Revelations 13:16-18 “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”
Important Takeaways:
- CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin
- Professor Richard A. Werner is an economist and professor of banking and finance.
- According to Professor Richard Werner, in the very near future citizens will “need to use the latest technology” such as a “CBDC chip implant” in order to access their bank accounts.
- He is known as the proponent of a new post-crisis monetary policy he called Quantitative Easing (“QE”) – which he proposed in Japan in 1995 as chief economist of a British investment bank.
- There are two aspects to QE monetary policies that Prof. Werner proposed: QE1 and QE2. QE1 is for the central bank to step in and purchase the non-performing assets in the banking system. The central bank buys up non-performing assets at face value and the problem is solved, banks have a strong balance sheet. But that won’t be enough to get banks to increase credit.
- So, Prof. Werner proposed QE2 which allows the central bank to force the banks to create more money and push it into the economy. This would be accomplished with central banks buying assets, e.g., property, from the non-bank sectors. The money the non-bank sectors receive from the sale of the property would then be deposited into the seller’s bank account. When an economy is experiencing deflation, “that’s how central banks can push money into the economy directly,” Prof Werner explained.
- “You have to think of CDBCs as a control system [or a permit system], not a currency,” Prof. Werner explained.
- “It’s a conditional currency based on you actually getting that permit. Now, if you happen to be some kind of critic of government policy or a critic of central banks this could be difficult. Or if you dare to step out of the 15-minute city zone, you know, maybe you’ll find that: ‘Oh [my CBDC is] not working’. Of course, these are things we’ve seen already in China. There’s plenty of videos where somebody tries to use it to buy a ticket and it doesn’t work because his social credit scores are low.”
- And, effectively, there’s no real right to appeal. With very few people controlling the very many, the controllers will use computers and algorithms to run the system. If you appeal the blocking of CDBCs you’ll be dealing with automated responses.
- In March 2020, the Federal Reserve and other key central banks adopted QE2, a recommendation for deflation or a shrinking economy. In March 2020 economies weren’t shrinking but the Federal Reserve adopted QE2 and bought up assets from non-banks forcing banks to create credit. It was very clear it was going to create inflation. This was not an error in judgement, it was intentional, Prof Werner explained. It’s a very specific policy that is very rarely taken.
- Proof that this was a deliberate action, Prof Werner said, was that “just before covid in August 2019, there was a conference in Jackson Hole of the annual Central Bankers conference but it invited BlackRock the big asset manager … and BlackRock made a proposal, they said ‘there will be another crisis … but this time we should create inflation’. They never explain why, they just say we must create inflation … and here’s how we’re going to do it and they cited my proposal without mentioning my name, of course.”
- “And, there’s one more factor,” Prof Werner said, “the Federal Reserve hired Blackrock in March 2020 to buy assets … QE was for a deflationary situation but the way they were using it had to cause inflation, there was no doubt. And they knew it because they even said it.”
- “So, this [current] inflation is entirely intentionally created by the central banks, by the central planners. So how are we going to punish them for this? ‘Oh, let’s give them more powers, let’s give them unprecedented powers over everything, over life on Earth through central bank digital currencies.”
- “The true reason I think why they wanted this inflation because that is to cover up, essentially, the disintegration of the petrodollar and move to the new system which they want to be CBDC based.”
- At the moment there’s talk about CBDCs being used via phone-based apps. “Yes, that is the initial phase. But what was already ready around 2015, is the ultimate goal – what they really want, apparently, I was told by a Central Banker – is CBDC looks like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin, which is my view a violation of human dignity. And they realize there is a hurdle to get people to accept this,” Prof. Werner said.
- So, they’re using crises, disruption and unemployment to introduce universal basic income, to soften the public up to accepting a CBDC chip implanted under their skin.
Read the original article by clicking here.