Ted Cruz Declares Bold Faith in Christ

While most of the nation focused on the fact Texas Senator Ted Cruz officially announced his candidacy for President in 2016, several people noticed the bold faith expressed by the Senator in his speech announcing the move.

Much of the speech consisted of Cruz saying that God was not done with America and that God has blessed America for years.

“God’s blessing has been on America from the very beginning of this nation, and I believe God isn’t done with America yet,” he said. “I believe in you. I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to reignite the promise of America, and that is why today I am announcing that I’m running for president of the United States.”

Cruz shared how God reached his father after he had left his mother and brought him home to be a Godly man.

“When I was three, my father decided to leave my mother and me,” he said. “We were living in Calgary at the time. He got on a plane and he flew back to Texas, and he decided he didn’t want to be married anymore and he didn’t want to be a father to his three-year-old son.”

“And yet when he was in Houston, a friend, a colleague from the oil and gas business, invited him to a Bible study— invited him to Clay Road Baptist Church—and there my father gave his life to Jesus Christ,” Cruz continued. “And God transformed his heart. And he drove to the airport, he bought a plane ticket, and he flew back to be with my mother and me.”

Cruz said that because of God moving in his father’s life, he knows Christ is real.

“There are people who wonder if faith is real,” Cruz said. “I can tell you, in my family there’s not a second of doubt, because were it not for the transformative love of Jesus Christ, I would have been saved and I would have been raised by a single mom without my father in the household.”


Atheist Convention Refused Billboard Mocking Christians

The organization American Atheists showed their hatred toward Christians with a billboard campaign to promote their convention which was scheduled to fall on Easter weekend.

The group posted a photo of a young girl with bunny ears and text that read “An atheist convention on Easter weekend?  Looks like we’re skipping church again.”

The openly hate-driven billboard was rejected by a billboard leasing company in Nashville who said the signs were “offensive” and “aggressive.”

The anti-Christian head of the atheist organization immediately ran to media outlets about being held accountable for his hate speech.

“The double standard is as ridiculous as it is discriminatory,” said American Atheists President David Silverman in a press release.

“Our billboards feature a happy little girl wearing bunny ears. Our convention is, in fact, this April 2-5, which falls on Easter weekend. Is stating this fact what Americans, champions of free speech, find ‘aggressive?’ This is exactly why we are coming to the Bible Belt — we go where we are needed; it could not be more clear that we are needed here.”

Silverman repeatedly tries to claim the billboards aren’t aimed to anger Christians.

Laboratory Can’t Explain Deadly Bacteria Release

A dangerous and deadly bacteria has been released from a high-security laboratory in Louisiana.

The release of Burkholderia pseudomallei from the Tulane National Primate Research Center has been the subject of investigations by multiple federal and state organizations but none has been able to explain the cause of the release or even how much bacteria has contaminated the land in the area.

The lab, 35 miles north of New Orleans, is just the latest safety breach at some of the biggest laboratories in the nation.  

“The fact that they can’t identify how this release occurred is very concerning,” Richard Ebright, a biosafety expert from Rutgers University, told USA Today.

The scientists at the lab say that four monkeys that were never used in the experiments have been confirmed to have exposure to the virus.  A federal investigator became ill after visiting the facility and tested positive for the virus.  The scientist will make a full recovery.

“We’re taking this extraordinarily seriously. It’s very disturbing to us,” said Andrew Lackner, director of the Tulane primate center. “Right from the beginning we’ve spent an enormous amount of time trying to figure out how this could have happened.”

Lackner says there is no public health threat.

Jesus’ Childhood Home Found?

Archaeologists working in Nazareth believe they may have found the home where Jesus grew up as a child.

The house, made of mortar and stone walls, was cut into a rocky hillside.  The building was first found by nuns in the 1880s and not formally investigated until 2006.  

The lead professor on the investigation, Ken Dark of the University of Reading, says that while they can’t confirm definitively for Jesus’ childhood home, you can’t discount it.

“Was this the house where Jesus grew up? It is impossible to say on archaeological grounds,” Dark wrote in an article published in the magazine Biblical Archaeology Review. “On the other hand, there is no good archaeological reason why such an identification should be discounted.”

The archeologists noted that in the Byzantine Empire decorated the house with mosaics and constructed a church called the “Church of the Nutrition” over it.  It leads the investigators to believe that the Byzantines and Crusaders believed it was Jesus’ home.

Indian City Bans Public Gatherings Due To Swine Flu

A city in western India has banned public gatherings after swine flu has killed almost 1,000 people in the last 11 weeks.

Officials in Ahmedabad have banned gatherings of more than 5 people.  The city, the capital of Gujarat state, is going to allow funerals and weddings but all participants and attendees must wear protective masks throughout the gathering.

The law used is usually to stop rioting or social disorder.

Gujarat state has the second highest number of deaths in the country from the H1N1 virus.  The ban went into place after the assembly speaker and the state health minister both were found to have the virus.

Doctors say the death toll is likely climbing because people are delaying going to hospitals believing it’s just a regular cold and not swine flu.

Federal Health Minister J.P. Nadda said the country has enough medicine to treat cases and the public should not panic.

The Law of First Mentioned (Pt. 1)

I love the deep mysteries of God.  Every time I find a new mystery being revealed within the Word, whether it’s in my own personal Bible study or from great speakers on a national stage, it does something in my spirit.  It is what I am all about.

In Proverbs 25:2 it is revealed that “It is the Glory of God that can seal a matter.”  He likes to hide things!   Think about that.  The God of the universe and it is His glory to conceal a matter!  But the 2nd part of that verse says, “It is the Honor of kings to search things out.” We are those kings! God likes to conceal things and it is to our glory and honor to reveal them.  Continue reading

Ears to Hear

One of the most amazing things we’ve ever done on our show was just recently when we sent Zach down to Texas to talk with a precious couple about their calf. This was no ordinary calf – and it was no ordinary town. The calf was a red heifer born with a “7” outlined perfectly on its head.

You might recall on our recent shows with Rabbi Cahn where he told us of a previous black calf born with a “7” clearly outlined on its face. The Rabbi said this calf was another “harbinger” that confirms that we are entering a time of judgment in this nation at the end of this Shemitah 7-year cycle which is in September. Continue reading

Turn It Around!

Most of you know that Jim and I are very health conscious and we do our best to take care of ourselves. That’s because we have had health issues that would probably have taken us out if we hadn’t! That’s the reason so many people like Frank Davis and Montel Williams take care of themselves too – they both have serious health issues that could have been a lot worse but they made a choice to fight back against those things! They turned it around – we turned it around – and so can you! Continue reading

The Common Sense that God Gave Us

This week, I hope you have been enjoying our visit with Governor Mike Huckabee.  It truly was an honor to meet this kind, approachable man of God.  It felt as though Jim and I had known him for years!

Both of us had been reading his new book God, Guns, Grits and Gravy. You know it is really a good book when you can catch us reading anything at the very same time!  There were several moments that we were nodding our heads simultaneously with this feeling of relief that someone understands what America has been crying out desperately to our government for a very long time…common sense!

Continue reading

The Year Ahead

As we look forward to the New Year of 2015 we realize that there is nothing more important than our health; physically, mentally and more importantly, spiritually.   After all . . . what will we be able to do for the Lord if we cannot face each new day with energy and the strength to accomplish what He has set before us?

This past year has been a rough one for me; however it is the joy of the Lord that is my strength! I have determined in my heart of hearts that this year will be a better one for all who are following the Lord Jesus and are led by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Continue reading