Revelations 13:7 “Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation”
Important Takeaways:
- Ex-Satanist, Ex-Witch React as SatanCon Arrives: ‘The Enemy Is Waging All Out War Right in Our Faces’
- Author and evangelist John Ramirez says… “They’re being aggressive now,” Ramirez said. “They’ve always been vocal, but now they’re being aggressive. It doesn’t surprise me. The Devil’s telling them now ‘Amp up your game. Amp up your hearts. Get aggressive.’”
- “They know they have a time frame to establish something that the Devil has given them,” he told CBN News. “And if they don’t abide by that time frame the Devil has given them, then they have to deal with the consequences spiritually.
- Ramirez told CBN News the church needs to confront these people in love. “Bottom line, God loves them too,” he said.
- Former Wiccan witch Jennie Weaver, who’s now a Christian worship artist and Bible teacher, warned in an email to CBN News that public events like Satancon mean “the enemy is no longer hiding.”
- What we are seeing is a massive spiritual battle and the enemy is waging an all-out war right in our faces!!
- “As Christians, we must raise up and take back the land for Christ!” Weaver added. “These people are spitting on the biblical principles that our nation was founded on, and it’s time we take back the land.”
- Joel P. Rutkowski, president of the American Voice Institute of Public Policy, asked all Christians to pray for Boston.
Read the original article by clicking here.