Scientists Fear Bigger Earthquake To Come

Hours after an 8.2 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile, scientists claim that an even bigger earthquake could strike in the near future.

A fault line located underneath Chile’s coast has been constantly shifting for the past 140 years causing Tuesday’s quake. Within recent weeks, Chile has seen approximately 50 to 100 smaller quakes.

This recent cluster of activity is now threatening to rupture a different fault line located to the north and south of the recent earthquake. Mark Simons, a geophysicist from Caltech, says that fault line “hasn’t ruptured in 140-odd years.”

Given that Chile is located in the “Ring of Fire” where there is frequent seismic activity, it is only a matter of time until the other fault line ruptures.

“We expect another 8.8-8.9 earthquake here sometime in the future,” said geophysicist, Mark Simons.

Be Aware and Prepared (Pt. 1)

For some time now I have been extensively researching about how our daily lives would be affected if the power grids fail or if we experienced an EMP bomb. Most of us growing up in modern America cannot even conceive what this would be like.

It is very startling to realize that we could suddenly be thrust back into the living conditions of several centuries ago. Our current power grids are outdated and yet the demand for their usage continues to increase. Experts who have thoroughly studied the capacity and condition of the grids predict that a breakdown could very well happen in the near future if not corrected. READ MORE

Revelation 13 (Pt. 6)

For some time the world has been moving toward a cashless society. Soon, we are told, even checks will be a part of our economic history as more and more transactions will be done electronically. You know how this works; you probably pay many of your monthly bills now without ever taking a dollar out of your wallet or writing a check. Your computer is set to make the transaction for you in the right amount and on the proper date. It’s easy and convenient. After all, you could lose cash or misplace the checks. Even credit cards will soon be history. With increasing threats of identity theft, the world will be ready and willing to accept some way of maintaining control. All of your per­sonal information, from your bank accounts to your medical records, will be computerized and stored online, perhaps in the cyberspace “cloud.” READ MORE

Revelation 13 (Pt. 5)

He will also use deceptive signs, and he will be able to perform miracles in his efforts to win people’s allegiance to his boss (13:12–15). This is one reason why I so adamantly caution Christians not to be so enamored with miracles. Some Christians run from church to church, town after town, in search of the next big spiritual flash. Yes, our God does indeed do miracles. But be careful. Not every miracle comes from God! In ancient times, false prophets were able to perform miracles, whether real or through some form of chicanery, and in our time, we’ve seen our share of charlatans.

Now, John warned us that the False Prophet is going to wow people with miracles and “great signs,” even making fire come down out of heaven, as the prophet Elijah did and as the two witnesses to come will do in Jerusalem. Many people will be deceived by the False Prophet. This is the spirit of devils working miracles (16:14).

Although he may look and sound like a lamb, the antichrist’s beastly cohort is devious. He will establish a false religion, bringing all the world’s religions together and forming an umbrella religion designed to worship the antichrist (13:14–15), an eclectic, inclusive, tolerant religion. The only religious beliefs that will not be tolerated will be biblical Christianity. Can you not see that this is beginning to happen in the U.S. and throughout the world? READ MORE

Rocket Barrage Takes It’s Toll on Israeli Citizens

Israelis ran for the safety of bomb shelters on Wednesday when Islamic Jihad fired over 40 rockets into southern Israel. Then they sought shelter gain Thursday morning when sirens alerted them of another rocket attack.

The attacks couldn’t come at a worse time for Israeli citizens who had been partaking in festivities leading up to Purim, a Jewish holiday with carnival-like traditions. Fairs and parties have been held all over the country before the holiday starts on Sunday night.

Terri Davis, a resident of Ashkelon located near the Israel/Gaza border, stated how difficult it was for her and her preschool students during the attack.

“When we heard the sirens, 70 children and 15 adults crowded into the shelter,” she said. “The children, who were dressed in costumes, had been happy and singing when the siren went off, and I saw panic in their eyes. But the teachers and soldiers who had come for the party kept the children calm, singing and dancing.”

Other difficulties for the residents near the Gaza border included not being warned about the first round of attacks. Adele Raemar who lives a mile from the Gaza border only took shelter after he heard an explosion.

“There was no warning, no red alert,” Raemer said, referring to the system that warns residents near the border of imminent attack. “The windows shook. My son and I and our two dogs ran into my shelter.”

Although tensions are high between Israel and Gaza, Raemer felt compassion for the Gaza families who lived near the border.

“I’m sure the man on the street in Gaza just wants to put bread on his table and have his kids go to school and come home safely,” Raemer said. “Unfortunately, the people of Gaza haven’t been able to [stop] the Iranian-backed organizations that are making their lives as miserable, if not more miserable, than ours.”

Strikes Fired Between Gaza Militant and Israel Despite “Truce”

Gaza militants continued firing at Israel on Thursday despite a supposed truce that had been formed.

