Pastor John Kilpatrick knows revival! In the spirit-led, Wednesday night service on Grace Street, Pastor Kilpatrick shared God’s Word on His Blessings and the spiritual attacks that will most likely take place before them.
“So many are going through some really hard stuff,” he began in his riveting sermon. When the devil attacks you, he wants you to get offended with God!”
Explaining to the crowd that it is right before an amazing blessing from God that the devil will attack.
“The devil will only stir against you when he sees that something significant is going to happen to you”, Pastor Kilpatrick advised, “Hunker down, hang on and wait for what God has in store for you! Even Satan knows that he cannot stop the blessings that God has in store for you but, he can try to spoil it!”
This inspirational service brought the message of spiritual attack to light, bringing hope of the inevitable blessings and calling on all of our lives.
“I realize that when an attack ends I will be stronger, more effective and more resourceful in the kingdom than ever before. Don’t hold on to the trial. It may be a week or a month or maybe even a year but every trial has a shelf life . When it’s over, it’s OVER!”
“You got what you needed tonight!” exclaimed Pastor Jim as the service came to a close. “Miracles are going to happen. God has something so special for us! Your deliverance came tonight. Can you feel it?”
The spirit of revival is indeed at Morningside! AMEN!