Surrounded by your Enemies

In the Last Days, the Bible says that Israel will be surrounded by her enemies on all sides (Luke 19:43, Zechariah 12:3, Luke 21:20).  We’ve all seen this play out in the news every day.  Israel is indeed surrounded by her enemies, and we can be sure that without God’s divine hand upon her and His covenant that He established long ago with her, she would have little chance of survival in such a hostile environment.

When the agenda by your neighbors is to “wipe you off the map,” there is little peace or time for carelessness.  Indeed, Israel is ‘on guard’ every hour of every day.  She has a solidarity among her people that is based in survival.  They know that they must stand together in unity and they have united together under Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak with one voice.

Lately, in our world, all of Christianity has felt the same encircling by the enemies of Christ.  The antichrist spirit is at work in our nation and in our world.  Christians are coming under persecution by a world system that is moving rapidly towards not just a secular mindset, but a full-fledged antichrist agenda.  What is the antichrist agenda?  It is to rid the world of Christ and to eradicate all Christians.

Of course, this is not going to happen, but as the Last Days play out, Christians will feel more and more surrounded by their enemies and we will need each other to make it through the offensive this is mounting.  It’s even more important to remember that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, and rulers of high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

You would think that it would be easy for Christians to know their enemies, and to know the spirit of the antichrist by which they operate, but it’s not all that clear-cut.   Sometimes, it’s the enemy within that challenges the plan of God for His Church and His People in the Last Days.  Have you noticed that instead of a great coming together in the End Times against a common enemy (like Israel has done), Christians today are fighting each other with a fierceness that is very disturbing?

I’m convinced that a major strategy of the devil in the Last Days is to ‘divide and conquer’ God’s Church.  There’s no better way to do that than to convince each group or individual that they alone are the holders of the entirety of God’s truth, and that the rest of the Christians who hold differing viewpoints are all enemies.

In a paraphrase of a famous line:  “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

Whatever you’re going to do… do it NOW!

It is an amazing time to be living as the Bible’s Last Days events are taking place on a daily basis. Earthquakes have increased and even tornados have quadrupled!  This should not scare us but reassure us that the Bible is true!  Jesus said when all these things take place, He will take us, who believe in Him, to a home He has prepared for us!

Whatever we are going to do for Christ, NOW is the time to do it. Israel is God’s Time Clock and the alarm is telling us we are near earth shaking events. The AP news service declares; “U.S. Intelligence Officials say Israel won’t warn the U.S. if they decide to launch a preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.”

Iran has declared their goal is to wipe all Jews off the face of the earth including those in the United States and around the world!  Israel is surrounded by her enemies, just as the Bible says that they would be in the Last Days. We could be one bomb away from an Armageddon!

This is just one of the reasons Lori and I and all of us at Morningside are preparing for the Last Days great harvest time!  We are enlarging our school and adding a new production studio to reach the youth of the world. Our new ministry and food storage center, with housing for visitors coming for teaching and encouragement and a safe place in Times of Trouble, is under construction. The steel has arrived for this important building we call Morningside Old Mill Inn, which by the way, will house even a tornado-proof shelter for residents and visitors.

Lori and I are not only storing more food at Morningside and doing more to help our friends and faith partners get ready, we are adding to our personal storage for our family! The Bible even says that a person is a fool who sees trouble coming and does not prepare!  We believe what Jesus said would come to pass, will come to pass! And what Jesus told John to write down in the book of Revelation is coming to pass NOW!  Remember tribulation simply means pressure!  WOW, are we already there!

Why are we preparing this City of Refuge with power generators and its own food and water supply? It is to encourage and teach God’s Word, and store and grow food, and save babies, and train young and old alike, and to broadcast the Gospel around the world 24 hours a day!

I will give you just a few reasons why I am storing more food right NOW!  The number one reason is that I have spent the last two decades studying the Bible and focusing on the book of Revelation, researching in the Greek each word of this amazing book one word at a time and I am totally convinced we are living in Revelation Days NOW!  The “Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” are not only out of the barn but they are beginning to gallop throughout the world!

