4 thoughts on “Winter Storm Q Photos

  1. Here in California, Hwy 50 had major traffic back-ups / stopped @ the West-to-East base of the Sierra Mountain. The radio report stated that the people were not ready –“were not expecting”- such to happen, the snow. Ha! –It is the middle of Feburary / winter here. Has common sence been generationally taught / developed & thereby bred out of the American people??? In the days of Noah, were they also without common sence?

    Because of Jesus,

  2. Feburary 21, 2013

    Saw a map of the jet stream today. Came from Alaska & went all the way down to Mexico while riding along the western coast line of America. Being in central California (& yes this storm did contain some very bone-touching cold), I thought it to be very unusual going all the way down & into Mexico & then hooking back up into the mid-West of America & onward to the North East (as I remember it).

    Arizona gets way little rain, let alone snow! A Saguaro cactus and snow? Perhaps the earth has tilted or the magnetics have shifted to the point of manifesting these new climates on our planet. Perhaps???

    Goods fully stopped going the one way. Don’t notice any refrigerated trailers. Yet one does look like to be a tour bus? -Ouch!
    What one trailer (& I see two!) can do to the transportation highway. Tow trucks having a meeting of the minds so to figure how to clear this highway without damaging the trailer trucks. Kind-of like how does one take a city? Place an armed tank on each highway leading into / out of said city. Leave the back roads for the infantry. Then control the citys’ will by turning on / off the water (&/or electricity). Boo!

    No matter where you are at, ya gotta hike it out of there lest ya wanna burn up all your truck fuel & then freeze. The fuel-less with that $35 blanket & some packet food sure would be nice here! Real nice!
    Windshield wipers up, small car with no chains. Don’t think this person is going anywhere in this car till after the weather allows for it. Controlled by the weather; who would have ever thought!
    Does this person see the up & coming stop sign? Looks like a crash or an injury or some form of damage wanting to happen. (There is no such thing as an “accident”. One or the other is simply not prepared & thereby causes it, even hurting others.)

    Unless these cars like reading the exit signs through the rear view mirrors, looks like total spins. Going the wrong way kind-of like a lot of people out here in Cal-eye-4-nigh-aye.

    Let’s give this one a break & call it a potty-stop. Oh wait, he (or she) has a horrizontal tree coming out from under the car with some body damage @ the rear. Best have those winter walking boots & clothing on. Better yet, the fuel-less & $35 blanket & some packets of food. In this case, a CB radio & 8 foot antena could help (Assuming they are out of their cell phone service area. Even still, who ya gonna call when all the roads are impassable?).

    This one I like -As if in the days of Noah. At times ignorance can be bliss. (I am assuming they are playing & having fun, not carving out a path in the snow. Unknowingly, being under the age of accountability used to be a wonderful thing (for me). Yet these physical laws can still take one out (out of this life).

    Because of Jesus,

  3. Jim,
    Thank you for God’s “boots on the ground” news complete with pictures. Isaiah 9:10 combined with your Revelation prophetic insight give all who have ears to hear and eyes to see the reality of God’s urging to “come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
    Also, Acts 3:21 – whom the heavens must contain until the times of the RESTITUTION of all things – – – – are we there yet?
    P.S. truly enjoyed your show from the bedroom this morning. {21.02.13}

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