Busy, Busy, Busy…

It’s really unbelievable that so many people are just too busy to pay attention to what the Bible has to say about the Revelation Days!  Even those who are Christian and attend churches regularly seem to have just too much going on to be very bothered at all by what we see and hear in the news or what the occasional preacher may say.  It’s a well-known fact that most Americans believe they’ll never go hungry! 

Oh, how proud we are!  How arrogant are those who have always had more than enough to think it will always be that way!  I’m very concerned about people, even Christians, who think they can ignore the signs of the Last Days.  But the Bible says that it will be this way.  In fact, the Bible says in the Last Days that it will be like in the days of Noah.  In Noah’s days, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, and in essence, carrying on with life as if it would always be that way.  That is… until it started to rain!

Even the ordinary everyday things a woman must do to keep her family going, echo the book of Revelation’s warnings for the End Times.  Have you been grocery shopping lately?  Have you noticed that you can’t get the same things you did six months ago for the same prices!  The prices of food are going up phenomenally!  Feeding Ricky is not easy lately (ha)!   And don’t mention the price of gas! 

Hyper-inflation is directly out of the Book of Revelation!!  Look at Rev 6:5,6  “When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse, and its rider held a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard something that sounded like a voice coming from the middle of the four living creatures. The voice said, “A quart of wheat for a day’s pay, and three quarts of barley for a day’s pay…”

There are some who think that what happened in Japan can’t happen to us… oh people, please read your Bible!

It’s time to unburden your everyday life with the cares of this world, and remember what really matters for you and your family!  Give your family the gift of wisdom!  Prepare your own heart and prepare as much as you can in the natural, and then teach your children and family members to prepare theirs!  Get your house in order!  Jesus is coming soon and THAT should be our priority!



Spiritual Warfare and the End Times

There are times when I get weary of the battle.  I know the Word says not to be weary in well doing, but I’m not Sister Super Saint and I doubt you are either.  Is it just me, or does it seem like the spiritual battles are getting stronger and closer together in the last few years? 

In Matthew 24, the Lord says that the signs of His coming (wars, earthquakes, signs in the heavens) will get closer and closer together and increase in intensity, like labor pains in a woman that is about to give birth.  I feel like the frequency and the intensity of the spiritual battles are picking up too.  Does anyone else out there feel the same thing?

In ministry, there are always battles to be fought and won.  We are not strangers to the wiles of our enemy, the devil, who does not want the word to go out that JESUS IS COMING SOON!  Our enemy is trying to get us to focus on things that are temporary, not eternal.  The devil will always do whatever he can to steal, kill and destroy everything and everyone that belongs to Jesus.  And the devil is mad – very mad – that his time is short.  But GREATER IS HE THAT IS WITHIN US – than he that is in the world.

Jesus, our Bridegroom, is coming soon – and we, His Bride, the Church, are looking and preparing for His coming!  The Bible tells us to  be ready!  In Matthew Chapter 25, we read about the parable of the ten virgins.  The Bible says that five were ready to meet the Bridegroom and these were called “prudent” or sensible, and five were not ready and these were called “foolish”.

Every single day, the Bible’s prophecies are coming to pass before our very eyes.  I’m convinced that the enemy of our souls is doing his best to distract us with the concerns of this world, so that we will not be focused on our Bridegroom and will not be ready, i.e. “foolish”.

Whatever is happening in your life, whatever mountain you face, whatever circumstance is preying upon your emotions – keep your eyes on the Prize!  We overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.  In Hebrews, Chapter 11, the Bible tells us to recall the times of the faithfulness of our God – the spiritual battles He has brought us through – and every time He worked in our behalf.

The Bible says that God will never, never, never leave you nor forsake you.  He will arise and fight our battles as we praise Him and recall His goodness towards us.  Let’s learn to fight our spiritual battles skillfully – and as Jims says “stop fighting each other.”   

We need your help!  The battles may be great, but the rewards are greater!  When the Church comes together, we are stronger.  One can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand!  The Lord opened Elisha’s eyes during a battle, to show him that the hills were lined with chariots of fire all around them!  The Lord has not left us alone in the End Times!

