Bird Flu Summit brochure H5N1 Preparedness, Prevention, Detection, Response, and Recovery


Important Takeaways:

  • An “International Bird Flu Summit” will be held in Washington D.C. from October 2nd to October 4th
    • Welcome to the International Bird Flu Summit, where we address the pressing concerns surrounding the recent developments in avian influenza. With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation.
    • Topics
      • Mass Fatality Management Planning
      • Surveillance and Data Management
      • Preparing Communities Strategies
      • Local Partnership & Participation
      • Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication
      • Medical Countermeasures
      • Socio-Economic Impact on Poultry and livestock Industries
      • Benefit-Risk Assessment: Public Health, Industry and Regulatory Perspectives
      • Prevention Education Efforts and Risk Communication
      • Command, Control and Management
      • Emergency Response Management
      • Business-Based Planning
      • School-Based Planning
      • Community-Based Planning

Read the original article by clicking here.