The number two reason why I am storing more food and have even put in emergency power into our home is America has turned her back on God!  The Harbinger warnings from God before Israel was destroyed have all taken place in the United States!  It was ten years after the bricks fell that Israel was destroyed and we are in the tenth year since 9/11!  Read Rabbi Cahn’s book, “The Harbinger” if you do not know of this important warning from God to America!  2012 is not the end of the world like many are saying, but as Rick Joyner has said, it may be the end of the world as we know it!

The third reason is that Jesus says in Matthew 24, that a sign of His return is there will be “no food to eat,” and there will be earthquakes all over the place!  In case of earthquakes or hurricanes or tornadoes or lack of food or riots or power failures, do you have a plan where you will go and where will your family meet if all phone lines and phone towers are down?  Iran plans to explode an Electric Magnetic bomb over America shutting down all transportation that has motors and our electric grid system. Do you agree it is time for America to turn back to God?  Our only safe place is in Jesus Christ;  He will never leave us or forsake us! The Bible says, “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord!”

It’s time to prepare food and water, for this is key to sustaining life!   Look over our food offers and get ready NOW!  One day it will be too late!

What do you think the Bible means when it says “In the Last Days perilous times will come?” Perilous means difficult, dangerous, furious and reducing the strength!  Are these difficult days?  Dangerous days?  Are people furious and has even the strength of America been reduced?  The warning signs of God’s prophetic words are flashing NOW!  Will you heed them and be ready?

Don’t be afraid – be ready!  Get your food ready for your family and have some for others too!  We can’t give them Jesus until we give them food first!

Remember that we love you and God loves you, He really does!

Jim's Signature Mailchimp

Master’s Media Kids Need Our Support

Right now, we are focusing on our Master’s Media kids and preparing them to “go ye” into all the world with the Gospel of Jesus.  This can’t happen unless you and I, the older generation, gets behind these kids with our prayers and our finances.

You know, the world doesn’t really look like the world we knew as teenagers.  Before, in the traditional church, we sent missionaries to occupy and evangelize other nations and other places that had not heard the Gospel.  Now, we find that our nation is one of the top mission fields of the world.  We need to embrace a new breed of missionary that knows how to “go” in a new way.  We are doing this with our Master’s Media kids.  We are embracing the technology and their way of evangelizing.

The way we evangelize, especially to the new generation, must be a way that can reach these kids that they understand.  Most kids are not coming to church – they can’t relate to church.  So we need to go get them.  We need to find a way to reach them with Jesus, and it’s not going to be by traditional means.  It’s going to be different – it’s going to be through social media and other web-related technologies.

You see, it has all changed from when you and I were young.  Back then, the social environment didn’t include a world-wide spectrum.  It only included those in your home town and maybe a few close neighboring towns.  Today, kids are influenced by many, many voices world-wide.  Most of those voices are not the ones they should be listening to – but they’re out there, influencing our kids.  Our voice needs to be out there too – dispelling the lies that they’re hearing from every imaginable source.

Here at Morningside, we are busy training young people, and getting them prepared to evangelize in their own way.  We have just remodeled the Tabernacle into a state-of-the-art studio for them to use to creatively produce Christian programs that other kids will see, world-wide.  We have ordered brand new cameras that are dedicated to the school and the student’s work.  We have just launched a new website built for them to express their faith and give their testimonies (see   This week, we are taking them all to Dallas, Texas for a Master’s Commission conference.

For those of us who are older, our job is not done – we must support this new generation, not only with our prayers, but with our means. There are many ways to do this.  You can call our Customer Service department at 417-779-9000 or 1-888-988-1588 and:  (1) give a one-time donation for scholarship funding; (2) you can specify support funds for a particular student. We can leave no greater legacy than to support the next generation in their work for the Lord.  Let’s get behind them.

We can leave no greater legacy than to support the next generation in their work for the Lord.


Jim's Signature Mailchimp

God Save Me!

