Brazilian Dam Breaks, Flooding Village with Mud; 2 Dead, Dozens Missing

Two dams at a Brazilian iron ore mine collapsed on Friday, resulting in a devastating mudslide that has killed at least 2 people, injured 30, and left dozens missing.

A spokesman representing the firefighters said that the numbers of deaths, injured, and missing will likely rise due to the mudslide knocking over cell towers and blocking roads. Time Magazine reports that union officials believe the casualties could be as high as 15.

“In reality there are a lot more, but we can’t confirm any more than that. We don’t even know that we’ll find everybody,” firefighter Adão Severino Junior in the nearby city of Mariana told Reuters.

Hundreds of families were evacuated from the area after the initial escape to higher ground. Television footage of the incident showed a car perched on top of a wall, trees being leveled, and roofs being ripped off of houses due to the waste waters that were unleashed from the dams, according to Reuters.

Rescue teams are still looking for trapped survivors.

Israeli Prime Minister to Visit U.S. to Discuss Various Political Matters with President Obama

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to visit President Obama on Monday to discuss various issues including the nuclear deal with Iran, peace between Israel and Palestine, and a new 10-year security cooperation agreement.

While the two world leaders have had disagreements in the past, Monday’s meeting will focus on making progress on security issues regarding Syria, Iran, and the Palestinian conflict, according to USA Today. Voice of America News states that they will also be discussing the fight against the Islamic State.

“The president looks forward to discussing with the prime minister regional security issues, including implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action to peacefully and verifiably prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and countering Tehran’s destabilizing activities in the region, “ White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu has previously described the level of security cooperation that’s been offered by the Obama administration as ‘unprecedented.’ That, I think, is an indication of the president’s personal commitment to the security of Israel and to the unshakeable bond between our two countries,” he noted in September when announcing the visit.

President Obama will also likely encourage Prime Minister Netanyahu to take steps in order to find a peaceful two-state solution between Israel and Palestine as administration officials stated on Thursday that a peace deal between the two countries would not happen during President Obama’s term, according to the Washington Post. U.S. officials told the Washington Post that Obama would like to hear Netanyahu’s ideas of what can be done to achieve peace “in the absence of negotiations.”

Bloomberg reports that while in the United States, Netanyahu will also speak at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. He will also speak at the Center for American Progress, a Washington-based institution with strong ties to liberal Democratic groups. Analysts say that this may be his way of rebuilding a relationship with American Democrats.

“He understands the need to reach out,” said Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and a member of the Knesset from the Kulanu party, part of Netanyahu’s coalition government. “It’s Israel’s duty to reach out to progressives and liberals, and I don’t think we’ve done a very good job.”

Monday’s meeting comes after Netanyahu’s newly appointed spokesman, Ran Baratz, insulted President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. In one of Baratz’s Facebook posts, he called Obama anti-semitic and insulted the intelligence of Kerry. Since then, Baratz has issued an official apology. Prime Minister Netanyahu had this to say on the matter:

“I have just read Dr. Ran Baratz’s posts on the Internet, including those relating to the president of the state of Israel, the president of the United States and other public figures in Israel and the United States,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “Those posts are totally unacceptable and in no way reflect my positions or the policies of the government of Israel. Dr. Baratz has apologized and has asked to meet me to clarify the matter following my return to Israel.”

U.S. Officials Report that Russia’s Forces in Syria have Grown to 4,000 People

U.S. security officials told Reuters on Thursday that Russia has doubled its military personnel in Syria in its campaign to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

On September 30 when Russia began its recent wave of airstrikes in Syria, there was an estimated 2,000 personnel. Now, they have not only doubled their people, but have also approximately doubled the number of bases they are using. Security officials stated that an exact number of personnel cannot be known since the Kremlin has suffered combat casualties in Syria.

Russian officials have declined to comment regarding the size of their military forces in Syria and did not answer any questions that were sent by Reuters.

However, they did state that no Russian troops have been in combat in Syria, although there are advisers and trainers working with the Syrian military. Reuters also reports that Russian forces are guarding the bases in western Syria.

The Kremlin further states that since they have been in Syria, they have only lost one soldier who committed suicide. The parents of the serviceman have stated they doubt this claim.

The U.S. has criticized Russia over their recent involvement in the Syrian civil war. While Russia has stated numerous times that they are there to fight the Islamic State, numerous reports have indicated that Syrian rebels have been the main targets of their airstrikes in order to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. believes that Assad should step down from his leadership role in order for the Syrian civil war to end.

Scarlet Fever Making a Comeback and May Now Resist Antibiotics

After nearly 100 years, the bacterial infection, scarlet fever, has made a comeback in Britain and in parts of Asia. And to make matters worse, it may no longer be an easy treatable infection as new research suggests that the infection is showing signs of antibiotic resistance.

