Needing the Prayers of the Saints

I have shared on the show how I am dealing with the fallout of some wild and crazy years when I was younger. This situation I now face with my health is requiring treatment that makes me physically ill – but will, in the long run, rid my body of this condition that is trespassing on God’s temple!

If you have watched our show, you know that Jim and I are not “religious” about the things of God, and we don’t put God in a box based on a certain way of thinking.  That’s why we’re okay with however God chooses to deal with this affliction.  God could heal me in a split second, but if He chooses the medicinal route, who am I to question His wisdom?  He knows best in all things, and I trust Him with every aspect of my life, both now and forever.

I have always loved and trusted God, even in the crazy years.  I know that sounds weird, but it’s true.  God never left me, though I left Him for a season.  He never stopped wooing me back, and He never stopped showing me that the path I was on was not what He intended for me. The prayers of my Mother and others came before the Lord constantly. Continue reading

Motherhood (Pt. 3)

I thought of another Bible verse I had memorized: “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” God was doing that in my life, giving back the years I had lost because of my sin and rebellion. He had done it in several areas already.

Having made the choice to have five abortions, I lost the opportunity to ever have children. Yet God had blessed me with many spiritual offspring—like “my girls,” Kelli, Nicks, Morgan, Nina, and Michelle Murillo. He’d given me an inner-city family—Margie’s family—complete with a namesake, Little Lori.

Margie had been pregnant with her eighth child when we met at the Fashion Share. Margie had accepted Jesus as her Savior and the church had outfitted her with maternity clothes and accessories. Two months later I was in the delivery room when her baby was born.

My mind drifted back to that occasion, December 6, 1990……. Continue reading

Motherhood (Pt. 2)

Mother’s Day 2000

I gave Jim a quick kiss when I read his cards, and then I opened the package, which he had meticulously wrapped himself. Inside was a darling little doll in a green travel case. The pretty blond had on a frilly dress and tiny little socks and patent leather shoes.

“She’s adorable honey. Thank you.”

“She’s blonde and beautiful, just like you.”

Jim served me lunch, and we chatted about our ministry schedule and upcoming events as we ate. When we finished our meal, I stood up and started to clear the coffee table.

“Leave that for a minute,” He said. “I have another present for you—“ Continue reading

Motherhood (Pt. 1)

When Jim and I were dating, we often talked on the phone into the night about everything; sharing personal stories, learning all about each other as sweethearts do at the beginning of a relationship. He described the emotional devastation he had gone through in prison, and I started opening up about my past. Continue reading

A Little Boy’s Voice (Pt. 1)

Jim and I are almost ready to begin a ministry that is a part of my destiny in serving the Lord Jesus.  “Lori’s House” is being built to help save babies who might otherwise be aborted if young women could not see a way to navigate through the circumstances of life dealing with an untimely pregnancy.  We are also focusing on ministry to post-abortive women.

I was just 17 years old when I had my first abortion, and just 21 when the last of 5 consecutive abortions left me unable to ever have a child. Continue reading

My Testimony

We are very, very close to the Grand Opening of “Lori’s House” so I wanted to share my testimony again so that newcomers can understand just how much this means to me.

I was just 17 years old when I had my first abortion, and just 21 when the last of 5 consecutive abortions left me unable to ever have a child.

I realize that not many of you have heard my entire testimony which I’ve recorded in my book, “More Than I Could Ever Ask.”  So, I feel like this is the perfect time to share with you the details of my life which Jesus redeemed with His precious Blood so that I can give others hope and spare them the grief and pain of abortion, and save the lives of the innocent.

I hope you are encouraged as you read Part one of this seven part series.



“A Little Boy’s Voice” (Pt. 1)

I fiddled with the knobs on the car radio as the kids chattered in the backseat. I had driven from Phoenix to Los Angeles to see Bobbi, and now the two of us were taking her daughter, Nikki, and her nephew Jason to the beach. It was a beautiful late summer day, blazing hot, near the end of August 1989.

Without being too obvious about it, I was looking for a Christian radio station. I figured Bobbi would want to listen to our usual rock music, so I reached for the dial first. Following my commitment to Christ five months earlier, I did not want to have anything to do with my former lifestyle, including the music.

A little girl’s voice cut through the static on the radio. She was saying something about Jesus. Great! A Christian children’s program, I thought smugly. This is perfect. I smiled and tapped my fingers against the steering wheel as the background music faded out and the dialogue started again.

As a new Christian I very much wanted to be a good influence on Bobbi and her family. After all, I had been responsible for leading her down the wrong path, introducing her to drugs and encouraging her toward promiscuity. And when Bobbi had wanted to straighten out her life and serve God two years earlier, I had been the one who kept drawing her back into the destructive party lifestyle. Now the tables were turned: I was on fire for God, and she was still trying to get me to snort crystal with her, tempting me with worn-out promises of a new and better high. For the first time in almost two decades, though, I wasn’t buying it.

Bobbi was as close to me as any blood relative could be—and with all my heart I wanted to help her find the same joy I had found when I gave my life to Jesus. I breathed a silent prayer of gratitude to God for finding a Christian children’s program. What a great ministry tool, I told myself. Bobbi will have to listen to it for the kids’ sake. But as we cruised down the Pacific Coast Highway listening to the radio, I discovered the audio drama was not a children’s program at all; instead it was directed squarely at me.

To be continued….