Jim and I will continue the fight to tell as many as we can, for as long as we can, that JESUS IS COMING SOON – BE READY!    We need you to help us – fight the good fight of faith!



It Can’t Happen to Us – CAN IT?

Sometimes I’m amazed at the unconcerned mindsets and attitudes the majority of the people who live in this country have.  It seems that no matter what is going on all around us, how much economic turmoil we hear about and see in the news,  or how much chaos the world is experiencing – it seems as though people carry on with a lackadaisical attitude of que sera sera – whatever will be will be. 

How can they do that?  I honestly don’t get it.  I’m a mother and a wife.  My family is my major concern for me.  I am concerned enough about the ones I love to do what I can to spare them any unnecessary pain or grief or lack in Times of Trouble. 

Yesterday and today, I have been watching the news about those poor people in Japan.  The pictures and the videos are heart-wrenching!  My heart goes out to that nation and that people!  Yesterday, I saw a young couple standing in line for milk and diapers for their one-year-old.  Can you imagine not being able to feed your baby or diaper it?

Years ago, right after Katrina, I remember seeing or hearing about an emergency package that people could grab to take with them in  case of a natural disaster or other urgent situation.  It contained everything you need to survive when all of your normal essentials of life were somehow taken from you or otherwise destroyed.  It was from this idea that I asked Jim to develop a “Grab ‘n Go” backpack that we could have for our family in Times of Trouble.  He liked the idea so much that he thought we should share it with others.  It is now available through our on-line store or by calling 1(888) 988-1588.

You know, it’s not the time to criticize people like us for having things like this available!  Please, let’s get past the silliness and just GET READY! 

The prophetic dreams, visions and revelation that the Lord gives his people are for a reason!  We are not to ignore them!  Do what you can today for your family and then rest in the fact that we are in the hands of a loving God.

As this disaster in Japan goes on and on, we are being given the time and the prophetic warning that it is coming to this country through many voices.  Don’t ignore it! Jim has been saying that there will be a 9.0 in Japan and then after that, Los Angeles will have an earthquake.

What if California falls into the ocean?  What if the New Madrid fault gives way in the middle of this country?  I DON’T WANT TO BE AN ALARMIST BUT I DO WANT TO BE A REALIST!  And above all, I want to be wise in preparing for a catastrophe.  I don’t want anyone I love to have to suffer unnecessarily, and I want to have something left over to give to others.    

This truly could be the Church’s finest hours if we WAKE UP, LISTEN AND PREPARE! 




Lori’s House and Stella’s House – Watch This Week!

I am very excited that we are planning to build a home here at Morningside for unwed mothers called “Lori’s House”. This is a fulfillment of many prophecies given to me, and the plan of God to use all the bad in my life for good in these Last Days.

We are also helping Philip Cameron and his wife, Chrissie, in Moldova to build a safe home for girls who are orphans but at 16, they are turned out into the streets to fend for themselves. Many of these girls are kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking. Moldova is the engine of the sex traffic machine across Europe. Countless girls are kidnapped or tricked into leaving the country. Hours later they are shipped to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia and other nations where they are beaten, drugged and forced into prostitution.

Philip rescues as many as he can and brings them to safety. Philip’s homes for girls are called “Stella’s House” in honor of a handicapped girl who lost her life to AIDS after only 3 years in the sex trafficking industry.

We believe that in the coming days, there is nothing more important than caring for the unborn and the orphans. I can never go back and restore my children that I aborted so many years ago when I was living a sinful life, but I can go forward and help others make right decisions to give the gift of life.

I have never been more excited or more sure about building “Stella’s House” in Moldova and “Lori’s House” here at Morningside. This is the ministry for which I was called out of darkness into light – to take the stick which the devil beat me with and beat him back!

When I think about my life and purpose in the Kingdom of God, I know this is the “religion” I can live and die for.  There is no doubt, there is no hesitation, that caring for the unborn and the orphans is a purpose that is perfect before the Lord.

“A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27 ISV

I want my life to count for something, don‘t you?  I want to help young girls navigate through all the circumstances and pain surrounding a difficult situation of an untimely pregnancy, and help them to make a right decision to give life to the innocent.  That’s something of VALUE I can do in this life that will carry on into eternity.

