Houthis target US carrier Dwight D Eisenhower after US and UK struck 13 targets in Yemen


Important Takeaways:

  • Houthi militants said the US and UK killed at least 16 people with airstrikes on Yemen on Thursday, in the deadliest assault on the group since the start of a campaign in January to prevent its attacks on ships around the Red Sea.
  • The Iran-backed militant organization on Friday said it targeted a US aircraft carrier in the area, the Dwight D. Eisenhower, in response. Though, there was no attack in the vicinity of the ship and it wasn’t hit, a Politico reporter said, citing a US Defense Department official.
  • The militants have vowed to continue their attacks in solidarity with Palestinians and are calling on Israel to stop its war against Hamas in Gaza.
  • The assault comes as Israeli troops pursue Hamas militants in Rafah. The US, European Union and other allies have either urged Israel to stop its operations in the southern Gaza city or do more to protect civilians.

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Kremlin Defense Minister says “We will increase the intensity of attacks on logistic centers and storage bases for Western weapons”


Important Takeaways:

  • Vladimir Putin’s ally makes deadly warning as he vows to target UK weapons
  • Kremlin Defense Minister Shoigu has now issued a threat to target Western-supplied weaponry in Ukraine, claiming Russian progress had “dispelled the myth of the superiority of Western weapons,” reports the Express. His words were stark: “We will increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for Western weapons.
  • He further vowed: “In proportion to the threats posed by the United States and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the Armed Forces and increase the production of the most popular weapons and military equipment.”
  • On Tuesday, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak committed to an additional £93 billion in defense spending over the coming six years, preparing the UK arms industry for a “war footing” amid threats from what he calls an “axis of authoritarian states”; namely, Russia and China. Arguing that the world is currently at “the most dangerous it has been since the end of the Cold War”, he vowed the UK would devote 2.5 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) to defense by 2030.
  • Furthermore, Mr. Sunak pledged another £500 million package of military aid to Ukraine.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US-led collective West could cause a potentially catastrophic war between global nuclear powers


Important Takeaways:

  • Lavrov explained that the US and allies were responsible for blocking the recent review cycles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which, Lavrov says Washington long used to pressure its foes. He also noted the potential danger posed by the three-way AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, which is becoming “increasingly similar to a military bloc,” as well as NATO, which has been boosting its military spending.
  • According to the senior official, the West’s support for Ukraine is also fraught with danger, especially as the three major Western nuclear powers, the US, UK and France, are among the main sponsors of the “criminal Kiev regime” and the “main organizers” of provocations against Russia.
    • The US and their NATO client states are still dreaming of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia and are ready to carry on with their policy of deterring our country ‘to the last Ukrainian…’ The West is balancing on the dangerous edge of a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers, which could have catastrophic consequences.
  • In his address, Lavrov reiterated this stance, saying that he saw “no basis whatsoever” for an arms control dialogue with the US “in the face of a total hybrid war being waged against our country.”

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UK tries reeling in Israel. No more weapons for you!


Important Takeaways:

  • UK Warns It Could Restrict Arms Sales To Israel If Rafah Offensive Proceeds
  • Fresh headlines Wednesday say the United Kingdom is mulling restricting arms sales to Israel if it goes ahead with its planned major offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, which is packed with over a million Palestinian refugees who’ve been forcibly relocated from other parts of the Strip.
  • “Further escalation of Israel’s military action in Gaza without more effort to protect civilians could put it in breach of international humanitarian law, depending on how it conducts the operation, UK officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity about internal assessments,” Bloomberg reports.
  • Not only has London’s High Court recently dealt with petitions from legal advocacy groups alleging British arms sent to Israel are being used to commit war crimes (petitions which thus far have been rejected), but the UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has just issued a letter to Netanyahu’s office calling for Israel to “stop and think seriously about the repercussions of a military offensive” on Rafah.
  • The Foreign Secretary’s office wrote that “we continue to urge Israel to ensure that it limits its operations to military targets and take all possible steps to avoid harming civilians and destroying homes.” Importantly that’s when the letter emphasized that in the case of a military assault on Rafah “it is difficult to see how this could be achieved.”

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UK and European leaders call for War Preparations: Russian invasion of European states by 2025


Important Takeaways:

  • U.K. Govt Warns: Be Ready for War with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea in Five Years
  • Speaking at Lancaster House on Monday, British Minister of Defense Grant Shapps said the West is facing a “much more troubled world” and could no longer consider itself post-war, with considerable new investment in military spending needed. He said:
  • …now is the time for all allies and democratic nations across the world to… make sure their defense spending is growing too. Because as discussed, the era of the peace dividend is over. In five years time we could be looking at multiple theatres including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.
  • …we find ourselves at the dawn of this new era. [The] Berlin Wall a distant memory but we have come full circle, moving from a post-war to a pre-war world. An age of idealism has been replaced by a period of hard-headed realism.
  • Illustrating actions taken by Britain to prepare itself for this multifaceted conflict the British government apparently believes is coming, Shapps cited the UK’s support to Ukraine, the country leading the largest NATO deployment since the end of the Cold War this year, the signing of a new UK-Japan-Italy fighter coalition, and the creation of the Australia-UK-U.S. submarine coalition. He said the government was moving to putting 2.5 per cent of GDP into defense spending as soon as it could afford to.
  • Estonia, one of Ukraine’s most enthusiastic allies and a state which has a land border with Russia said through their Prime Minister on Monday that their intelligence states NATO has “three to five years” to prepare for a Russian attack on NATO itself.
  • Sweden warned its citizens last week to be prepared for war.
  • Germany is reportedly of the same mind, with the best-selling newspaper in Europe Bild splashing this week on leaked war plans anticipating Russian invasions of European states by the summer of 2025.

