Right now, we are focusing on our Master’s Media kids and preparing them to “go ye” into all the world with the Gospel of Jesus. This can’t happen unless you and I, the older generation, gets behind these kids with our prayers and our finances.
You know, the world doesn’t really look like the world we knew as teenagers. Before, in the traditional church, we sent missionaries to occupy and evangelize other nations and other places that had not heard the Gospel. Now, we find that our nation is one of the top mission fields of the world. We need to embrace a new breed of missionary that knows how to “go” in a new way. We are doing this with our Master’s Media kids. We are embracing the technology and their way of evangelizing.
The way we evangelize, especially to the new generation, must be a way that can reach these kids that they understand. Most kids are not coming to church – they can’t relate to church. So we need to go get them. We need to find a way to reach them with Jesus, and it’s not going to be by traditional means. It’s going to be different – it’s going to be through social media and other web-related technologies.
You see, it has all changed from when you and I were young. Back then, the social environment didn’t include a world-wide spectrum. It only included those in your home town and maybe a few close neighboring towns. Today, kids are influenced by many, many voices world-wide. Most of those voices are not the ones they should be listening to – but they’re out there, influencing our kids. Our voice needs to be out there too – dispelling the lies that they’re hearing from every imaginable source.
Here at Morningside, we are busy training young people, and getting them prepared to evangelize in their own way. We have just remodeled the Tabernacle into a state-of-the-art studio for them to use to creatively produce Christian programs that other kids will see, world-wide. We have ordered brand new cameras that are dedicated to the school and the student’s work. We have just launched a new website built for them to express their faith and give their testimonies (see generationNOWiptv.com). This week, we are taking them all to Dallas, Texas for a Master’s Commission conference.
For those of us who are older, our job is not done – we must support this new generation, not only with our prayers, but with our means. There are many ways to do this. You can call our Customer Service department at 417-779-9000 or 1-888-988-1588 and: (1) give a one-time donation for scholarship funding; (2) you can specify support funds for a particular student. We can leave no greater legacy than to support the next generation in their work for the Lord. Let’s get behind them.
We can leave no greater legacy than to support the next generation in their work for the Lord.