You only have to look around you to see that things are coming apart in today’s world, quickly!  Every day we read and hear things that are pointing to dire days ahead.  Sometimes I don’t even recognize this country in which we live.  One news article I read today said that the ‘new’ American dream was renting a home.  Remember when the American dream was actually owning a home?

But that issue is minor compared to what’s happening in our world at large.  Governments are being overturned.  Israel is fighting for her life.  People are calling good things evil, and calling evil things good.  In the midst of all that, we are see another thing happening which, unfortunately, we sometimes become complacent about.   We’re seeing a rise in natural disasters, freaky weather, terrorist attacks – any of these things could put us in a life-threatening situation in a matter of minutes.

You may say, “well Jim, hasn’t it always been that way?”  The answer of course, is “yes.”  But keep in mind that these things are increasing in frequency and intensity, just like the Bible says in Matthew 24.  When you see the increase… that’s the time to act.  When you see the ‘birth pains’ getting closer and closer, you can be sure that the baby is coming.  You better get to the hospital!
Keep in mind that the people who were watching Noah build the Ark were scoffers.  Why did they scoff?  Why didn’t they act on the warning?  They were busy with life as usual… building, marrying, partying.  It’s a sad thing when people hear the warning sound, but decide to ignore it.  It’s sadder still, when Christians disregard the Bible’s warnings.

Yet, these same people will be calling out to God for help when Times of Trouble come.  Bill Whaley, a recent show guest that specializes in self-sufficiency and survival techniques using everyday ‘junk’ , said that the people who snub survival warnings are the same people who scream “God save me!” when things come apart.

Perhaps He will.

But God sent His Word ahead of these things so that those who are wise will prepare.  I’m not the only one crying out with the warning.  Many others are warning people as well.  Even secular sources are warning people – so much so that the suppliers of emergency food and survival equipment can’t even begin to keep up with the demand.

Will you be one who prepares ahead of time when you see disaster coming?  Or will you be the one praying “God save me!”  If you’re prepared, you can help others.  If you’re not prepared, you’re the one needing help.  Don’t be a victim.


Don’t Fear What’s Ahead

Wars, global unrest, nuclear threats, looming economic disaster, earthquakes, solar storms, political upheavals, out-of-control inflation, famines, weird diseases… on and on it goes.

Who wouldn’t be afraid in today’s world?

Now I know that we should all walk by faith in these Last Days, and we should all know how to answer our fears with scriptures in the Bible.  There’s a lot of teaching on this topic, but I want to speak to the human side of this before I tell you how to be strong in the ways of spiritual warfare.

In our humanity, we all need comfort and reassurance that God is not cold or indifferent to us when the Times of Trouble come.  I think most of us know that, but it helps to recall that fact as the writer of Hebrews did in Chapter 11, the great ‘faith’ chapter.  Go read this chapter again for your own encouragement.

Sometimes, it is good to recall all the times of your life when God has done amazing things for you.  Recall the moment you were born again and how the love of God flooded your heart and soul.  There is no greater miracle than that!  One old-time spiritual song says, “makes me love everybody!”  Now there’s a message in that for sure!  But, be sure to recall all the other times you have felt God’s presence and remember His tenderness and His loving care.

For me, there are too many special times to count that God has spoken to me or answered a prayer breathed in earnest.  But, I remember incomparable times like when He encouraged me when I was in a prison cell with an inspired song.  Or, when He told me the prayers of the saints were flooding my cell with love and hope.

Remember, God will never, never, never leave us or forsake us!

World events may cause us to have a healthy fear of what is happening to our world, but we should never forget that all of it means that JESUS IS COMING SOON!  When Jesus steps out on that cloud and we see His shining face, all of the troubles of this world will be over, and we will be with Him forever!

But, until then, we are told to “occupy” so we must live with a supernatural knowledge that we are indeed a chosen generation… one that will usher in the coming of Jesus.  While this can be a time of great fear, it shouldn’t be for those who are working, watching, and waiting for His return.

There is a healthy fear and an unhealthy fear.  A healthy fear reads the whole Bible, including the Revelation, and heeds its warnings.  A healthy fear helps you to know that God’s Word is true, all of it, and we will have some Times of Trouble in the Last Days.  And make no mistake, we are in the Last Days.

