Netanyahu Vows to Control Violence Day before “Day of Rage” Attacks

Hours after a teenage Israeli boy was stabbed and in critical condition on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed parliament and angrily accused Israel’s Arab lawmakers for helping incite the weeks of violence.

In past meetings, lawmakers from the Joint (Arab) list have walked out when Netanyahu has stood at the podium. Netanyahu has called for an investigation of several members of the Joint (Arab) list, including MK Hanin Zoabi. Netanyahu claims that she, among others, supports Palestinian acts of terror against Israelis.

“She said to a Hamas magazine just two days ago that the actions of individuals isn’t enough and there needs to be a real intifada,” he went on. “This is unbelievable, honored colleagues. A member of Knesset in Israel calls for wholesale terror attacks against Israeli citizens, and there’s nothing more justified than opening a criminal investigation against her.”

Netanyahu called out to the Arab citizens of Israel, asking them to “kick out the extremists among you.”

While Netanyahu did take action in parliament, many are putting Israel’s Prime Minister under heavy criticism for failing to stop the violence. An opinion poll this week showed that 70% of the public is unhappy with his handling of the situation.

The escalation of violence in Israel began a month ago with a rumor that Israel planned on taking over the Temple Mount, a holy site to both Muslims and Jews. Since then, the violence has spread from the Temple Mount to the Old City, West Bank, and Gaza Strip.

Despite the increase in security, the random nature of the stabbings have made it difficult for Israeli police to stop the attacks. Many of the attackers have been teenagers who are not affiliated with militant groups. Seven Israelis have been killed in stabbings, a shooting, and a stoning attack, while 27 Palestinians have been killed. Out of the 25, 10 were attackers.

It doesn’t seem the violence will stop any time soon. Reports say that on Tuesday, a Palestinian man armed with knives and a gun killed at least three people and wounded others in a wave of attacks in Jerusalem. Palestinian groups declared Tuesday a “Day of Rage.” Within an hour, another Palestinian man stabbed and wounded four other people in Raanana according to Israeli police.

The increased stabbings has raised speculation that Palestinians may be attempting another uprising intifada, showing how the citizens are frustrated over their leadership’s failure of achieving statehood.

Police reported that Netanyahu has scheduled a meeting at 3:00 p.m. to discuss new operational plans.

Goldman Sachs: The Third Wave of 2008’s Financial Crisis is Coming

In 2008, the U.S. real estate and investment banking collapsed, resulting in a financial disaster that is returning in a third wave.

Goldman Sachs analysts led by Peter Oppenheimer stated that the new crisis is characterized by a triple-whammy of rock bottom commodities prices, China’s stalling growth and other emerging markets economies, and low global inflation. The triple-whammy is a result of the banking collapse and European sovereign debt crisis, what experts call a debt supercycle that has taken place over the last few decades.

During the first two debt-fuelled crises, central banks all began to lower interest rates, encouraging investors to lend in emerging markets like China for a decent return. However, now that interest rates may be on the rise, lenders are pulling out of commodities.

During the first wave in 2008, the same situation happened along with the crash of the U.S. housing market. The low interest rates were put into place to grow credit and increase leverage, particularly in China. Combine this with China trying to escape the middle-income trap and the plunge of global commodity prices, and a new crisis is not very far away. At best, the situation would be a painful readjustment period for China.

The global economy will soon slow down thanks to developed economies raising interest rates. The raised rates will also apply to safer assets such as government bonds, which gives investors less incentive to take risks overseas in emerging markets. Without the investments, emerging market companies can’t fund big projects, which in turn, slows down the global economy.

What makes the situation even worse, is that recovery from the crisis is continuously stalled due to the different stages of the economy interacting with each other. In 2010 and 2011, the EU sovereign debt crisis derailed the U.S. economic recovery.

What will it take for the world to recover from the financial crisis? All excess lending in emerging markets have to be worked through, and investors will have to take losses.

8 ISIS Senior Figures Killed in Airstrike; Status of Main Leader Unknown

Eight ISIS senior figures were killed in an airstrike while meeting in a town in western Iraq. Residents of the town and hospital sources reported that the self-proclaimed leader of the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was not among them.

On Sunday, Iraq’s air force led a strike that hit the meeting and the convoy that was bringing Baghdadi to the meeting. After being struck, the convoy drove away with the leader in an unknown condition. So far, Baghdadi has survived a year of U.S.-led airstrikes.

A Twitter account used by the Islamic State said that the “rumors” of an airstrike hitting Baghdadi’s convoy were false. The account then issued another statement saying that if Baghdadi was injured or killed, his self-proclaimed caliphate would survive.

“Do you think we would leave the State of the caliphate and abandon it, oh vile world?,” asked one of his followers. “This is the religion of God, it rose on the skulls of heroes and martyrs and every time one of them is martyred we rise.”

Currently there are still very mixed reports about the condition of Baghdadi. Russian news outlets have stated that Baghdadi was injured and hospitalized in Al-Qa’im, an Iraqi town near the Syrian border. However, Iraqi military officials told Reuters that it’s a very distinct possibility that Baghdadi wasn’t in the convoy at all.

