Important Takeaways:
- Atheists Cheer as Upcoming UK Bill Could Upend History, Disestablish Church of England
- The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), an atheist group, called the move “brilliant” and Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor said she and her group are “cheered” to see the potential break.
- “At a moment when the United States is struggling to retain our secular democracy, we’re cheered by the news that disestablishment is being debated and contemplated in Britain,” Gaylor said in a statement. “The privileging of the Church of England is holding back progress and allows it to force its doctrines on the majority of non-Christians. It’s time the British tell the Church of England to ‘sod off.’”
- The relationship between the U.K. government and the Church of England is one that gives 26 bishops seats in the House of Lords, with the monarch — King Charles III — officially considered “Defender of the Faith,” according to Christian Today.
- Plus, there are state-funded Church of England schools.
- As CBN News previously reported, this issue has been heating up in recent years, with calls for separation intensifying, especially after a 2021 census showed less than half — 46.2% — of Britons identified as Christians.
- It was the first time in history a majority of the country no longer identified as Christian.
- “The fact that Christianity is no longer the majority religion means policy is out of step with society,” Professor Linda Woodhead, head of the department of theology and religious studies at King’s College London, told The Guardian at the time.
- We’ll have to see next month what happens once Scriven’s bill comes up for debate.
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