The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 6)

Now for Some Good News!

Besides these and some other frightening scenarios, I saw several encouraging signs in these visions. For example, I saw that great church leaders would emerge from minorities, especially from Hispanic and Native American groups and others as well.

There will be people who come into your church who will shock you. They have been to hell and back. God is going to bring in people who will cause your hair to curl if you knew what they had done. But they have been redeemed, changed, and saved forevermore.

My good friend Armando, a brother in the Lord, was once a gang member whose cohorts killed more than twenty people. Today, he boldly preaches the gospel in various parts of the world, often in inner-city settings.

I had a vision that angels will visit more frequently. True believers will come together, caring for each other and the needy among us. God will send seekers to us; they may be seeking food or water or shelter, but we will have opportunities to tell them about Jesus if we keep our hearts and minds open to the Spirit of God.

It is going to be the greatest hour the church has ever known. We are going to see great healings, not necessarily through healing ministries, but through people praying for each other and seeing God do the work. Families will move in the Spirit, but don’t forget the church. It will be important in the last days that we not neglect assembling together. Many souls will be saved during these days.

I saw blue explosions—many of them. I did not and still do not know what they mean. I don’t know whether they were spiritual or physical manifestations.

At the time I experienced these visions, the events seemed so far into the future that I was reluctant to speak of them publicly. Nobody wants to sound like a fool. Although my reputation had long since been “laid on the altar,” I did not relish having people mock me. But as we prepared to enter the new millennium, I felt strongly that I was supposed to share these visions.

Keep in mind that none of these things had occurred when I spoke of them for the first time in public. There are dated recordings readily available of the message I presented. That’s why I say I understand a bit of the conundrum in which the apostle John found himself, compelled by God’s Spirit to share things that he did not fully understand.

As I delivered the message on New Year’s Eve 1999, many people were uncomfortable with my words, thinking that I was obsessed with doom and gloom at a time when the entire world was celebrating. But all too soon I knew I had done the right thing.

Also, that night I related an earlier vision from 1997 when I had seen a horrendously powerful earthquake striking downtown Los Angeles. I was riding in the back of a car through the streets of LA at the time when I looked into the earth. I saw rocks bowing upward. God said this was the “pressure of the ages,” and it was going to slip. I looked over Los Angeles and saw every building had collapsed.

A couple of years later, the front page of the LA Daily Times declared “Massive hidden fault threatens downtown.” The article included a drawing depicting exactly what I had seen in my vision.

5 thoughts on “The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 6)

  1. Wow.. I cant comment to much at the moment but because theres so much to say Jim. I believe God is a big God with many wonders I dont even try to comprehend..Jim, this is Irene, the little girl from the L.A.Dream Center. God has shown me many things as well and I never understood why… Im now finding out the meanings to in meeting you. Thank you for being strong and bold in hard times.
    I was so honored to meet a true world changer and man of God. Through your adversaties God prepared you just like Paul in the bible. Many will never understand the power of God, but many will see and hear it through vessels like you. I love and miss you friend. You have inspired me….

  2. Hi from Debbie in Ga.
    Love you guys & watch the show. First of all I received Jesus in 95. Pastor Jim I am one of the ones who has been thru hell & back. I was an alcoholic & drug addict for 18 yrs. One miraculous thing is how God delivered me 5 yrs before I ever knew Jesus. What Grace & Mercy. While in the world I also married 2 different men who were also addicted. both cheated. I even was tricked by the enemy in homosexuality.
    My great grandmother layed hands on my mother’s belly & prayed a prenatal blessing over me & said name her deborah. Yea, the enemy tried to kill me, but God had other plans. I now have a precious Godly husband, have been delivered from all the above & have written a book titled Hearts Without Knowledge, how to be set free & made whole in your life. The Lord is using my husband & I tremendously. I also have such a heart for women who have had abortions, because I had 3
    When I was writing the book the Lord said I was going to be on the CBN 700 club. I started crying. I said ok Lord, when this book is published I will send them a copy & a letter & see what happens. In 2 wks they emailed & called me. They came to my home &filmed my story. I still feel so blessed & that was Oct of 2011. If you go to & type debbie Patten in the search it shows that show. My story is the last 15 minutes of the show. God is so good how He uses the broken restored to help restore the broken.
    The greatest part of the filming is the next day the producer called me & said after the show aired 289 people received Jesus Christ as Lord of their life.
    I LOVE the Lord with all my heart.
    I also have these dreams. (So does my husband) The last was frightening. We were riding in a white truck high off the ground. There were 4 adult (my hubby included) & a husband was in the back for some reason. There was water all around us except the very small road we were driving down. We slid off the road a bit & backed up to get straight & when we backed up it was like the water sucked us in & we were going down & under. I woke up & my heart was pounding. Your dreams sound scary like that too. I assumed my dream was torment from the enemy, but now I’m not sure if it was a warning. My husband also has dreamed of being in the mountains saving children & fires are below. I have to many dreams to tell but am trusting God.
    Another & last thing. I want to begin storing but my husband says we will trust God. We have friends who are & have told us where the key is in case it goes down. :0)
    Thanks Jim & Lori for allllllll you do.
    Love ya’ll & would love to meet you. We have a couple that are friends that live in Bronson. Maybe we will get there one day.
    Many Blessings, Debbie Patten

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