“But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done.  The fire will show if a person’s work has any VALUE.” 1 Cor 3:13 NLT

We can do much more together than any of us could do alone.  Some people say well Lori, you can’t save them all.  No, but the Lord values each and every life – and we will save those we can.  We need your help to do all that we can for the orphans and the innocent.  Become a partner with us today!

Remember, “when you give… your Father in heaven sees everything and will reward you.”  Matthew 6



Ghetto Christianity

There’s a phenomenon in the inner city called the “ghetto mentality”.  I learned a lot about the way people in the ghetto think when I was in Master’s Commission in the inner city in Phoenix.  This mentality encompasses many things, but for the sake of this blog, we’ll focus on anyone who tries to better him/herself.

In the ghetto, the thinking is largely that one will never improve his or her circumstances, and anyone who tries will be belittled and intimidated until they give up the dream of ever achieving anything or becoming anything else.   “Who do you think you are – you think you’re better than us?”  Keeping the proper order is important in the ghetto.  If you upset the rank, then others will be forced to take a hard look at themselves and the excuses they have adopted for not even trying. 

It’s even worse than that.  In the ghetto, people assign importance to learning how to “get over” on the system and therefore, knowing how to get what they want without any effort.  Those who work are ridiculed.  Why work when you can learn how to get free handouts, i.e. entitlements.  This mentality spills over into every part of life and it becomes a very cynical, shallow  and dishonest way of dealing with life.  It takes a miracle to break out of such an existence, so many have learned what they believe is how to be “happy” within it.

You will often hear me say on the show “don’t be a victim!”  That may sound like such an overly simplistic thing to say to some people.  But having learned from those in the ghetto the mentality of always blaming something else for your circumstances or situation in life, it’s a commonly held belief that needs to be torn down.

Even in the inner city, there are ways to help yourself and to dig out of those circumstances if you put your mind to it – which often entails hard work and preparation!  One thing is for sure, if you do nothing and blame everything and everyone else for your station in life, you have NO chance of ever changing it!

And so it is in the church.

In many ways, those who try to be anything other than a nominal Christian are often ridiculed.  Their mentality is to let others do their studying, praying and spiritual warfare for them.  Then when the events or circumstances of life turn out badly, they are angry, unprepared and can’t muster the faith they need to overcome.    

Jim says he learned the same lesson from Billy Graham many years ago.  It went something like this; if you stick your head up above the crowd, you’re going to get the tomatoes!

It’s time for the church to rise above the ghetto mentality.  It’s time for the church to pay attention to those who are telling them to prepare and be ready.  It’s time for the church to work together to help one another.  It’s time to encourage one another to rise above the “happy church” mentality and to get ready for difficult times that are surely coming.  We can’t depend on the government to do it for us.  The church should be prepared to help ourselves and others.

Pay no attention to those who ridicule you for being prepared.  Learn to dodge the rotten tomatoes!

It’s time to break out of the “ghetto mentality” within our ranks!



A Good Heart

When Jim and I married, we had both lived a long time on this earth and a lot of history had been written in our lives before we came together as husband and wife.  So, there was much to learn about each other!

As with most people when they fall in love and begin to realize they are moving toward a life-long commitment, we would sometimes talk into the night – hour upon hour – just trying to ‘get to know’ one another.  The truth is, we are still learning!

After we had been married a while, I remember reading a story told by a man who had worked for Jim at PTL for ten years.  He drove a bulldozer and helped to clear PTL land for development.  He recounted that when he and Jim were clearing trees from some remote acres of PTL property to build campsites and bunkhouses, Jim discovered an elderly black couple living in a shack just off the edge of the property.

The man had only one arm and his wife was bedridden.  They didn’t have running water.  The man was cutting wood with a chain saw with his one hand, and they used that wood in a stove to cook their meals.

Without saying anything, Jim had a new trailer pulled in for them to live in.  Then, he had the trailer hooked up to a septic tank and had a well drilled for them so that they would have running water.

Nothing told me more about Jim’s heart than that story.

Matthew 12:35, “A good man out of the good treasure of His heart brings forth good things.”

Some of us need to mine the treasures in the hearts of our loved ones more often.  We need to dig deep and remember the good things that flow out of the hearts of the ones we love.