Twice in the past year, Iraqi officials have claimed that Baghdadi was injured in airstrikes. Each time, Baghdadi posted audio recordings on social media days after the airstrikes.

Deadly Bombing in Turkey over the Weekend; ISIS Main Suspects

A suicide bombing that took place in Ankara, Turkey killed 97 people and injured 250 others on Saturday. As the country mourned the deaths, Turkey’s government said that the prime suspect for the bombing was ISIS.

It is currently believed that two suicide bombers carried out the attack near Ankara’s main train station where a peace rally was being held. The rally was calling for an end to the conflict between the Turkish government and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahment Davutoglu stated that the attack was intended to influence their election in November. The vote will not be postponed, according to officials.

“As the country enters the final stage of the second election campaign this year, our concerns that political instability and security threats would increase are proving tragically accurate,” said Cristian Maggio, head of Emerging Markets Research at TD Securities in London in an e-mailed report on Monday. Maggio has been studying the security flaws in Turkey.

At this time, no group has claimed responsibility for the attacks and suspects include Kurdish rebels, militant nationalists, Marxist radicals, the Turkish government, and ISIS.

“If you consider the way the attack happened and the general trend of it, we have identified Islamic State as the primary focus,” Davutoglu told Turkey’s NTV television. “It was definitely a suicide bombing…DNA tests are being conducted. It was determined how the suicide bombers got there. We’re close to a name, which points to one group.”

The aftermath of the incident has also led to clashes between police and civilians. As police continue to investigate the area, civilians wish to visit the scene to mourn and honor the dead. Police are continuing to block civilians from the scene and even had to fire tear gas in the air in once incident.

Latest Study Warns “Day After Tomorrow” Ice Age Closer Than We Think

When the apocalyptic film first released, critics from both the entertainment and science communities ridiculed the movie over the possibility of climate change having such an extreme affect on the world. However, a recent study by researchers from the University of Southampton has found that we are closer to a “Day After Tomorrow” scenario than we thought.

In the film, climate warming results in the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a major current in the Atlantic Ocean that has a northward flow of warm, salty water in the upper layers of the Atlantic and a southward flow of colder water in the deep Atlantic. This leads to New York being flooded, tornadoes in Los Angeles, and finally the north hemisphere freezing and experiencing an Ice Age.

Researchers discovered that if global warming and the collapse of the AMOC occur at the same time, the Earth will cool for a period of 20 years. After the 20 years, global warming would continue as if the AMOC never collapsed and the global average temperature would offset by approximately 0.8 degrees Celsius. They used an advanced climate model at Germany’s Max-Planck Institute to simulate the conditions.

“The planet earth recovers from the AMOC collapse in about 40 years when global warming continues at present-day rates, but near the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic (including the British Isles) it takes more than a century before temperature is back to normal,” Professor Sybren Drijfhout, from Ocean and Earth Science Department at the University of Southampton, said in the release.

The AMOC depends on a connect of the warm north waters and the cool southern waters that flow deep in the North Atlantic. Due to global warming, the Greenland ice sheet has begun to melt into the AMOC, affecting the balance of the warm and cold waters. Currently, it is causing the AMOC to slow down, but it will eventually collapse.

While the climate sequence in the movie is sped up and exaggerated, the researchers still noted that the consequences from the AMOC collapse would be no less cause for worry.

The simulation showed that Western Europe would be hit the hardest by cold temperatures but America would have to contend with floods. Sea levels on the U.S. East Coast would rise more than three feet, and the UK, Denmark, and the Netherlands would see a 35-degree temperature drop.

“This would affect hundreds of millions of people,” Drijfhout said, “At least temporarily, Europe would suffer conditions that would look like the Little Ice Age of the Middle Ages.”

“When it comes to climate change, we are playing a dangerous game,” he added.

Ebola Can Persist in Survivors

Science has discovered a new and scary fact about ebola: it can survive in body parts such as eyes, breasts, and testicles long after leaving the blood stream, making scientists wonder if the disease can even be beaten.

People who contract and supposedly beat the disease can suffer from complications that lead to “post-Ebola syndrome.” This is the case with the recent reported incident with a Scottish nurse, Pauline Cafferkey. Cafferkey recovered from Ebola last year, but is now in “serious condition.” She has been admitted to an isolation unit in London.

Dr. Ben Neuman, a virologist from the University of Reading, told the BBC that the outlook for Cafferkey is good.

“The odds are that she has actually inherited a lucky set of genes and these are probably what protected her the first time and probably what will keep her safe the second time regardless of any treatment. The outlook’s good,” Neuman said.

Post-Ebola syndrome can cause serious health problems, particularly to eyes and joints, according to Neuman.

“The newly discovered twist on this post-Ebola syndrome is that in some cases the health problems – often including damage to the eyes and joints – are caused by live Ebola virus growing in fluids in some of the less accessible compartments of the body,” he added.

Meanwhile in Nigeria, ten people have been quarantined after coming into contact with a person who showed Ebola-like symptoms, a year after the country declared it was Ebola free. Local media states the patient has since died, but no official confirmation has been given.

