The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 2)

John Shorey made the point that the middle class is disappearing in this country and we now have the very rich and those who are working two jobs at Walmart and McDonalds to make ends meet! John continued to read from Racing Towards Judgment, “God will judge this nation with economic disasters. Critical money problems will strike large and small cities alike.”

Then, David Wilkerson addresses the current issues of our day (in Racing Towards Judgment) that are in our news headlines with chilling accuracy; “There will be violence everywhere. Unheard of violence. Unbelievable violence. Unnecessary violence. Uncontrollable violence. The violence seething beneath the surface for years will explode.” They are saying today, this week, that crime is rising and even death. There is unrest in America, and when all this poverty hits and there is no food, it’s going to explode like crazy! If 50 million people suddenly did not receive their food stamp allocations, we will be seeing violence erupting in virtually every city in America. Continue reading

Shocking Decline in Morality

Most everyone knows that I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, the era of “free love” which was a nice-sounding euphemism for rampant sexual immorality. “Make love, not war” was a corny saying, but it produced a radical culture of “peace keeping” hippies who advocated nothing more than “drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll.” Everyone wanted to go along to get along, and anyone who brought attention to any of the moral “standards” that most of us grew up with was frowned upon. We were known as the “anti-establishment,” “anti-war,” “anti-government,” and anti-justabouteverything generation. We were the “counter culture” generation, and the new way was considered “revolutionary.”

We wanted to be “free” – whatever that meant. We wanted freedom from our parent’s rules (read: safeguards) and we wanted to be free of the oppression of the laws of the land which included prohibition of illegal drugs. We didn’t want anyone telling us about sin either. We grew up with that, and wanted to do our own thing without anybody judging us. We wanted freedom from any religious boundaries whatsoever. Little did we know that immorality had its own paybacks in loss of family life, children’s well-being, our own health and a host of other physical and psychological troubles that led to the decay of a once prosperous society based on Judeo-Christian principles. Continue reading

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 1)

So much is happening in our world. The reason we bring news into our show is because it’s the Revelation fulfillment – it’s the fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation and the signs of the End of the Age in Matthew 24.

It’s amazing that all of the prophetic word is being fulfilled – the droughts, the slaughtering of Christians. This ISIS is killing Christians – Jesus said before I come back, they will hate you and put you to death because of my name (Matthew 24:9). I never thought in the United States of America that people would hate Christians, but it is an antichrist spirit, and anti-Word spirit. You can get a comic book into schools but not a Bible! In the news recently, there was a 5th grader that was banned from reading the Bible during ‘free reading’ time! And a teacher was punished and banned from bringing her Bible to school. She wasn’t reading it to the class; she was just reading it for her own devotional! She could have a pornographic book, or x-rated material sitting on her desk, and she could get by with that. And during this last season, a professor specifically told his students that you cannot thank God during your graduation speech. Continue reading

Something Big is About to Happen!

Lori and I want so much for people to be ready for anything and I know in my heart that something big is about to happen!

I’m not the only one feeling this way! When Pastor John Hagee was here with us recently he said, “I think the message that God is sending to His children is that the King is coming, get ready, get ready, get ready, the Son of God is about to appear in the clouds of Heaven and this world is soon to be over.” Both, Pastor Hagee and Pastor Mark Biltz are warning of major prophetic events surrounding the appearance of the ‘blood moons’ in conjunction with Israel’s Holy Feast Days.

The signs in the heavens couldn’t be any more apparent, marking major prophetic events which will become clear as we wait on the Lord. The message right now is to get ready! If the church gets ready now, we can minister with compassion to many more people – and perhaps lead them to Jesus. Continue reading

Not on our Watch!

Over the years, one thing that has troubled me deeply and that I’ve asked Jim and our show guests about is, “Where were the Christians when they took prayer out of school?”  Of course, many, like Jim, were doing everything they could to stop this travesty.  But once it started, it was like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining momentum and strength. Though there were individuals who were preaching, teaching and proclaiming that taking prayer out of schools would lead to all kinds of moral decay, the resistance lacked unity and the result was a dismal failure.  They succeeded in taking prayer out of schools, and it was because Christians of all denominations couldn’t get it together enough to stand in one accord and say, “oh no you don’t!”