It’s all too easy to let life’s everyday pressures make us callous to the real heart of a person.  Recall something good about your loved one today.

Phillipians 4:8:  “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Aging and Your Health

Jim and I have found an awful lot of humor lately in the natural aging process.  I guess it’s better that way – it sure beats crying!  But seriously, since we are both baby boomers, we are coming into a harsh reality of the facts of life regarding our age.  Jim and I focus a lot on health issues on our show because we know that taking care of your health is the most important thing you can do and I’ll tell you why.

Your quality of life diminishes when you are not healthy, and your spiritual life suffers as well.  When you don’t have your health, it’s hard to pray, it’s hard to read your Bible, and it’s hard to focus on anything spiritual at all!  When you are sick, all your strength goes to the misery of your illness.

You not only feel better when you take care of yourself, you look better too, which makes the aging process a lot more tolerable!

Jim is seeing his Father when he looks in the mirror lately and I have to say that I am seeing a lot more of my Mother, who is still very beautiful in her maturity.  As we age, we can make the most of our physical bodies and there is much we can do with diet and exercise to affect their well-being.

You know, it’s really very true that when you are old, you can’t just rely on charm and good looks anymore!  You better have something inside!

We have learned so much from the health experts that we have on the show and we want you to know how, in many cases, you can heal yourself by eating right and exercising!

This coming week, February 9, 10, 11, we are having three very knowledgeable health experts on the show.  If you can join us for live streaming, we would love to have you!  We’ll show you how to take care of yourself and make healthy choices so that you can age gracefully and make the most of your life!

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman (Pt. 3)

That afternoon at the Dream Center, I looked out at the women and saw brown faces, black faces, and white faces.  The color of their skin varied, but the pain in their eyes was the same.  Hard living had aged many of them beyond their years:  a girl grows up way too fast in the ghetto.  They were listening intently, and I knew they understood my sorrow when I admitted that my bad choices far from ended with my decision to marry Jesse.

As I shared even more of my life story with the women at the Dream Center, I could tell that many of them related to the deep personal pain that stemmed from my bad choices.  Some of them were sobbing openly; many had tears in their eyes.  The joy is that I was able to share not just the pain and brokenness but the fact that God had loved me back to wholeness.

“God can only heal what you are willing to reveal,” I told the audience.  When I gave an invitation to come forward for prayer, the response was overwhelming.  Most of these women had already committed their lives to Christ, but there were still so many deep hurts that needed healing.  One woman who wanted prayer shared with me that she had had five abortions.  She was praying and sobbing to the point of having dry heaves.  Some of the other ladies were afraid she was going to throw up and wanted to help her, but I asked them to leave her alone.  It doesn’t happen that often, but sometimes a woman’s grief can be so intense that she gets physically sick.  In that case, it’s actually best to let her get that out.

As I had sensed in my spirit, God did something powerful that day for these women.  I was honored that He would use me as his chosen vessel.

Over the years, God has presented the opportunity over and over again to share my story with hurting women.  While His healing power has worked in my life to restore me to wholeness, there are many still suffering.

I share my story because it makes Jesus real to others who are hurting.

My story isn’t pretty – it isn’t easy to hear.  I am not proud of it – but it’s my TESTIMONY and it is holy unto God.

What I brag about today is not the past – but the future in Christ that I now have and others can have through the loving, forgiving, healing, covering Blood of Jesus!

HE took my sin to that Cross at Calvary so long ago.

HE will take yours too!  Receive Christ today as your Savior!


~ Lori

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 1
Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 2

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman (Pt. 2)

About eighty women attended the meeting that Friday afternoon.  It was a treat to have my “girls” there—not only Kelli, Morgan, and Nicks, but Nina Atuatasi, my Samoan “daughter,” who showed up just before the meeting.  Nina, a gifted musician, had arrived in the Los Angeles area a few hours earlier and surprised me by driving over for the meeting.  Before I preached, she sang two songs and ushered in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“I don’t trust people who haven’t been through something,” I told the ladies.  “And I have a feeling that most of you have been through adversity.  You’ve known some deep pain and heartache.”  Many women responded vocally.  As I began recounting my personal story, I also preached about making choices—how bad choices get us into trouble, but “God choices” get us out.