Ebola is one of the deadliest diseases known to humans. It infected 28,000 people and killed more than 11,300 people in the unprecedented outbreak in West Africa that was declared in March 2014.

Violence in Israel Intensifies; Death on Both Sides

The worst spell of civil unrest that has hit the region in years has resulted in several deaths of both Jewish and Arab citizens.

On Friday, a Jewish man stabbed and wounded four Arabs in south Israel. In the past 10 days, four Israelis have been shot or stabbed in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. At least a dozen Israelis have been wounded by knife and screwdriver wielding Palestinians in various Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv. Attacks have continued on both sides recently resulting in the deaths of four Arab men by a Jewish man in his 20s. A 14-year-old Jewish boy was wounded in a stabbing by a Palestinian while a woman believed to be Palestinian tried to stab an Israeli guard at a bus station.

There have been talks of a third Palestinian uprising after the death of three Palestinians who were killed by Israeli security forces in stone-throwing demonstrations. Many more Palestinians have been wounded in the same demonstrations.

The escalation in violence seems to be over the events at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City. Palestinians fear that Israel is trying to change the status quo at the holy site. The current conditions are that Jews are allowed to visit the site, but only Muslim prayer are allowed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied that conditions at the holy site are being changed, but his assurances have done little to keep the peace.

Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have called for calm and for Israeli security forces and Palestinian police to continue working together to restore order. However, signs indicate that the violence will continue.

Russia Denies Missiles Landed in Iran, Despite Pentagon Reports

Pentagon officials reported Friday that the 4 of the 26 missiles fired by Russian warships in the Caspian Sea landed in a rural area of northern Iran.

Both Iran and Russia deny the claims, saying that it’s propaganda. Russia states that all 26 missiles hit ISIS targets in north and northwest Syria. The Russian defense ministry posted this on Facebook: “No matter how unpleasant and unexpected it is for our colleagues in the Pentagon and Langley, our strike yesterday with precision-guided weapons at Isis infrastructure in Syria hit its targets.”

Reports on Iranian TV indicated that an “unidentified flying object” had crashed and exploded in a village, killing a number of cows. At this time it’s still unclear if that object was a Russian missile, but social media posts showed missiles flying overhead at low altitudes.

A U.S. defense official said that the missiles used by Russia to attack Syrian targets are typically used to attack heavy air defenses, which the Syrian rebel groups do not have. They speculate that the use of the cruise missile is a sign of Russia’s power to the rest of the world.

The Pentagon report comes days after Russian forces coordinated attacks with the Syrian military to attack Syrian rebel groups. Russia continues to claim that their presence in Syria is to fight ISIS, despite their continuous attacks on groups that are against the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad regime.

NATO Will Defend Turkey As Russian Military Escalation Continues in Syria

On Thursday, NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg stated that NATO is ready to deploy forces in order to defend alliance member Turkey.

The statement comes days after Turkey reported that Russia had violated its airspace twice and approximately a week since Russia began airstrikes in Syria. NATO defense ministers are planning to meet in Brussels today regarding Russia’s military escalation in Syria.

“Nato is ready and able to defend all allies, including Turkey against any threats,” Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general, told reporters before the Brussels meeting.

“In Syria, we have seen a troubling escalation of Russian military activities. We will assess the latest developments and their implications for the security of the alliance. This is particularly relevant in view of the recent violations of Nato’s airspace by Russian aircraft.

“Nato has already responded by increasing our capacity, our ability, our preparedness to deploy forces including to the south, including in Turkey.”

Stoltenberg also announced that NATO has already taken steps in order to defend Turkey if needed. The NATO Response Force has been doubled to 40,000, and NATO is reviewing its naval presence in the eastern Mediterranean, where Russian forces already have a small naval flotilla off the Syrian coast.

Moscow continues to deny Western accusations that their military presence in Syria is to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia insists their presence in Syria is to only fight the Islamic State. However, Russian airstrikes have mostly targeted areas that are controlled by Syrian rebels, not ISIS.

U.S. May Send Warships Near Disputed South China Sea Islands

A U.S. defense official said on Thursday that the U.S. is considering sending warships close to China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea. This would be a signal that the U.S. does not recognize the islands as Chinese territory, despite China’s claims.

The Financial Times newspaper reported that U.S. ships would sail within 12-nautical-mile zones of the disputed territory.

U.S. officials are waiting for the approval of the Obama Administration but said action would take place “within days.”

In May, Chinese officials issued eight warnings to a U.S. surveillance aircraft that had been flying near the Chinese artificial islands.

Chinese officials are aware of the United States’ potential actions and stated that they will continue to communicate with the United States regarding the South China Sea issue.

“I believe the U.S. side is extremely clear about China’s relevant principled stance,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. “We hope the U.S. side can objectively and fairly view the current situation in the South China Sea, and with China, genuinely play a constructive role in safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea.”

During the recent visit to the United States by Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Obama discussed the matter with the Chinese President, stating that he had “significant concerns.” Xi responded by telling President Obama they China intended to militarize the islands. U.S. officials report that China has already begun to create military facilities on the island and are waiting to see how much military hardware will be installed.