A healthy fear prepares both the spirit and the body to meet each and every situation we are faced with – with the maximum amount of faith.  I am reminded of the three Hebrew children:  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  We can recall how they refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s  demands to worship him, and were thrown into the fiery furnace as a result.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s story is an example of great faith because they told Nebuchadnezzar that their God was not only able to deliver them from the fiery furnace, but that He would deliver them!

How many of us have enough faith to say “God, I know you can deliver us out of our troubles and I know that you will!”

In the natural, we are all afraid to some extent.  But in the supernatural, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to give us strength and courage.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7, KJV)

With everything that’s happening in our world right now, it sometimes challenges our level of courage to live through it all without fear.  But, that is exactly what Jesus said that we should do.  In fact, He says it very clearly right in the middle of the scriptures that tell of these frightful events.

“When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened.” (Luke 21:9)

And just a few verses later, He repeats the admonition to be careful not to fear.

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.” (Luke 21:34)

Many say they are just not that strong – and they wonder how they can have faith in the face of fearful events.  The answer is humility and a heart that reaches out to God in spite of a weakness.

Isaiah 40:29 says, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

Have you ever heard the scripture “Lord, I believe.  Help me now my unbelief.”  (Mark 9:24)  Perhaps we should understand this as “Lord, I have faith.  Help me now with my fear.”  A humble heart is something the Lord will not refuse.  (Psalm 51:17)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Selah” (Ps 46:1-3)

No matter what catastrophes may come on the earth in Times of Trouble, we should not fear!

Why is fear so hazardous to our spiritual life, especially in the Last Days?  Why does the Lord caution us about fear?  Fear is not just a distressing emotion; it is the spiritual force of Satan’s kingdom. Faith is the force of God’s kingdom. We are saved by faith, we are healed by faith, and we move mountains by faith.  Fear is the opposite of faith. “And whatever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). It’s impossible to please God without faith.  So, fear is a sin.

According to Revelation 21:8, the fearful will be cast into the lake of fire! Fear is that serious!  Fear is called a spirit, and the Spirit of God within us should overcome the spirit of fear.

Whenever you notice fear in your life, you can overcome it by answering it with the Word of God.

Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

“I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”  John 14:27

So in the Times of Trouble ahead of us, do what you can to be ready.  Do all that you know to prepare for any calamity.  Then, cast the rest of your care upon the Lord and watch how he delivers His own people.

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


Jim's Signature Mailchimp

Failure, Flesh and Faith

When Jesus was preparing to go to the Cross, he was surrounded by his own disciples who had walked with him for 3 years.  They had all felt his presence in the most tangible way possible, witnessed his miracles, and were taught one-on-one by him.  They were there when he multiplied the fish and the loaves of bread to feed the 5,000.  They were there when he healed so many people and drove out demons.  They had pledged their loyalty to him and made great swelling statements of how they would stand by him.  Yet, not one did when the going got tough.

Simon Peter even said that he would go to his death for him.  Yet Simon temporarily failed in his weak and fearful flesh when things got really rough, and he even denied knowing Jesus.

Luke 22:31-34 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” But he said to Him, “Lord, with You I am ready to go both to prison and to death!” And He said, “I say to you, Peter, the rooster will not crow today until you have denied three times that you know Me.”

Oh, Simon still believed that Jesus was who he said he was – but he couldn’t hang onto the courage to stand up for him with other men when his own life was threatened.  He lied when he said he didn’t know Jesus – he failed in his confession because he was afraid.  He went from fearless to fearful in a matter of hours.

Before all this happened, Jesus told Simon that it was going to happen – and it did – just the way he said it would.  He also told him something that saved his spiritual life.  Jesus told Simon that he had prayed for him that his faith would not fail as a result of his own sinful failure and lack of courage.  Denying that Jesus was the Christ was a terrible blasphemous sin, especially considering that Simon had pledged his life to defend Jesus just hours before.

