2014 – A Year in Review

What an amazing year this has been! Just watching the world’s events unfold in the news is almost beyond the mind’s ability to comprehend. Do we really grasp that we are racing towards the complete fulfillment of ancient prophecies at break-neck speed?  Biblical prophecies written in amazing detail and shrouded in mystery for a time are now being revealed. What was once cloudy is now clear – what was once a mystery is now revealed – what once felt so far off is now at the door. Continue reading

The Final Countdown

Our recent trip to Israel and New York City with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to visit the Harbinger sites was truly one of the highlights of my life and a high point in the life of this ministry. Rabbi Cahn presented some amazing teaching in the Holy Land as well as undeniable facts about the history of our nation, how it was birthed, and now, sadly, its inevitable decline. Continue reading

Our Personal Shemitah (Pt. 2)

“Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather its fruit; but in the seventh year, there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a Sabbath to the Lord” (Leviticus 25:3-4). He also ordered the release of all debts (Deuteronomy 15:1).

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has taught us the principles of the Shemitah through his book and through teaching us on the show. The Hebrew translation of Shemitah is “to release.” Here is the main thought I want you to grab from this writing:  What you release this Shemitah year, will be released from you – when the Lord returns.

This Shemitah year is no ordinary Shemitah year. This year marks the end of a period of time that many believe immediately precedes the Second Coming of the Lord. We know that His coming is near because we are watching for it and we can see the signs, like the Bible says. Continue reading

Our Personal Shemitah (Pt. 1)

We’ve heard a lot of teaching from Rabbi Cahn and others about this Shemitah year that we are in right now, and most of it is focused on the nations of the world and how they will fare in the End Times based on their actions concerning the things of God.

But have you considered that this Shemitah year is also applied to what’s going on in your heart and life?  This is not only a global initiative, it is individual as well.

It’s a time that God gave us to get back in right standing because if we don’t, the judgment comes.  If our hearts are right, it could be a time of great blessing!  The good news is that judgment belongs to the Lord and He is kind and good to those who are working out their salvation.  This life in Christ is not a spectator sport, it is active involvement in God’s plan for redemption, fulfilling the reason we are here.  Continue reading

Caught in the Closet

Private moments made public – they happen a lot in large families, and it helps to keep a sense of humor when it does! One such moment happened recently when I was going about my daily business with routine household tasks, thinking the house was empty. I was meditating on the Lord and all that He has called Jim and me to do, and I guess I was talking to myself when I heard a voice from the other room:

“Mom, who are you talking to?

“Mom, is there somebody in there with you?” Continue reading

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Speaks Bold Truth To Power

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn spoke prophetic words loud and clear in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall Wednesday night.

“The propitious smile of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself hath ordained,” Cahn said, quoting George Washington from his 1789 inaugural speech.

“We stand tonight on Capitol Hill,” Cahn then added, “in the city named after the one who gave that prophetic warning, to ask can a nation that drive out the name of God from its public square, the Word of God from its schools and the ways of God from its culture and still expect the smiles of God to shine upon it?”

The talk by Rabbi Cahn was part of an event hosted by Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann and emceed by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.  Many government officials, members of Congress and members of the judiciary were in attendance.

Rabbi Cahn spared no member of the government in his comments regarding removal of the truth of Christ from the country.

“Can the blood of 50 million unborn children cry out to heaven from this land and the smiles of heaven still remain?

“Members of Congress, can a government call evil good and good evil and forge laws that war against the laws of the Almighty and the smiles of heaven still remain?

“Supreme Court justices, can you strike down the statutes of the Almighty and overturn the judgments of the Most High and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain?

“Mr. President, can you place your left hand on the Word of God to assume your office and with your right hand sign laws which break the very Word upon which you swore and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain?

“The voice of our first president cries out to us tonight and answers, no you cannot do so and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain on this land.”

The event was broadcast online via World News Daily.

WND: ‘Harbinger’ Rabbi Warns America of ‘Impending Judgment’

WASHINGTON – At the National Day of Prayer event held on Capitol Hill Thursday, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn issued a dire warning to America: The nation “stands in danger of impending judgment, and we all know it.”

“Too much of the church has lost its saltiness to do anything about it,” he declared. “And now the same biblical signs of national judgment that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel are reappearing on American soil.”

At the beginning of his commanding speech, Cahn, author of runaway bestseller, “The Harbinger,”and its movie companion “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” from WND films, warned that his address would not be politically correct. He urged the nation to “come before the Lord and seek His face, and His purposes, and His will for this land and to pray for America.”

While Cahn said America has been blessed as no other nation has been blessed, he added, “To whom much is given, much is required.”

Source: WNB – WND: ‘Harbinger’ Rabbi Warns America of ‘Impending Judgment’

The Passover Celebration with Rabbi Cahn

This week, we are airing the Passover Celebration that Rabbi Cahn conducted here at Morningside.  This is a deeply spiritual event that is very timely with where we are in these Revelation Days in which we live.  There are so many things that are coming together right now – believers are coming back together, and Jew and Gentile are uniting in their recognition of Jesus’ soon return and the eternal drama that is reaching a crescendo in the earth.

We are seeing all of the signs of Jesus’ return in our world right now and they are increasing!  Just this week, we have seen even more meteors in the sky!  These are signs in the heavens and we must not miss them!

In all of the excitement, we are reminded of an ancient ordinance that God instructed over 3,000 years ago.  This is a permanent ordinance to remember Christ, our Passover Lamb and to prepare our hearts to receive Him when He comes again. Continue reading

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn “Home Again”

Rabbi Cahn packed the house yet again as he and Pastor Jim and Lori discussed the Passover and other major issues facing our nation and our world. The Rabbi called Morningside his “second home” and said every time he comes, he feels like he is back home again.

As the program began, Lori recalled how she had met Billye Brim in a local grocery store and asked her what the current word of the Lord is, and she replied without hesitation, “Jesus is coming very, very, very soon.” Lori added that Jesus is going to restore all things to His people, and then she talked about the amazing week she and Pastor Jim had just had in Fort Mill, South Carolina where they taped several shows from the grounds of Heritage International which is the former Heritage USA – built in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s by Pastor Jim and the PTL partners and friends. Continue reading