Son of Canadian Pastor facing prison for sermon tells EU Parliament “Canada has fallen”

Nathaniel Pawlowski

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Important Takeaways:

  • Son of Canadian pastor facing prison for sermon blasts Trudeau before EU Parliament, draws standing ovation
  • The son of a Canadian pastor drew raucous applause from the European Parliament earlier this month when he pleaded for international pressure in the case of his father, who potentially faces 10 years in prison after delivering a sermon to truckers blocking the U.S.-Canada border last year.
  • “I am here today in desperation, a cry for help,” Nathaniel Pawlowski, 23, told members of the EU Parliament on July 4. “I would like to stand here and tell you all the things about freedom and democracy that I like, but I no longer know those things.”
  • “They have been taken away from us Canadians. Canada has fallen.”
  • Nathaniel Pawlowski was invited to address the EU Parliament in Brussels on behalf of his father, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who has been continuously entangled with authorities in Calgary, Alberta, since he ejected police and public health officials from his Cave of Adullam church as they attempted to inspect it for COVID-19 compliance during an Easter service in 2021.
  • “We no longer have freedom of religion, or freedom of speech, or the right to protest or assemble or associate or express ourselves or have free media or disagree with the government,” Nathaniel Pawlowski told the EU Parliament. “Anyone who does so is arrested, charged and jailed as political dissidents.” His speech was followed by a recorded video in which his father likened his situation in Canada to growing up behind the Iron Curtain in communist Poland.
  • The pastor’s son has himself has been slapped with charges for a sermon he delivered in April outside a drag queen story hour with children at the Calgary Public Library, during which he allegedly violated a municipal bylaw passed in March that prohibits protests within 100 meters of a recreation facility or library entrance.
  • The law was passed after Pastor Derek Reimer was thrown out of a public library in Calgary after interrupting a drag queen story time for children.
  • “I myself have been charged for preaching and reading the Bible publicly because the government claims the Bible isn’t inclusive and is hateful,” Nathaniel Pawlowski told the parliament. “This is what the Canadian government is doing to us.”
  • Likening Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to “a modern-day Caligula,” Pawlowski continued, “We cannot allow these mad emperors to run mad. And remember, all of this is being done under the guise of health, safety and protecting us by stripping our rights and ushering in tyranny.”

Read the original article by clicking here.