“We have not yet had an outbreak in Australia, but over the past five years there have been more than 5,000 cases in Hong Kong (a 10-fold increase) and more than 100,000 cases in China,” said Mark Walker, one of the researchers, in a news release. “And an outbreak in the UK has resulted in 12,000 cases since last year.

The Washington Post reports that scarlet fever is caused by a group of A Streptococcus bacteria that can turn strep throat into scarlet fever. Most people who are affected are children between the ages of 5 and 12. The disease develops a red, sandpaper-like rash on the person’s body, and while it’s unpleasant, it can easily be treated with antibiotics. There is currently no vaccine.

“We now have a situation which may change the nature of the disease and make it resistant to broad-spectrum treatments normally prescribed for respiratory tract infections, such as scarlet fever,” said Nouri Ben Zakour, one of the researchers.

The idea that this new outbreak of scarlet fever could easily be treated was rethought when researches from the University of Queensland discovered that the new scarlet fever cases were resisting antibiotics. While penicillin is still effective, other treatments such as tetracycline, clindamycin, and erythromycin may not be, which poses an immediate threat to people who are allergic to penicillin.

The rise in scarlet fever could pre-empt a future rise in rheumatic heart disease, which causes permanent heart damage. Knowing this, researchers hope to continue studying the patterns of the disease and the effects it has on a person’s health, according to Science World Report.

NATO Chief Raises Alarm over Russia’s Buildup from Baltic to Mediterranean

NATO’s secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg is shouting the alarm over Russia’s recent buildup of military forces from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea and is wanting the U.S.-led alliance to respond.

Stoltenberg addressed the issue at a news conference in Portugal during NATO war games. He stated that he is worried that Russia’s military could limit access to those regions for the United States and its allies, according to Fox News.

“We have to be sure that we are able to overcome these capabilities, so we can reinforce, so we can move and we can deploy forces if needed,” said Stoltenberg.

Leaders and representatives of nine Eastern European NATO member nations met on Wednesday. Due to Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and threats from ISIS, NATO leaders called for an increased alliance presence in Europe.

In the past, NATO has refrained from deploying permanent substantial combat forces due to an agreement with Russia that dates back to 1997. However, this year NATO has been deploying small military units in and out of countries that they feel is at risk from Russia. NATO has been careful not to make it appear to the Kremlin as if they are deploying permanent reinforcements, according to the Associated Press. Although, Stoltenberg’s comments hint that NATO might be rethinking this agreement.

Meanwhile, Russia continues to build upon their current military presence in Syria. CBS News reports that Russia has recently brought in anti-aircraft missiles to Syria to protect their jets from being attacked or hijacked. Russian military officials did not specify how many missiles or what type of missiles were brought into Syria.

China and Taiwan Leaders to Meet for First Time Since 1949

Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet with Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou on Saturday, the first time since the two governments split in 1949 at the end of the Chinese civil war.

Both leaders have stated that Saturday’s meeting will focus on relations across the Taiwan Straits.

Reuters reports that the timing of the meeting takes place at the same time as a rising anti-China sentiment sweeps Taiwan. With elections in Taiwan only a few weeks away, analysts believe the meeting is a sign that China is worried about the opposing party winning the election. This would ruin the currently rebuilt relations between China and Taiwan that the current Taiwanese president made a key policy since he took office in 2008. Since Ma has been president, China and Taiwan have signed 23 deals covering transit, investments, and mainly trade.

This could mean war between China and Taiwan as the Chinese government has threatened to use military force against Taiwan if the country ever tried to gain total independence, according to BBC News. China does claim sovereignty over Taiwan and believes the two will be reunited in the future.

Last year, Chinese President Xi recommended a one-country, two-system joint rule where Beijing controlled Taiwan, but Taiwan would continue to retain a political system and some autonomy.

Taiwanese officials and President Ma will hold press conferences regarding the meeting on Wednesday and Thursday.

Ancient Greek Fortress Found in Jerusalem; Could Solve Archaeological Mystery

Archaeologists told Reuters that they believe they have found the remains of an ancient Greek fortress after a century of searching. The fortress was once a center of power in Jerusalem and a stronghold that held off a Jewish rebellion celebrated in the Book of the Maccabees.

The fortress was built more than 2,000 years ago by Antiochus Epiphanes, king of the Hellenised Seleucid empire. The location of the Acra has been long debated by researchers and archaeologists and has been one of Jerusalem’s greatest archaeological mysteries.

“It has been an open question in the archaeology of Jerusalem,” Excavation Director Doron Ben-Ami told “For hundreds of years scholars, archaeologists and historians have been looking for the location of this Acra and many, many different locations have been suggested.”

