Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
Important Takeaways:
- Biden’s WHO pandemic treaty would kill Americans in the name of ‘equity’
- President Joe Biden’s diplomats are negotiating a treaty with the World Health Organization to promote “global health equity.” The premise is that in a pandemic or other worldwide disease emergency, Americans should not get better or faster health care than inhabitants of third world countries.
- Under the draft treaty, presented Monday in Geneva , the United States will be obligated to hand over a whopping 20% of its medical supplies, including diagnostic tests, antiviral medications and vaccines, to WHO for global distribution.
- Article 10 of the treaty specifies this will be done “in real time,” not after American needs are met.
- The treaty is so outrageous that it would never get approved by two-thirds of the Senate, as the US Constitution requires.
- The administration is indicating it may try an end run around that requirement, deeming it an international agreement instead.
- WHO will call the shots on which countries get what supplies.
Read the original article by clicking here.