Hungary’s Viktor Orban meets Trump for ‘peace mission 5.0’


Important Takeaways:

  • Orban, a longtime Trump supporter, also visited Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing in the past two weeks on a self-styled ‘peace mission’ to end the Russia-Ukraine war which has angered Hungary’s NATO allies.
  • Orban’s so-called peace initiative has irked many members of the European Union, whose rotating presidency Hungary took over at the start of this month.
  • Hungary’s Viktor Orban has met with former US President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida where they discussed the “possibilities of peace”, the latest stop in the prime minister’s solo run to secure a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war.
  • “It was an honor to visit President [Donald Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!” Orban said on X.
  • On Friday, Germany’s foreign ministry said Orban had already caused damage in the first 12 days of his country’s rotating EU presidency.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said he was not informed by Orban of his onward trip to Russia, has dismissed the prime minister’s ambition of playing the peacemaker.

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Beijing becoming more aggressive in the Indo-Pacific


Important Takeaways:

  • China is rapidly becoming more aggressive in its rhetoric and actions across Asia, the out going head of the US Indo-Pacific Command said, as Beijing turned up the heat on Washington just before Secretary of State Tony Blinken heads to the country for high-stakes visit.
  • “We all need to understand that it’s moving very fast,” Admiral John Aquilino told reporters

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Taiwan on edge as China deploys dozens of military aircraft and ships conducting drill nearby


Important Takeaways:

  • China sent 43 warplanes and seven ships near Taiwan on Wednesday in yet another large drill maneuver directed against the small island nation that Beijing claims rights over.
  • Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said 37 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered the country’s airspace in the early morning hours.
  • Taiwanese officials said its armed forces “monitored the situation” and deployed aircraft, navy vessels and ground missile systems in response to the perceived aggression.
  • The U.S., which does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country but commits to supporting it, has warned of China seeking to unify with Taiwan, potentially by force.
  • Washington is preparing for a potential war with China in the next few years over the island nation’s sovereignty and is rapidly seeking to modernize its forces, as Beijing does the same.

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Time to put Chinese Banking in the US in check


Important Takeaways:

  • Our Response to China Must Be Overwhelming, Not ‘Proportional’
  • Biden meeting Xi at this time would be a mistake…. Anything Beijing wants cannot, by definition, be good for America.
  • How, exactly, can Biden “stabilize relations” with a militant regime that has declared America to be its enemy?
  • Worse, China’s regime thinks it is already at war with the U.S.
  • Now, therefore, is the time to use all the resources of the federal government. The Secretary of the Treasury, for instance, can designate, pursuant to Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act, Chinese banks to be of “primary money laundering concern.” Designated banks can no longer clear dollar transactions through New York, where every dollar transaction clears.
  • Such designations would put the large state banks out of business everywhere outside China. If large state banks were to fail, so would China’s state-dominated banking system. The failure of the banking system would undoubtedly mean the end of the Chinese economy and financial system. The end of the political system would soon follow.

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BRICS will add six nations to its ranks next year

Putin BRICS Summit

Important Takeaways:

  • The BRICS grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will add six nations to its ranks next year, as Beijing and Moscow push for the loose collection of emerging economies to evolve into a robust counterweight to Western global dominance.
  • Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will join as members in January
  • For Beijing and Moscow, adding members is part of a long-running — and often frustrated — effort to turn a largely symbolic grouping into a vehicle for remolding international trade and finance structures to protect their interests against future sanctions from the United States and its allies.
  • Sanctions targeting Russia over the war in Ukraine have added urgency to China’s effort to create alternative global financial structures and supply chains resilient to Western disruption.
  • China and Russia have found some developing nations more receptive to their concerns about American dominance, which is part of the motivation for more members
  • The war and China-U.S. trade tensions mean that Washington has shifted its focus to the Group of Seven and is less interested in the Group of 20, creating an opportunity for BRICS to become a better platform for large developing countries to speak up
  • The “China-U.S. contest may still be locked in a stalemate, but the end result is inevitable”

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Ex-CIA official warns of Chinese election interference in Taiwan: If taking control from within doesn’t work, military engagement is an option

Taiwan Soldiers

Important Takeaways:

  • Xi Jinping wants to ‘hollow out Taiwan from within,’ ex-CIA official warns
  • China’s ruling Communist Party is preparing for war over Taiwan, but President Xi Jinping would much rather take control of the U.S.-backed Island democracy without a military clash.
  • His plan, for now, is to tilt the Taiwanese presidential election in January in Beijing’s favor.
  • That’s the assessment of David Sauer, a former U.S. intelligence officer with deep experience in the region. He said China’s strategy is to “hollow out Taiwan from within” and “create chaos” around the election to seat a president who will push the island toward unification with the communist mainland.
  • Beijing will expand its operation using “a combination of information warfare, military intimidation, political and economic manipulation,” he said during an appearance this week on “The Washington Brief,” a monthly virtual forum hosted by The Washington Times Foundation.
  • Chinese propaganda will also “frame the election as a choice between peace and war.”
  • In the wake of the election, China will assess whether to engage in military action or proceed with coercion tactics toward whatever Taiwanese government takes power, he said.

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Typhoon brings Historic Rain to China

China Flood

Important Takeaways:

  • Biblical flooding in Beijing after heaviest rain in 140 years
  • Torrents of water gushed through streets in China as moisture from former Typhoon Doksuri triggered catastrophic flooding over the weekend and into the start of August.
  • Doksuri made landfall last Friday in the Chinese province of Fujian, located roughly 1,000 miles (1,609 km) south of Beijing, and lost wind intensity over the weekend as it pushed inland. However, the tropical moisture fueled extreme rain across the country for days.
  • More than 800,000 people were forced to relocate in and around Beijing after nearly 30 inches of rain triggered some of the worst flooding in the city’s history.
  • At least 26 people have died due to the flooding. The death toll may continue to climb as officials assess the damage and as floodwaters gradually recede.

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U.S. Secretary of State meets with China’s highest ranking foreign policy official; given ultimatum to Cooperate or expect Conflict

Blinken and Xi

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Blinken Meets Xi as China Warns U.S. Must Choose Between ‘Cooperation or Conflict’
  • News of the diplomatic head-to-head came after China told the U.S. earlier in the day it must choose between “cooperation or conflict” with Beijing as both countries seek to navigate a diplomatic way forward amid fraught relations between the world’s two largest economies.
  • The pair spoke for three hours on Monday at the ornate state guesthouse in the ancient Diaoyutai gardens, according to a State Department official cited by AFP.
  • “The Secretary of State’s trip to Beijing this time comes at a critical juncture in China-U.S. relations,” Wang told Blinken, according to a readout from Chinese state broadcaster CCTV.
  • He also issued a warning on Taiwan, the self-ruling democracy claimed and continually threatened by Beijing, while reasserting the Communist dictatorship’s longstanding claim to vast swathes of the South China Sea.
  • “On this issue, China has no room to compromise or concede,” Wang told Blinken, according to CCTV.
  • “The United States must truly adhere to the One China principle confirmed in the three joint U.S.-China communiques, respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and clearly oppose ‘Taiwan independence’.”

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China in the queue to receive Iranian Drones

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Iran to supply China with 15,000 drones, official says
  • An Iranian official has revealed that China is one of the leading customers of Iranian-manufactured drones and that a large shipment is set to be sent to Beijing, amid the ongoing controversy over Tehran’s supply of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Russia.
  • According to the UK-based news outlet, Iran International, an unnamed advisor to Iran’s Intelligence Minister revealed at a ceremony at Qazvin International University that China is in the “queue” to receive 15,000 Iranian drones, with the ally being a major customer amongst 90 countries seeking to benefit from Tehran’s extensive UAV industry.

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Beijing’s New World Order – Living the ‘Chinese Dream’

Ecclesiastes 5:8 If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still

Important Takeaways:

  • As Beijing boosts its diplomatic clout, analysts say it wants to “remold” and even supplant existing global institutions.
  • Ever since China abandoned its zero-COVID policy at the end of last year, Beijing has been involved in a flurry of engagements from East to West.
  • And while Western leaders have talked about decoupling or de-risking economic ties with China, the nation remains deeply integrated with the world economy and is the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries.
  • “It would be a world order that does not constrain communist China but contributes to its rise,” he said.
  • Beijing’s world order would be defined by multipolarity, according to Mok, who says China has no plan to be a dominant power. “I don’t see a change in the world order being a case of a new boss simply replacing the old boss.”

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