The Mount Soledad Memorial Association is not going to allow an anti-Christian lawsuit calling for only the removal of a cross from a veteran’s memorial to go down without a fight.
An appeal has been filed with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals contesting the order of U.S. District Judge Larry Burns that a cross be removed from Mount Soledad because it was unconstitutional. The judge had stayed his order because he expected the appeal.
“If we fail to preserve this veterans memorial and the ACLU is successful in tearing down the oldest Korean War veterans memorial in the United States, then so too will be the fate of other veterans memorials like it, including the Canadian Cross of Sacrifice and the Argonne Cross in Arlington Cemetery,” a lawyer defending the MSMA told Fox News.
The ACLU’s lawsuit does not call for the removal of other religious symbols from the site including Stars of David.
A cross that has been the centerpiece of a veteran’s memorial near San Diego since 1913 will be destroyed because a federal judge agreed with anti-Christanists that the presence of the cross violates the constitution.
The 29 foot Latin Cross standing at the memorial replaced the original cross in 1954. The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial contains 3,000 granite plaques individually honoring war heroes from every American war including Iraq and Afghanistan.
Congress made the memorial a “national memorial honoring the United States Armed Forces” in 2004. Congress noted the memorial was “replete with secular symbols” and other faiths including 18 Stars of David. Congress said the cross was a plurality of faiths.
The ACLU proceeded to continue their efforts to remove Christianity from society by suing to remove only the cross from all the religious symbols at the site. A U.S. District Court judge rules for the removal but stayed the order to give defendants a chance to appeal.
The American Civil Liberties Union once again forced the removal of a Christian item from a public place after reaching an agreement with the Jackson (Ohio) City School District. Continue reading →
An Alabama law that requires abortion doctors in the state to have staff privileges at a local hospital is being challenged in court by the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.
The pro-abortion activists say the law is unfair because a few abortion clinics will have to close because of the law to increase safety for women who choose to engage in killing their babies via abortion. Continue reading →
The American Civil Liberties Union is threatening to sue schools in Kentucky if they permit the Gideons to distribute Bibles on school grounds.
William Sharp, ACLU Kentucky staff attorney, accuses elementary school staff of violating federal laws by helping the Gideons give Bibles to students who request them. Continue reading →
A painting of Jesus that has hung in a southern Ohio middle school for 65 years is being moved after complaints from the anti-Christian Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU. However, much to the dismay of the anti-Christian forces, the painting is being moved to the high school.
Members of the Hi-Y club, who originally put up the picture in 1947, are moving the photo to the high school where their members currently attend and meet. The middle school originally was the high school for the school district. Continue reading →