Republicans in the New York State Senate are expected to block a bill from the state Assembly that would expand abortion into the third trimester.
The bill, AB6221, was approved by the Assembly on Tuesday 94-49.
“The state shall not deny a woman’s right to obtain an abortion as established by the United States Supreme Court in the decision Roe v. Wade,” the bill reads. “Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, New York protects a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy within 24 weeks from commencement of her pregnancy, or when necessary to protect a woman’s life or health as determined by a licensed physician.”
The bill had been part of a “women’s equality” bill but was separated into a stand-alone bill.
The head of New York State Right to Life told LifeNews that the bill shows the power of the abortion lobby in the state.
“Expanding cruel and brutal third-trimester abortions has long been a goal of the anti-life lobby who never met an abortion they didn’t like,” Lori Kehoe, New York State Right to Life executive director, told LifeNews. “With no regard for the fully developed unborn baby who is violently dismembered, or otherwise killed, the New York State Assembly once again put the abortion lobby above New York State women and their children.”