A Good Heart

When Jim and I married, we had both lived a long time on this earth and a lot of history had been written in our lives before we came together as husband and wife.  So, there was much to learn about each other!

As with most people when they fall in love and begin to realize they are moving toward a life-long commitment, we would sometimes talk into the night – hour upon hour – just trying to ‘get to know’ one another.  The truth is, we are still learning!

After we had been married a while, I remember reading a story told by a man who had worked for Jim at PTL for ten years.  He drove a bulldozer and helped to clear PTL land for development.  He recounted that when he and Jim were clearing trees from some remote acres of PTL property to build campsites and bunkhouses, Jim discovered an elderly black couple living in a shack just off the edge of the property.

The man had only one arm and his wife was bedridden.  They didn’t have running water.  The man was cutting wood with a chain saw with his one hand, and they used that wood in a stove to cook their meals.

Without saying anything, Jim had a new trailer pulled in for them to live in.  Then, he had the trailer hooked up to a septic tank and had a well drilled for them so that they would have running water.

Nothing told me more about Jim’s heart than that story.

Matthew 12:35, “A good man out of the good treasure of His heart brings forth good things.”

Some of us need to mine the treasures in the hearts of our loved ones more often.  We need to dig deep and remember the good things that flow out of the hearts of the ones we love.

It’s all too easy to let life’s everyday pressures make us callous to the real heart of a person.  Recall something good about your loved one today.

Phillipians 4:8:  “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

5 thoughts on “A Good Heart

  1. Thank you Lori, for that wonderful word. My husband of 31 years was just diagnosed with Parkingsons Disease, he is 59 years old. As I look back I can see that many times throughout our marriage I was quick to point out his mistakes, and not so quick to point out the good things he would do. My husband is a very kind loving man. I am a pastor and he has always supported me in my calling. Even before my husband was diagnosed the Lord had been working on my heart, telling me how important it was for me to see and tell my husband of the good things he does. I do want you to know that We believe and receive total healing for his body and mind. And it is now more important that ever that speak only positive words over him as the enemy is tring to steal his mind. My prayer for everyone is that we would not be so quick to point out the wrong that one does, but we would be very quick to point out their goodness. I thank God for the good works that you and your husband do, you are both a blessing. Love, Rita

  2. Lori, I always look forward to reading your blog.As always your words serve to guide me & remind me of my many blessing.I enjoy watching both Jim & You on your show.Please continue your great work with “Lori’s House”.

  3. There’s no doubt about it: Jim Bakker has a heart deeper than the deepest ocean and a heart of gold. What a heart warming story!

    For me personally I’m thankful for the early years of PTL also and also thankful for Morningside ministries now! I was a brand new Christian in 1975, and with not having anyone in my family Born-Again was hard. My precious Pastor’s wife discipleship mentored me and one of my daily encouragements she gave me was to watch the PTL Club!

    It was because of those early years of my Christian foundation (with MANY facets) that I believe I am who I am today. The first Christian book I ever read was “Calvary Road” by Roy Hession and I thought…. whoa… what have I gotten myself into? Second book I read was “Run to the Roar” by Tammy Faye and I knew I could do this life with Christ and on purpose.

    Later it was the simple song “Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle” along with Heb. 11:1 that became the fibers of my being and I beat all odds and had 2 miracle babies! PTL helped me “believe”!

    Life for everyone went on and in the next 20 years I never forgot my early beginnings. I wept at the turmoil and broken lives of the Bakkers that surfaced and prayed for them all so many times. My heart was breaking for Tammy Sue & Jamie … My own 2 miracle babies became a type of icon and reminder to pray for the Bakker kids and other PK’s that were being torn apart inside their hearts with the things the enemy strives to destroy. But if it were not for the ministry of PTL I would not have my 2 miracle babies and the reality of the everyday with Jesus!

    At the end of our 20 year marriage I was accused of things I did not do, I lost my ministry, & our family torn apart, I went into a horrible depression at the injustice that seemed to go on forever! I would hear in my head “God loves you…. He really does” over and over again. It was just a voice. Words I knew were true… but for many years I simply could not grab hold of them. I recovered and able to see clearly and minister once again!

    A friend told about the “New” Jim Bakker show (I did not know it had been created) and I immediately started watching , researching and following the ministry!

    One day at the end of a show Jim said: “God loves you… He really does”. Have you ever experienced your eyes spontaneously crying? Totally bypassing the emotions in the soul and cry? That’s what happened that day to me! I cried and sat there staring at the monitor screen crying! That was the voice I heard over and over again in my darkest hours of depression in previous years was Jim Bakker!! God was using Jim even then! I know sounds so trivial but I can’t tell you what it did to me!

    God is so amazing! I probably should have emailed Jim with this testimony of encouragement however it was your blog that spurred the memory of how important step by step our lives are, and I thank you!

    God has a plan for each of us… Jer. 29:11 tells us so! And over the years for me personally, pregnant young girls and young woman and their babies have become paramount in my heart. Lori’s House has been the fibers of my heart prayers as I know it is your “heart beat”! I know God has brought me full circle to where I am now…. and putting all the little details together astound and amaze me! And the bottom line is Jim Bakker’s heart is at the core of it all!

    Thank you Lori… thank you for all you are … I love the words you wrote in your blog when you said: “Some of us need to mine the treasures in the hearts of our loved ones more often. We need to dig deep and remember the good things that flow out of the hearts of the ones we love.”

    In our microwave society of faster and faster… it is powerful to know that God has a plan… and He is the same yesterday today and forever, and that plan many times takes many years. However, He changes not!

    Lori, you are simply precious, honest, supportive, and one amazing woman of God. I love you to pieces and just send a giant hug to you today! Thank you for bringing Lori’s House from dream & vision to fruition! I can’t wait to see it finished! Hallelujah!

    Much love and bouquets of blessings from California!

  4. Lori – THANK YOU, I needed that exhortation today. Jesus is my Saviour, for several years. Things have changed with the New Year and the death of my hubby of 54 years due to a fall down our entryway stairs. He was our rock and “hub” holding the family strong.

    I LOVED Tammy greatly, and bless JIM – when my twin suffered the loss of her son in a fire in her home several years ago, JIM sent them new PTL Bibles and they were joyfully received, used, and she still has hers today.

    My two sisters and I hope to be able to come to your location in the next year or two. We pray for you, and please remind Jim (in love) that ONLY in Heaven will we realize some of the lives we’ve touched deeply.

    God’s richest blessings. And, keep reminding parents the greatest gift they can ever, ever do, is to see their children are brought up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD as very young children. They’re watching more of what you do than anything you say!!! Live rightfully before God, it pays rich rewards along the way, with a crown of gold at the end and life eternal. PTL ALWAYS.

    I’m 73 and have tasted of which I speak.

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