In the back of my mind, I could hear my father—who sounded just like Archie Bunker on the old All in the Family TV show—saying, “You’re a bad picker, Little Girl.”  Dad was so right about that.  My teenage years were full of bad choices, with disastrous and far –reaching consequences.

I told the women at the Dream Center how Jesse and I had decided we would get married in the summer, after I graduated.  My last year in high school, I was in the DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) program, so I only went to class for half a day, and then I went to my job.  One afternoon in late April, Jesse picked me up after work, and he had an engagement ring for me. Standing there in from t of Diamond’s department store, he put a diamond on my finger.

My mother was devastated when I told her I was going to marry Jesse.  “Lori, please wait,” she begged me. “You’re too young.”

“I’m older than you were,” I snapped.

“That’s true—and it’s why I know firsthand how hard it is.”

She looked pained.  Mom had been just sixteen when Dad , who was eighteen, pressured her to get married.

“Besides, you can’t stop me.  I’ll be eighteen at the end of August, and then I won’t need your permission.”  I was stubborn and determined.  “So either you sign the papers for me to get married, or we’ll go to another state and elope.”

Mom kept trying to talk sense into me, but I wouldn’t listen.  She knew that Jesse hated his mother, and that was a huge warning sign for her.  “He doesn’t have a good family relationship,” she said, “and he won’t be good to you.” I turned a deaf ear to every reason why the marriage wouldn’t work.

(to be continued)

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 1
Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 3

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman (Pt. 1)

I opened my Bible to 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, which I had often prayed over in my ministry: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

“Heavenly Father,” I prayed, “please help me to show my wounds today, so that you may use them as a source of healing.”

It is never pleasant to relive the past when I share my testimony.  But I do it because God uses it to comfort others.  A hurting woman knows I understand her pain and suffering when she hears that I have been down the same road.  And when she receives healing from God, she will extend that same comfort to yet others so that the circle of wounded healers widens.

I’ll never forget the first time I shared a short testimony before a group of women at Phoenix First in the fall of 1990.  I had panicked at the thought of standing before the pastors’ wives and the matriarchs of the church and telling them even the briefest highlights of my sordid past.  I had been a Christian for only about eighteen months, and I still carried a dump truck size load of shame about my past sins, even though I knew God had forgiven me and completely changed my life—in fact, he had called me into full-time ministry.

They’re going to shun me, I thought.  They’ll talk about me, and I’ll never be able to hold my head high.  I’ll have to leave the church.  They think I’m the perfect little Christian, but when they find out. . .

On and on the accusing voice assaulted my mind.  My stomach was so tied in knots; I didn’t think I could go through with it.  I nearly backed out at the last minute, but I managed to battle my fear and honor my commitment to give a five-minute testimony.

I was petrified as I stepped behind the pulpit—the spot usually occupied by Tommy Barnett, one of the most respected pastors in America.  What an incredible honor.  Some one thousand women were in the audience, about six or seven hundred from the inner city and three or four hundred ladies from Phoenix First.  The lights were dimmed, so I couldn’t see their faces.  But I definitely heard them respond when I took the microphone and said, “From the time I was seventeen to the time I was twenty-one, I had five abortions.”  The loud gasps throughout the audience paralyzed me for a moment, but I finished my story and then sat down to listen to the other testimonies.  Well, now they know, I thought.  I wondered if anybody would even speak to me, or if they would just avoid me.

One of the first people I saw afterward was Marja Barnett, my pastor’s wife.  Phoenix Fist Assembly is a huge church, and as I recall, she had never spoken to me before, except perhaps to say hello.  This beautiful, gracious woman came over to me, kissed me on the cheek, and then clasped my hands.  “Oh, Lori, you poor thing,” she said in her lilting Swedish accent. “I never know you have such a horrible life—I can’t believe what you go through.  I’m so happy you are in our church.  I love you so much!”

I don’t remember exactly what she said after that.  All I know is that Marja’s love and acceptance flowed over my soul that day like a healing balm.  Now, eight years later, she had invited me to the Dream Center, and my heart’s desire was to extend the same encouragement to those who needed it.

(to be continued)

Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 2
Becoming a Hope Craftswoman – Part 3