Arizona will call fetuses “unborn human beings” in informational pamphlet that will be sent to Arizona voters


Important Takeaways:

  • The informational pamphlet that will be sent to Arizona voters this fall will call fetuses “unborn human beings” in the description of a citizen initiative that would restore Roe-era abortion protections.
  • Abortion rights advocates say the language is biased and meant to confuse and scare voters.
  • The GOP-controlled legislative council wrote the description, which uses the term “unborn human being” in the first sentence.
  • Arizona for Abortion Access, the campaign backing the initiative, sued to change the language to “fetus,” arguing it was a more impartial term.
  • The Maricopa County Superior Court sided with the campaign, but the state Supreme Court — the same court that allowed Arizona’s 1864 near-total abortion ban to take effect earlier this year — said the language met impartiality standards and reversed the lower court’s ruling Wednesday.
  • The Arizona Abortion Access Act would allow abortion access up to fetal viability, about 24 weeks of pregnancy.
  • “This decision is beyond disgraceful … But no matter what type of dirty tricks they try to pull to slow down our momentum, we know Arizonans will show up and vote for their freedoms this November,” Reproductive Freedom for All Arizona director Athena Salman said in a statement.

Read the original article by clicking here.