The American Heritage Dictionary “plagues”
1. A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease; a pestilence.
2. A virulent, infectious disease that is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis (syn. Pasteurella pestis) and is transmitted primarily by the bite of fleas from an infected rodent, especially a rat. In humans it occurs in bubonic form, marked by lymph node enlargement, and in pneumonic form, marked by infection of the lungs, and can progress to septicemia.
3. A widespread affliction or calamity seen as divine retribution.
Important Takeaways:
- China reports a five-fold increase in Mpox cases; 96% patients are male
- As per a statement by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 96 per cent of the patients were male and reported sexual activity with another man.
- As per the Chinese CDC, while in June the cases stood at 106, in July, the count reached a high of 491. However, as per a Bloomberg report, there were no severe cases or deaths from the virus, that until recently was known as Monkeypox.
- In late July, the agency, as per the report, asked its local branches to improve access to tests and treatment, mobilize volunteers and social organizations to educate “priority groups” — vulnerable groups including men who have sex with men — about Mpox.
- The largest concentration of cases have been reported from Guangdong province and Beijing. However, last month, other areas have also reported quite a few cases. Shanghai and Western Sichuan province each reported 25 Mpox cases.
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