A shortage of meat in Germany will increase the price on the shelf

Deli Meat Counter

Revelations 18:23:’For the merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.’

Important Takeaways:

  • German meat industry warns of empty supermarket shelves, another 40% jump in meat prices
  • “That inevitably means there will be less stock in the coming months,” said Kellinger, which could result in consumers seeing more empty shelves but also a significant increase in prices.
  • “Whether that will be 20, 30, or 40 percent cannot be quantified today — but it will increase significantly again,”
  • The current federal government would like to abolish animal husbandry and switch the diet in Germany to vegetables and oatmeal,” he said; he, however, warned that despite ideology from the government, “it’s also a fact that over 90 percent of people in Germany still buy and eat meat.”

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