Many believed it was located behind now Jerusalem’s walled Old City or by the hilltop where two Jewish temples once stood but is now the Al Aqsa mosque compound. However, the Israel Antiquities Authority unearthed the fortress under an old parking lot located outside the walls overlooking a valley to the south. Archaeologists say the area was a place of construction for Jerusalem under King David from the Bible. Ben-Ami told Reuters that the spot was chosen for Acra in order to monitor the Jewish temple and control the city.

One area of the fortress held artifacts like coins and handles for wine jugs that suggest the fortress was present in the period of Antiochus. Bronze arrowheads and lead sling stones were also found at the dig site and were possibly used when Jewish rebels tried to take over the fortress from pro-Greek forces.

“This is a rare example of how rocks, coins and dirt can come together in a single archaeological story that addresses specific historical realities from the city of Jerusalem,” Ben-Ami said.

U.S. Satellites Detected “Heat Flash” Just Before Russian Plane Crashed

Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Press Service of Russian Emergencies Ministry/Handout via Reuters

A new clue regarding the crash of Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 that killed 224 people is having investigators asking more questions rather than providing more answers.

Yesterday, various news agencies reported that a United States infrared satellite detected a heat flash over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula at approximately the same time that the plane crashed, according to CNN. Intelligence analysis indicates that there may have been an explosive device on board the plane or a catastrophic malfunction took place.

Aviation analyst Paul Beaver talked with the Chicago Tribune, stating that there could still be a multitude of reasons why the plane went down.

“It doesn’t tell us if it was a bomb … or if somebody had a fight in the airplane with a gun — there is a whole raft of things that could happen in this regard,” he said.

U.S. officials told NBC News that they have ruled out the possibility of a missile bringing down the plane because the heat flash did not show the kind of tail that would’ve followed a missile or rocket. Pentagon officials also stated that it’s a possibility that the flash isn’t related to crash considering how there is regular military activity in the Sinai Peninsula, according to ABC News.

A preliminary investigation of the crash site has indicated that the plane did take heavy damage at an altitude of over 10,000 meters. It has also been reported that the crew did not send out a distress signal which leads investigators and analysts to believe that whatever did happen on the plane, happened suddenly.

A new report released from CNN Wednesday morning revealed another clue related to the crash. Russian state broadcaster Russia 24 reported that the tail of the plane was found 3 miles away from the rest of the wreckage, leading investigators to examine what could’ve went wrong with the tail, especially since it had been damaged previously.

“To me, it says (the tail) exited the plane before (an) explosive event and before the fire engulfed the plane,” said CNN aviation analyst Mary Schiavo.

Nepal Police Clear Indian Border Checkpoint by Forcibly Removing Protesters

Protesters along the India-Nepal border were forcibly removed by Nepalese police on Monday, allowing over 200 trucks who had been stuck there for 40 days to finally enter India.

The Agence France-Presse news agency reported that police used batons on the protestors and burned down tents that they were using to block the border checkpoint.

But while the trucks were cleared to enter India, trucks bringing fuel and other supplies to Nepal were being blocked by Indian customs officials. Nepal is currently under a severe fuel shortage that has brought the country to a virtual standstill, according to Time.

The large scale protests taking place in Nepal began in August after the country adopted a new constitution. Minority groups, including the Madhesi and Tharu, believe they have not been accurately represented in the new constitution because it divides the group into a number of states and dilutes their political power. The protests have also brought a political standoff between Nepal and India, as Nepal believes India is encouraging the civil unrest and protests and purposefully blocking their fuel supplies from entering Nepal.

Late last week, Nepal signed an agreement with China to refill their fuel reserves.

Since the protests began in August, 45 people have lost their lives, including an Indian man who was shot by Nepalese police on Monday. Nepalese officials report that the man was among a group of ethnic protesters who were attacking a police station with petrol bombs and stones, according to the Washington Post.

Monday Storm Brings Rain, Snow, Mudslides, and Flash Flooding to California

California and other parts of the western United States – including Sierra, Nevada – saw the first winter-like storm of the season on Monday. the storm brought heavy rain and snow and even caused a 20 car pile up due to gusts of wind bringing up dust. Five people were minorly injured.

San Francisco saw an inch of rain and other Bay Area cities had an inch or more of rain thanks to the cold front from the Pacific Northwest. Traffic accidents and power outages were widespread across the region according to ABC News. Mudslides also blocked roads close to Livermore.

Mountain areas around Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border reported a foot of snow. The Sierra Nevada mountain range had storm warnings for heavy snow from Kings Canyon to Yosemite that were in effect until late night hours. Areas above 9,000 feet saw 5 inches of snow by early evening, and snow levels were expected to fall to 5,000 feet.

Yolo, Lake, and Colusa counties were issued flash flood warnings according to the weather service.

The snow in Sierra could help with the drought that has hit California. California counts on snowpack to feed reservoirs. The storm also hit areas that were burned by wildfires earlier this year.