Police removed pro-Palestinian encampment at DePaul University but protests continued


Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Important Takeaways:

  • It was just after 5:30 a.m. when chaos and confusion swept through the encampment. A student who filmed the raid by the Chicago Police Department provided the footage to CBS 2. Students tried to block the officers’ entry, but the officers pushed through.
  • DePaul University President Robert Manuel gave law enforcement the green light Wednesday night, after deeming the situation on campus “unsafe.”
  • After the raid, students quickly regrouped, taking their movement across the street to a gas station.
  • DePaul also reported more than 1,000 complaints altogether, including more than 625 registered complaints from neighbors and community members, and more than 425 from students, faculty and staff, and parents.
  • These complaints included one death threat, four credible threats of violence, 12 incidents of criminal property damage, and 34 reports of antisemitism, among other issues raised.
  • DePaul also outlined numerous complaints of harassment at the encampment and of Jewish community members feeling unsafe.
  • “You know, the day that the encampment went up, one of the first signs that went up said, ‘Jewish safety cannot be guaranteed until Palestine is free’

Read the original article by clicking here.