Director of FBI says Red Lights are flashing everywhere of terrorism attack: They’re already here


Important Takeaways:

  • As the FBI investigates the Trump rally shooting as potential domestic terrorism, over the last year, a growing number of national security insiders have predicted the U.S. faces an imminent terror attack.
  • According to top intelligence officials, three different terror threat level categories have been identified: international, domestic, and state-sponsored. They add, that right now, warning lights on all three, are flashing red.
  • “As I look back over my career in law enforcement, I would be hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once,” FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers this spring.
  • In the wake of the October 7th attack in Israel, Wray says the international threat is especially concerning.
  • “These are terrorist organizations that don’t typically see eye to eye, but they seem to be united in one thing, which is calling for attacks on us,” he explained.
  • Here at home, individuals associated with Islamic terror organizations are crossing the southern border into the U.S. The FBI arrested eight men from Tajikistan just last month, all entered illegally, yet still underwent vetting before being allowed in.
  • “At this point, they’re not worried about sneaking into the country. They are, they’re already here. At this point, they’re in the planning stages, or in the operational phase, where they’re looking at targets,” said the Hudson Institute’s Michael Pregent.

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