America’s moral decline rapidly accelerated following this one event – the U.S. Supreme Court’s removal of prayer from our nation’s schools. On June 25, 1962, 39 million students were prohibited from doing what they and their parents before them had been doing since we became a nation – publicly calling upon the name of the Lord at the beginning of each school day. Continue reading

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett present “SON OF GOD”

One of the greatest things about being on the air is the opportunity we have to bring you exceptional guests.  On a recent broadcast, we had the privilege of hosting Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and Mark Burnett (Producer of The Voice, Survivor, and many others) when they came to tell us about their new movie, SON OF GOD.  Our family had a chance to preview this amazing film with Roma and Mark and I have to say that I have never seen a more beautiful depiction of the life of Christ in such a sweeping, epic production.  We were awestruck and captivated as we watched.  The impact of this amazing film cannot be overstated.  This larger-than-life movie portrays the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in the New Testament featuring powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer.

It’s not often that I’m starstruck, but I can truly say that having Roma Downey and Mark Burnett on the show was one of the all-time highlights of my life.  These are warm and loving people, relatable in every way.  Even so, when I first met them, I was like a nervous school kid!  But they were quick to put all of us at ease and we had a great time talking about the Lord and their new movie. Continue reading

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 1)

The Lord woke me up again with Revelation 18 – it startled me! He said we were close to this time. We’re in a very eventful time right now. We’re in the “coming of the Lord” time. I believe the antichrist is on earth. I know this, the antichrist spirit is in the world. I believe the antichrist spirit is consuming the United States of America.

The weather has gone wild. The Lord has been dealing with me and I’ve said it for several years now; the storms are going to be out of control. They’re going to be more out of control. In the United States of America, they broke 1,000 records for temperatures last week! Is that “cold, cold, cold?’

In the last week, the temperature here has gone from 60 degrees to zero! All of these things are bringing about a warning. Rick Joyner warns that when you see strange and extreme weather (record breaking highs, lows, floods, droughts, tornadoes, storms), it is a prophetic sign that something is about to explode on the scene; the Revelation Days are upon us.

Old people can say, “there’s a storm coming”…but it’s physical and it’s spiritual (what we are feeling right now.) The Bible says the earth will groan (Romans 8:22) Continue reading

George Beverly Shea Called Home

Our hearts and the hearts of millions are deeply saddened today by the news that the legendary Gospel singer George Beverly Shea, 104, has passed away. He will be deeply missed by millions who loved him and were touched by his ministry.

George was a faithful lifetime friend and ministry associate of Dr. Billy Graham. Billy Graham has been the voice of the Gospel to the world, and George Beverly Shea stood side-by-side with him, preaching and singing for over six decades. God gave Billy the words, and gave George the music and they harmoniously flowed together to deliver the Gospel to more than 200 million people worldwide. Millions have accepted Christ and walked down to an altar of salvation as Billy gave the invitation, and George sang – his deep rich baritone voice reverberating How Great Thou Art, Just as I Am, and I’d Rather Have Jesus.

One of my great honors was having George on my broadcast at PTL and having him stand next to me as we ministered the Gospel together.

He now stands with the hosts of heaven and sings a new song before the throne of God. Our loss is heaven’s gain, but we know one day we will be reunited.

Until then…. we will miss him.


Jim & Lori Bakker

Amazing Foods That Heal – April 3-4, 2013

Join Pastor Jim & Lori along with Frank Davis, Dr. Kerry Ringer, Mark Savarese, and Elaine Atkinson April 3rd and Thursday, April 4th here at Morningside as they discuss the benefits and healing properties of whole foods.

Pastor Jim and Lori feel that physical health is a very important aspect of spiritual health in these Last Days. As the days grow darker, it will be of the utmost importance that we prepare for “The Harvest Time,” and as Lori has shared before, “If you don’t feel well, it makes it very difficult to minister.”

Wednesday, April 3rd will be a full day beginning with our live taping at 11:00 a.m. CST as Frank Davis, Dr. Kerry Ringer, and Mark Savarese will be discussing how you can take full advantage of the opportunities to improve your health with healthier food choices.

Frank will also be introducing new health promoting products from Food For Health including the new fruit and vegetable powders. These powders are primarily intended as substitutions for fresh fruits and vegetables and are convenient enough to mix your most elaborate recipes, sprinkle them as a garnish over any dish or toss them into the blender with your favorite smoothie ingredients. Continue reading

Nancy Harmon Returns to Morningside!

Nancy Harmon, composer, mentor and teacher in the “Mighty Warrior Student Training Program” which she founded, is returning to Morningside with her students for two days of excitement packed praise and worship on Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th, 2013, starting at 11 a.m. CT each day on Grace Street! Nancy will also be conducting a 7 p.m. evening service on Tuesday, April 9th. Continue reading