High School Takes Students To Mosque, Allows Them To Receive Koran

A Tennessee high school has taken a group of students to a mosque where some were given free copies of the Koran. A student who opted out of the trip was given a worksheet that said Muslims treat conquered people better than the United States treat minorities.

Hendersonville High School honors world studies students were taken to the mosque and a Hindu temple but a visit to a Christian church or Jewish temple was not included in the curriculum.

The principal of the school told a parent they could not afford to visit all five according to a report by FoxNews’ Todd Starnes. Continue reading

Study Shows World Getting More Religious

A new study released by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity is showing the world overall is growing more religious and will likely continue in that trend for many more years.

According to the report “Christianity In Its Global Context, 1970-2010”, an almost ten percent increase in religious belief is expected by 2020. In 1970, 80 percent of the world’s population was religious, 88 percent in 2010 and is predicted to be 90 percent by 2020. Continue reading