Rabbi Johnathan Cahn warns America what is behind the Cultural Shift we are witnessing

Deuteronomy 28:1,15“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God

15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you:”

Important Takeaways:

  • The ‘Dark Trinity’: Jonathan Cahn Contends America’s Brutal Culture Wars Are Really About ‘The Return of the Gods’
  • [Rabbi Johnathan Cahn] who called America to repent and turn to Jesus Christ from the National Mall in Washington just a few years ago, says it all boils down to a “dark trinity”: the three evil spirits worshipped by ancient civilizations. He says what’s happening in America from “pride month” to “cancel culture” can be traced back to the ancient Middle East.
  • Throughout the Bible, the scriptures warn about people turning away from the true God to serve new ones.
  • Cahn says Western civilization was in many ways set free from these dark spiritual principalities and became a house set in order, a civilization cleansed.
  • But the spirits still existed outside the borders of that civilization. As scripture states, they roamed the dry places, the desolate lands, they dwelled in the shadows
  • Unfortunately, people did turn away from the one true God and the dark gods returned, but they came back in disguise. They came as spirits of enlightenment, freedom, and power. Cahn says today these gods inhabit our institutions, walk the halls of our governments, cast votes in legislatures, guide corporations, and teach in our universities.
  • He points out the following demonic spirits are the three most prominent gods that transformed ancient Israel and led to their fall from God:
    • The Possessor – Baal represented the nation’s turning away from God. His strategy is to separate the nation from the Word and the ways of God. In America, he did this by removing prayer from schools. By causing God’s ways to become alien to the nation’s children, he could cause the alienation of America from God.
    • The Enchantress – Also known as Mrs. Baal, this spirit is referenced in the book of Judges. The two gods Baal and Ashtoreth or Ishtar are linked together. The Enchantress god represents the goddess of sexuality. She started the sexual revolution. The return of Ishtar to the modern world weakened marriage. Sex became a god to be pursued. America became filled with pornography. Images that were once forbidden or taboo began to fill the movie screens.
    • There was another side of Ishtar, another power and another agenda. She was a sorceress or the Transformer – a god who changes man into woman and woman into man by altering human desire, identity, and nature itself. The Transformer takes the sexual revolution to a deeper level and transforms America and Western civilization
    • The Destroyer – The most mysterious member of the dark trinity is known as Molech. His name makes several appearances in scripture. For example, when King Solomon fell away from God, he built high places, altars, and sanctuaries for the foreign gods. One of them was Molech. He was the god associated with sacrifice of human beings, especially children by their parents. The abomination is a sign of a nation that has turned entirely against the ways of God and become lost to Him.
  • Cahn concludes in his latest book that the only way to stand against the gods is by the power of God. His love can overcome hatred. His grace can overcome sin. He alone can break the chains of all bondage. His light can overcome the darkness of the age.

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