Michael Snyder points out latest example of what speaking out against social changes gets you

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Important Takeaways:

  • If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price
  • Dissent is simply not allowed, and Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr found that out the hard way…
  • On Thursday, Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr took part in an activity where seniors share advice for lowerclassmen. In a departure from his preapproved remarks, Lohr spoke from his heart, saying, “Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”
  • Despite the fact that this simple statement has been a truism for all of human history, the leadership of Kellogg High School seemed to think it was unacceptable. Principal Dan Davidian informed Lohr that he would not be allowed to walk in his graduation ceremony on Saturday
  • The following is how a member of the Idaho legislature named Heather Scott summarized what we have witnessed so far…
    • UNACCEPTABLE! The Shoshone County Kellogg High school graduation is canceled for all students! So how I am understanding this is:
      1. A student speaks scientific truth at a school assembly (“Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”)
      2. Science denier “adult” teachers were offended.
      3. The student was punished and is now forbidden to participate in graduation.
      4. Parents, students, and community members voiced their concerns in a peaceful protest.
      5. The school then fired an off-duty bus driver for joining the peaceful protest!
      6. The Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office informed the school of concerns about “safety”
      7. The school will now punish the entire student body and community by postponing graduation for all students.
  • Sadly, it isn’t just the school that has taken action. According to Travis Lohr, he has also just had a job offer rescinded…
  • A student barred from his high school graduation ceremony after stating there are only two genders said in a Sunday interview on “Fox & Friends” that a firefighting job offer has now been rescinded.
  • This just shows how far our society has fallen.

Read the original article by clicking here.