Texas has removed 1.1 million people from voter rolls since 2021


Important Takeaways:

Important Takeaways:

  • Texas has removed 1.1 million people from voter rolls since 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott’s office announced Monday, highlighting efforts to clean up election data and ensure legal registration.
  • That includes 6,500 potential noncitizens and 457,000 deceased people, according to data the governor’s office provided.
  • The review comes after Abbott signed Senate Bill 1 in 2021, which increased the penalty for lying while registering to vote to a state jail felony and requires the Secretary of State to audit random county election offices every two years.
  • “What we want is our voters to say, ‘these are fair, these are transparent, my vote counts.’ As a state, we need to be the gold standard for the country, and the country, the gold standard for the world,” State Rep. Mano DeAyala, R-Houston, said.

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