, we’re honored to welcome American Bible Society to its new home.”

NYPD Officer Rafael Ramos Remembered As Man of Ministry

Officer Rafael Ramos, murdered at the hands of a madman on Saturday, was remembered as a man with a deep commitment to the church and a passion for ministry.

Ramos, 40, had been working to become a chaplain and was just hours away from completing the New York State Chaplain Task Force at the time of his death.

“Ralph Ramos was a long-standing member of 14 years at Christ Tabernacle. When he was not working, he was highly involved in our church. He served as an usher, was part of our marriage ministry and life group ministry. He and his family are well loved throughout the congregation,” said Rev. Adam Durso of Christ Tabernacle Church.

“Ralph was definitely a family man. He always talked about his kids and how well they were doing athletically and academically. He loved his church and family. He leaves behind his wife, Maritza, and two sons, Justin and Jayden, plus a host of family and friends. This is a tragic loss for us as a church, but we are committed to Maritza, Jayden and Justin to give them what Ralph gave us week in and week out.”

The daughter of Eric Garner, the man who died after a chokehold incident with the NYPD, reached out to the son of Ramos after Jayden Ramos posted a tribute to his father on Facebook.

“It hit my heart because I know what it feels like with this upcoming season and you don’t have your father around,” Emerald Garner wrote to Ramos. “I know firsthand what you’re feeling.”

The Final Countdown

Our recent trip to Israel and New York City with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to visit the Harbinger sites was truly one of the highlights of my life and a high point in the life of this ministry. Rabbi Cahn presented some amazing teaching in the Holy Land as well as undeniable facts about the history of our nation, how it was birthed, and now, sadly, its inevitable decline. Continue reading

Rick Warren Calls For Pastors To Avoid Focusing On Numbers

Rick Warren spoke to a group of church planters and told them that building a church is more important than drawing a crowd.

“You must be very careful how you build. Some build with gold, silver, precious stones even wood, hay and straw but the day will come when fire will reveal the quality of your work and if what you build survives, you will receive a reward,” Warren said on Thursday of the three-day conference.

“The success of your ministry isn’t about size or speed, regardless of those ‘large church lists.’ God isn’t going to judge you based on those things because those are human measurements.”

Warren said that church planters are too preoccupied with church trends or what is “currently in or hip.”

“I could show you how to get a crowd but a crowd isn’t a church,” Warren said.  “Most church planters spend an entire year planning the first service and none planning the second.”

Warren said more than anything church planters need a pure heart and clear purpose.

National “Get Back To Church” Sunday Sees Surge In Attendance

Sunday marked the sixth straight year that churches participated in the “Get Back To Church” Sunday event where those who had walked away from the church were invited to “come home.”

Churches across the country reported significant upturns in attendance as a result of the event.

“We had a wonderful service in Yuba City, CA,” wrote Greg Mansur on the event’s Facebook page. “Very high attendance, several visitors, many returned we had not seen in a while, and there was a tremendous spirit of fellowship and unity … Just a tremendous day. Appreciate all the tools and support from the BTCS team!”

“Second Baptist Church in Barnwell, South Carolina had an amazing worship service today!! We had an overflow of attendance with several visiting friends and family … a jam packed weekend! Beautiful…awe inspiring,” another poster wrote.

Scott Evans, CEO of Outreach, Inc. which started the “Get Back To Church” initiative, says the event started with 600 churches in 2009 and now is the largest such event in the country.

“We believe in this day because we know it helps people invite others to church. Back to Church Sunday really got its start from research that showed 82% of people said they would attend church if someone they knew invited them, but only 2% of church members were inviting others to come with them,” said Evans in a statement.

Hope and Expectancy

I know so many of God’s people who are weary. I don’t mean to sound down, because I’m not, but I have been – and you have been too. It’s not possible to live in this world at this time without feeling the effects of some of its pressures. Everywhere we look, everywhere we turn, there is evil all around us and it wears on us. And, if we don’t watch out, we can be overtaken by the sheer force of it.

Not only are we dealing with the effects of the world’s woes, but most of us are dealing with an unusual effort to bring us down in one way or another – be it finances, relationships, our health, our families, or any number of other life crises. Continue reading