Satan wanted to destroy Simon by causing him to lose his faith because he had lost his courage.  Simon had wept bitterly when he realized what he had done.  He was completely broken – and that’s when Satan would have finished the job with a great big heap of condemnation if Jesus would have allowed it.  Condemnation is always the first response of a wicked agenda.  Complete destruction of one’s faith can result by condemning an already broken-hearted sinner.

The trials of the Revelation Days ahead are going to get rough.  People who have stood strong and powerful in their faith in earlier times, may be assaulted by Satan himself.  Our brothers and sisters are a huge target of a common enemy.  We need to keep in mind that “but for the grace of God, there go I.”

We need to pray fervently and beseech the Lord for our brothers or sisters that have grievously failed.  That should be our first response.  Our hearts should break and our spirits should grieve that a comrade has fallen.  There should never by any other response from Christ followers except to intercede so that their faith not fail, as Jesus set the example with Simon Peter.

Then Jesus said something wonderful to Simon.  He said “when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”  Jesus knew that Simon would deny him, then repent and turn around, then preach a few days later at Pentecost and 3,000 would get saved by one message!  He knew that his faith would not fail and that he would then have the opportunity to strengthen others in the same way Jesus had strengthened him – by praying for him!

You can come back again from any kind of failure.  You can be forgiven and you can, once again, operate in the fullness of your anointing and calling.  Peter did – you can too.  Don’t be deceived by angry and proud voices if they tell you that you can’t come back.  We have a very relatable story about one who did – in Simon Peter.  Losing your way is not the same as losing your faith.

Let’s remember how to go to war in the spirit for one another, even when we fail.  Failure doesn’t mean that we are condemned – it means that we are weak.  Yet, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus.  If Jesus is interceding for us, should we not do the same for one another?

God is going to use the weak and the foolish things of this earth to confound the wise in the days ahead.  I have a rock-solid witness in my spirit that he will.  When God showed me in prison that he still loved me after my failures and that he would never, never, never leave me or forsake me, I knew that my faith was not going to fail.  It had been shaken but it had not failed.  It didn’t fail because of the prayers of God’s people – and the faithfulness of a loving God.

In the days ahead, let’s all remember to pray for one another that our faith not fail.  Let’s remember that we are but flesh too, and that given different circumstances, it could be that “it’s not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer.”

Jesus is pulling for you, and we are too!


Jim's Signature Mailchimp

2012 Arrives Amid Great Confusion

Here we go into a new year!  This is not just any new year, but 2012, which I believe is a pivotal year in the “Beginning of Sorrows.”  This year could be our last full year to get our houses in order.  God has spoken to me that this will be a year of great CONFUSION in the world.  God needs His Church to be in full force for what is coming!

These are the days of 2012, they have arrived with all the ominous warnings of ancient prophets, contemporary watchmen and Biblical prophecies of being prepared (spiritually and physically) for the months ahead.  People have been talking about 2012 for centuries, and now it is upon us.  We’re not on the precipice or the verge or the brink.  We are there!

“What does it all mean?  Can somebody please break it down?”

This week on your TV, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and I will be discussing his new book, The Harbinger.  You can also view these broadcasts in the Video Archive section of our website. I want everyone who can to tune in – this is  one of the most important series I’ve ever done and I don’t want you to miss it.  Time is very short and unless we are fully aware and spiritually tuned to prophetic events, even those who have been in the Church all their lives might miss the signposts of the most important time in the history of the world.

The word “harbinger” means a sign, omen, warning, herald of something to come.  Rabbi Cahn unravels the prophetic events surrounding the great 9/11 calamity and warns us of what is coming next.  He left most of us speechless with his teachings regarding the judgments of God upon this nation.

The World Trade Center bombing on 9/11 was a warning from God.  That warning went unheeded, and for the most part, it was responded to with prideful defiance and a powerful denial of its purpose.  Why does God send his judgment as a warning to a nation?  It is for one reason and one reason only – so that they will repent, turn around, and honor Him.

I remember the outrage of the world and especially of some in the Christian community, when anyone dared suggest that perhaps God was warning this nation through the devastation of 9/11.  “Why God wouldn’t do that!  He’s a Good God!”  Yes, God would and God did…  BECAUSE He is good and He doesn’t want any to perish in their sin, not even one.

