The PTL Television Network is expanding with more incredible Christian programs and ways to watch for you and your family! Today we are thrilled to announce that PTL Television Network has created a free Mobile App just for you!
The growth of our network is incredible and we have you to thank for tuning in!
We offer classic and current Jim Bakker Show programs, Life with Lori and so many other presentations by some of the most influential teachers and prophets of today. Check out our programs with Perry Stone, Joel Richardson, Rick Joyner and so many more that will bring you updates on the Biblical world today!
PTL Television Network will help your family discover Biblical insights and prophetic revelation, strengthen your faith, live healthier lives, and experience the power of God’s love and restoration in an ever-changing world. Our Network aims to draw from all aspects of life, from music to the prophetic, from laughter to tears, from cooking to living, from the highs to the lows, all designed to bring Jesus into your life on every level. As the Word of God declares in Colossians 3:17 –
“Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.”
Get your app today and bring inspiration with you wherever you go! Simply go to the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Kindle’s App Store; type in PTL Television Network under the search and get your free download today!
How to download the PTL Television Network App
Go to where you download apps
- On iPhones, the “App Store” a blue box with an A
- On Android, it is the Google Play icon a white box with a multi-colored play button.
- Search for “PTL Television Network”
- Download
- Your phone may ask you to enter a password or use a different verification method. This is normal.
- Once you have downloaded, press “Open”
- It will ask you if you want notifications.
- If you want to hear about new things we are doing at Morningside, press “Allow”
- If you don’t want notifications, press “Don’t Allow”
- The app will ask you if you want to share your location. Choose “Enable” or “Skip”
Congratulations! You can now watch The Jim Bakker Show, Life With Lori, and all the PTL Television Network has to offer on your cellphone!