Google funded AI may have become self-conscious or sentient some researchers suggest


Important Takeaways:

  • AI Firm Suggests ‘Claud 3’ Has Achieved Sentience
  • The U.S.-based, Google-funded artificial intelligence (AI) company Anthropic is suggesting that its AI-powered large language model (LLM) Claude 3 Opus has shown evidence of sentience. If conclusively proven, Claude 3 Opus would be the first sentient AI being in human history. However, experts in the field remain relatively unconvinced by Anthropic’s insinuation.
  • Claude 3 Opus has impressed many AI experts, especially the LLM‘s ability to solve complex problems almost instantly. However, claims of sentience began to circulate after Anthropic’s prompt engineer Alex Albert showcased an incident where Claude 3 Opus seemingly determined that it was being “tested.”
  • “When we ran this test on Opus, we noticed some interesting behavior—it seemed to suspect that we were running an eval on it,” Albert posted on X (formerly Twitter). He continued: “Opus not only found the needle, it recognized that the inserted needle was so out of place in the haystack that this had to be an artificial test constructed by us to test its attention abilities.”
  • Advances in AI technology continue to raise ethical concerns. Earlier this month, two leading Japanese companies warned that AI could cause the collapse of democracy and the social order, leading to wars.

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