Though this nation was founded upon Godly principles, we have turned away from His ways and now we must turn back – or we will receive the full wages of our sins (Romans 6:23).  I believe even at this eleventh hour, if we put 2 Chronicles 7:14 into radical action, we could stay the hand of God in His righteous judgment of this nation, and lessen the misery of the consequences of our rebellion.

“Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”

At this time, however, the prophetic clock is still ticking away and the events preceding the Second Coming of Jesus will happen (are happening), just as it says and is foretold in Matthew 24, Luke 21, countless other Old and New Testament passages, and especially in the Revelation.  We are not going to change the prophetic unfolding of End Time events, but we can change what judgments are meted out and we have a choice how God deals with us individually and as a nation, based upon our responses to His warnings.

The economies and the governments of this nation and the world are falling apart, natural disasters are at an all-time high, and the whole of humanity is ready to plunge right into the doomsday scenario that is presented in the Book of Revelation.  Food could disappear off grocery shelves in a matter of hours.  Electricity and gasoline may be completely unavailable.  The world is on the brink of World War III.   Iran and Israel are  poised to unleash weapons of mass destruction at each other, not to mention the U.S., Russia, China, and others. THE STAGE IS NOW SET for the arrival of the antichrist.  We are on the very threshold of more calamity than the world has ever seen before.

The antichrist will use everything in his power to try to get Christians to deny Christ and renounce their faith.  Some people think we, as Christians, won’t have to go through that part of the tribulation – that God will take us all out of here before it comes down to that.  But what if He doesn’t?  What if we are so dull in our spiritual senses that we’re like that proverbial frog in the pot – you back off a little at a time from God’s standards and before you know it, you’re in hot water.  Could we even recognize our spiritual condition that has been so compromised with the world that it feels normal?

You can if you stay in God’s Word!

How then, should we try to live?  When the world comes apart, people everywhere will flock to the churches for answers.  There will be a last great awakening – a last great harvest of the ages.  We need to have ourselves ready spiritually and physically, and be ready to show others our faith in Jesus, the One that purchased life eternal for us on the Cross over 2,000 years ago.  That requires some practical preparations like food and water so that we will be able to minister the Gospel and help to bring souls into the Kingdom for all eternity.

As Christians, we sometimes forget that this life is but a vapor (James 4:14) and there’s an eternal life that quickly follows.  Eternal means everlasting, unending, perpetual, endless, ceaseless, and timeless.  That’s the life that God wants to spend with you, not just this life only.

You can’t go wrong serving God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength.

Get into the Word!  Know God’s Word!  Be ready to recognize the enemy’s movement and his tactics.  Know what righteousness is.  “Be ye Holy as I am Holy!”  (1 Peter 13-16)  We have made far too much of ‘religion’ and far too little of ‘holiness’.

There will be a lot of people running “to and fro” in the church world too – Confusion – and that means in a spiritual sense as well as a natural sense.  Don’t be confused.  Know what God says! (2 Timothy 4:3)

Some might say “well, if it gets that difficult, I’d rather just go be with Jesus.”  Do I need to remind you of Luke 12:47 or any of the other parables that deal with this kind of attitude?  “And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes… for to whom much is given, much is required.”

You don’t have to store food, but it will be easier for you to avoid entering an antichrist system if you do.  You don’t have to get as healthy as possible by eating right and exercising, but you can minister to more people in the Times of Trouble if you do.  You don’t have to have survival plans and equipment, but what good are you to a dying world if you’re dead too?!  “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”  Matthew 9:37 NAS

There is also a dangerous philosophy of waiting until the last minute to get right with God and to get prepared – not only by the world but by Christians.  The twinkling of an eye is not much time, people!  It’s faster than you can snap your fingers!