According to Islamic Jihad’s leader in Gaza, Egypt had helped the militants resume a ceasefire agreement from 2012. Israel did not confirm this.

Eight more rockets were fired into Israel on Thursday. Israel retaliated by striking seven “terror sites” in Gaza.

No Israeli casualties were reported Thursday. Witnesses stated that three Palestinians were wounded, but did not confirm if they were civilians or militants.

Rockets Fired Into Israel

Gaza militants fired more than 40 rockets within two hours into southern Israel on Wednesday making this the largest rocket barrage to hit Israel since 2012 according to the Israeli military.

Only three of the rockets were intercepted by Israel’s “Iron Dome” while eight hit populated areas. The rest fell in open areas.

The Islamic Jihad militant group behind the attack wanted vengeance for three of their members who were killed in an Israeli airstrike the day before. Additional Gaza militant groups also joined in on the attack including the Popular Resistance Group.

In retaliation to the attack, the Israeli air-force attacked several Jihad training camps.

“This retaliation was precise and prompt. We targeted the infrastructure that serves the terrorists while they train, plan and implement their hideous attacks. They will not be permitted to conspire in the safety of their terrorist temples,” Israeli Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to continue the retaliation.

“We will continue to thwart (rocket attacks) and hit those that want to harm us, and we will act against them with great force,” Netanyahu said. “Last year, the number of rockets fired from Gaza was the lowest in a decade but that is not enough. We will continue to act to ensure the security of the citizens of Israel in the south and in the entire country.”

So far in 2014, Gaza militants have fired 32 rockets toward Israel before Wednesday’s attack.

No casualties were reported on either side Wednesday.

Revelation 13 (Pt. 4)

The antichrist will speak powerful, blasphemous words, just as the prophet Daniel predicted (Daniel 7:8, 20, 25). Through his speech, the antichrist will blaspheme God, His name, His tabernacle (which is in heaven), and His people who dwell in heaven with Him (Revelation 13:6). These blasphemies will go on for forty-two months (three and a half years).

Before long, however, the world’s acquiescence at the antichrist’s words will no longer satisfy his ego. Consequently, he will launch a war against God’s people, the saints, the true believers (13:7–8). For a while the antichrist is going to appear victorious, defeating even God’s people (v. 7). I believe many sincere believers in Jesus will be persecuted for their faith at that time. Many will die as a result of the antichrist’s war. But if there is an outcry from the world at his abuse, it will be quickly muffled, since he will have authority over the entire world.

We know for sure that John wanted us to pay close attention to this part of his vision. He made the statement, “If anyone has an ear, let him hear” (13:9), similar to the admonitions of Jesus in the earlier letters to the churches. John then offered an unusual observation: “If you are to be a prisoner, then you will be a prisoner.  If you are to be killed with the sword, then you will be killed with the sword. This means that God’s holy people must have patience and faith” (13:10, ncv). READ MORE

Revelation 13 (Pt. 3)

Many teachers of Bible prophecy believe that the antichrist himself will suffer a fatal head wound, but if you look at the scripture carefully, you can easily get a different impression: “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed” (13:3, niv).

Remember, John saw the Beast rising out of the sea, which probably means rising from many peoples. But John used the term “beast” in several ways in Revelation, sometimes talking about the antichrist and at other times talking about the antichrist system, the one-world government system that is against God. Here, I believe the latter is the more correct understanding, that is, this beast is the antichrist system. This one-world government will have ten horns, seven heads, and ten diadems (13:1).

Revelation 17:12–13 tells us that the ten horns are ten kings who will receive power with the Beast for a relatively short time, and their sole purpose is to give their power to the Beast. The seven heads, according to Revelation 17:9–10, are seven mountains on which the harlot rides and seven kings: “Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while.” READ MORE

Revelation 13 (Pt. 2)

All three anticipate war, chaos, and suffering on epic levels prior to the arrival of key figures in their faiths. Is it possible they could be the same war either partially or in totality?

John’s description of this beast is horrifying, but as we’ve seen before, these descriptions have symbolic meanings. For instance, the Beast will have seven heads and ten horns; the heads most likely represent seven world empires and the horns indicate power. Seven usually means completeness in the Bible, so this evil beast will literally rule the world. The ten horns represent ten lesser rulers who will be associated with him, out of which the antichrist will emerge. The ten crowns—diadems—represent absolute power. According to Daniel 7:24, the antichrist will subdue three of these kings, so he can rule unchallenged. Whatever else this description of the Beast entails, it indicates a person with tremendous international power.

On the Beast’s head are “blasphemous names.” In John’s time, the Roman emperors had taken such titles as Dominus and Kurios, both meaning “Lord” in Latin and Greek, respectively. During the reign of Nero, coins bore his image along with the inscription, “The Savior of the World.” John said that this will happen again under the antichrist. READ MORE