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Former Russian President refers to Britain as their ‘eternal enemy’ in recent warning to the UK not to deploy any troops


Important Takeaways:

  • Russia’s Medvedev Says Any UK Troop Deployment to Ukraine Would Be a Declaration of War
  • Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, made the comments in response to a visit by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Kyiv to announce an increase in military funding to help Ukraine purchase new military drones.
  • “I hope that our eternal enemies – the arrogant British – understand that deploying an official military contingent to Ukraine would be a declaration of war against our country,” Medvedev wrote on the Telegram messaging app.
  • Medvedev cast himself as a liberal modernizer when he was president from 2008-2012, but now presents himself as one of the fiercest anti-Western Kremlin hawks.

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U.S., Germany and U.K. warn citizens abroad of potential terrorist attacks

Important Takeaways:

  • The U.S. Department of State issued a rare ‘Worldwide Caution’ alert Thursday, urging any American who is overseas to “exercise increased caution” due to “increased tensions in various locations around the world.”
  • The U.S. said there is also an increased potential for “terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens.”
  • The U.S. Embassy in Beirut also urged American citizens Thursday to make plans to leave the country “as soon as possible while commercial options are still available,” as fighting intensifies near Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.
  • “We recommend that U.S. citizens who choose not to depart prepare contingency plans for emergency situations,” the embassy said in an emergency alert.
  • The U.K. and Germany issued similar warnings to their citizens.

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Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson warns the US of sending nuclear weapons back to the UK


Important Takeaways:

  • Russia warns return of US nuclear weapons to UK would be seen as escalation
  • Russia would regard any return of US nuclear weapons to bases in Britain as an “escalation and a destabilizing practice,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Tuesday.
  • She also said that such a practice is “openly anti-Russian in nature, as it provides for joint planning and regular training exercises for the prompt delivery of nuclear strikes by members of NATO which is hostile to us against targets in Russia from the territory of non-nuclear European countries.”
  • “We will continue to demand the return of all American nuclear weapons to US territory, followed by the removal of infrastructure that would allow them to be quickly deployed in Europe,” she added.

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New Variant of Covid as Scientist says this could cause a big wave and we’re not prepared

Mask Up Again

The American Heritage Dictionary “plagues”

  1. A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease; a pestilence.
  2. A virulent, infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis (syn. Pasteurella pestis) and is transmitted primarily by the bite of fleas from an infected rodent, especially a rat. In humans it occurs in bubonic form, marked by lymph node enlargement, and in pneumonic form, marked by infection of the lungs, and can progress to septicemia.
  3. A widespread affliction or calamity seen as divine retribution.

Important Takeaways:

  • Scientists demand Britons wear face masks as new Covid variant spreads
  • The variant could “potentially cause a big wave”, Brits have been warned, as a professor said the UK is “worryingly” ill-prepared for such an event.
  • Dr Trisha Greenhalgh, an internationally-renowned expert in primary care, based at the University of Oxford, tweeted: “It looks like it’s once again time to MASK UP”.
  • Meanwhile, Professor Christina Pagel, a mathematician from University College London who sits on Independent SAGE, said: “To everyone else — very very early days but this coronavirus variant (now in 2 countries) has a LOT of new mutations that makes it different to previous Omicron strains.”
  • She added this variant was “potentially more able to cause a big wave”.
  • The strain was originally highlighted by online Covid variant tracker Ryan Hisner, who tweeted “this is the real deal”.
  • The new variant is not the same as EG.5.1, which was recently designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “variant of interest” after it was spotted in 51 countries.
  • It has been dubbed “BA.X” for now until it is clear where the variant has come from, said Canadian evolutionary biologist T. Ryan Gregory.

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Britain supplying Ukraine with new long-range missiles

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Russia threatens Britain with ‘an adequate response from our military’ after UK agrees to supply Ukraine with Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles
  • Ukraine has been asking for months for long-range missiles, but support provided by Britain and other allies such as the United States has previously been limited to shorter range weapons.
  • But UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace today confirmed that Britain is sending the Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, a decision that prompted a furious response from the Kremlin.
  • The Kremlin said the reports would require ‘an adequate response from our military’.
  • Moscow’s main target for months has been the small eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, which it has come close to capturing but not quite taken in what would be its sole prize after months of the bloodiest ground combat in Europe since World War Two.
  • Kyiv says it has pushed Russian forces back over the past two days near Bakhmut in small-scale local assaults, but a counteroffensive involving tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of new Western tanks has yet to begin.
  • ‘We still need a bit more time,’ President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday.

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