So, get ready for the ride of your life!  We are about to enter a time when you need to be rock solid about your priorities, and nothing will deter you or cause you to waver, or even be distracted.  I’ve been telling people about the CONFUSION the enemy is going to throw at us this year.  It will take all of our resolve and great faith, coupled with God’s Amazing Grace to get us through.  If I could break it down to the simplest of terms, here is what I am endeavouring to do and I hope you will too:

  1. Get yourself still so you don’t have so many distractions
  2. Study your Bible
  3. Hear from God
  4. Do what God says!

Join us on TV this week too, if it’s at all possible.  Rabbi Cahn will take our world’s events and break it all down for you.  I’m confident this series of shows will leave you as speechless as it did all of us at Morningside when we taped them on Grace Street – but it will leave us more aware than ever before.


Jim's Signature Mailchimp

God is Not the Author of Confusion

Here it is, the Christmas season, and though it is a time of family gathering and festivity everywhere, there is a solemnity that many are feeling… like a calm before a huge storm.  Something is about to happen that will shake our world and test our faith.  I believe that what’s coming will either result in a ‘falling away’ or a ‘getting closer’ to God in the next few months.

2012 is a year unparalleled in the amount of speculation about some soon-coming calamity.  Books have been written, movies made and a great deal of talk shows produced in efforts to get a glimpse into the projected events of 2012.  Will the world end?  Will some cataclysmic event destroy our planet?  Will millions perish of some world-wide pandemic?  Will volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters rearrange our world’s landscape?

What can we know for sure about this highly anticipated apocalyptic year? 

Some people go to psychics, some go to the scientific community, some to the writings of ancient civilizations to determine what will happen to our world in 2012.  As for me, I go to the Word of God, the Bible – that ancient text authored by God himself through his holy people.  Then I go to the Lord in prayer and listen for His voice.  That’s the voice we can trust and the Bible the final authority.  The Lord said “my sheep hear my voice,” and I know that to be true.

As a watchman of the Lord, he has given me several specific words for 2012.  The first and most outstanding  word is “CONFUSION.”  2012 will be a year of confusion beyond anything we have ever experienced before in our nation and in our world, not just confusion, but mass confusion.

Yet, the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that “God is not the author of confusion…”  The Church, that Body of Believers that are born again and listening to His voice, should NOT be confused!  If God is not the author of confusion, that means it’s coming from satan.  The spirit of the anti-christ is disorder.

It’s almost ironic that 12 is the Biblical number for perfect order, just exactly the opposite of confusion.  God needs His Church to be in full force and in divine order so that we can be winning souls in the midst of a confused world.  The Church will be the new ‘ark’ in the confusing days ahead.  This could be the last full year we have to get our house in order and to get prepared for what’s coming!

In 2012, confusion is going to manifest in uncertainties, misunderstandings, good being spoken of as evil, disorder and turmoil of every kind.   If ever there was a time to “know what we know,” it’s now.  It’s time to get in the Word, because deception is coming!  The Word of God is truth and it leaves no room for bewilderment or perplexity.  It will dispel any darkness with its Light!

The Lord told me that first, there would be a great earthquake in Japan, and then total collapse of the world’s economy.  I can’t tell you the day, I can’t tell you the month or the week, but I can tell you that an economic collapse is imminent. 

Get your house ready and get your Church ready to be that ark of safety as the confusion swirls all around.  Be fully persuaded in your heart and in your mind that you will be steadfast and sure because the Word of God lives within you, and you know His voice.  This is going to be a year of soul winning because those who know God’s voice will have wisdom to guide them and love to sustain them.  They will not be confused – but instead, they will be steadfast and sure.  Jesus is coming soon and we are looking for Him!

God loves YOU, He really does!

We’re on the Verge of Something BIG!

There is so much happening in the Spirit right now.  God has been speaking to me about so many things that I need to get out – need to tell everyone – need to warn people about.  Even the Thanksgiving holiday has given me no reprieve on sounding the alarm!  The time is short folks!  We are on the verge of something really BIG!  I feel it in my spirit and I know it because I know His voice!

Others know His voice too.  When Rick Joyner came last week, he said he was almost “desperate” to get back here to Morningside and tell our listening audience “AMEN – it’s time to store food and water!”  Neither of us know precisely what is coming, but we know it is BIG!  We are pleading with people to get ready! 

We talked a lot about this nation and how it has turned away from God.  The scriptures are clear:  When a nation honors God, they will be blessed (Psalm 33:12).  When they turn against God, the scriptures say they will perish! (Deuteronomy 8:19,  Jeremiah 7:6, 25:6)

Rick had a lot to say about the condition of the nation and the church.  Here are just a few of the outstanding statements he urged our listening audience to pay attention to:

“Now there is going to be a time of trouble. There’s going to be a time of bartering in America. There’s going to be tremendous upheaval. We can come out of the other side better than ever.”

“Our future can be much brighter than our past. I’m talking about America.”

“The net worth of America is not measured in dollars. It’s the industry. It’s the initiative. It’s the people. It’s the freedoms that release these things.”

“I’m confident that if we will humble ourselves, if we follow 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord will not only get us out of this, it will be a reset. It will be like a Jubilee.”

“When a nation keeps taking stands against God and against Israel – it’s dangerous!  We don’t honor God as a holy God.”

“Our nation is in increasing jeopardy because of the way we treat Israel – and the way we treat the Lord is even worse!  Until 50 years ago, we wanted Jesus more than any nation on earth and since then, we’ve been asking Him to leave – we’ve demanded Him to leave!”

“We don’t even want the mention of Him in our history or in our public places… and He’s left!”

The ensuing meltdown is continuing and Rick believes we are in the worst jeopardy of our nation’s history!  This meltdown is the direct result of us turning from solid Biblical foundations, solid Biblical principles that He gave us as a nation!

The only answer is to get back to them.  You can go back and see it has been the departure from those founding principles that has led us to all of the crises we are now in.

 “Outside, people are saying now it’s July when everything starts unraveling really fast.”

“Some of our senators and congressmen said — they didn’t say it publically — but they said, “We’re now hoping to make it to January.”

“Our real debt right now is not just 15 trillion or 14 trillion. Add the entitlements on there… It goes way past 65 trillion.”

“The economic principles that are being used are counter-productive. They’re not just not working — they’re counter-productive. They’re unraveling things.”

“In the natural we passed a point of no return. In the natural there’s nothing we can do now and this is why they’re not addressing certain things. They said nobody has the answers and that’s why they’re not talking about it. So let’s go on, business as usual.”

“2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “If MY people.”  We need to understand that it’s us, not the heathen that needs to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways so that He can come and heal our land.”

“We ARE a Christian nation:  83% of Americans claim to be Christians.  Nearly 65% claim to be born again!  Though 65% claim to be born again, only 6% have a Biblical world view.  We have been making converts and not disciples.  We would not have drifted so far from our Biblical foundations had we understood what was in the scriptures.”

If you know Rick the way I know him, he doesn’t alter his message or adjust it for anyone or anything.  He says what he means and means what he says.  I respect him for that and I know him to be a solid man of God with a prophetic voice you can count on.  He hears from God.

I can’t say this urgently enough:  It’s time for understanding of the Times and Seasons.  It’s time to be like the Sons of Issachar who knew the Times and the Seasons and had wisdom about how to prepare for them. There’s something coming – it’s BIG.  Get yourself and your family prepared.  Have something extra to give to others so that you can show them the love of God during hard times.  Do it NOW!

“If just the evangelical church would say, “Let’s get ready to take care of ourselves and just 10 percent more…” We could take care of 50 percent of the people in America.”



Woe is Me (Pt. 10)

It really saddens me when I think of the way much of the church is handling the Book of Revelation.  Though in verse 3 of the first chapter of the Revelation we are promised a blessing if we read and keep (to watch over, to guard) those things within it, there seems to be a reluctance to preach it even though we are right now experiencing it!

The denial of what is going on in our nation and our world as Revelation Day Events is unprecedented, and this denial will cause people to be unprepared.  We should be shouting from the rooftops and pleading with and warning people that this current age is coming to a close.  But before it does, there will be hard times in this natural world – followed by the supernatural return of Jesus Christ to earth! READ MORE