Strange coincidence: Nine states hit by earthquakes at the same time

map displaying 9 Earthquakes at once in U.S.

Important Takeaways:

  • So far this month, we’ve had a sizable earthquake hitting Northern California, another notable one hitting Alaska and, now, nine different U.S. states getting hit by ones at the same time.
  • This weekend, nine different U.S. states – including California, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Kansas, Alaska, New Mexico and Washington – were hit by earthquakes at the same time.
  • Thankfully, none of the earthquakes that hit this weekend were big enough to do damage. They were all in the 3.0 to 4.0 magnitude range, according to reports.
  • “When looking at earthquake data over the past 30 days, next to California, earthquakes seemed to strike most frequently in Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Texas and Oklahoma,” Newsweek added.
  • “Over the past week, the strongest earthquakes have struck California and Nevada. As for the earthquakes that hit Friday morning, they likely weren’t strong enough to cause any damage.”
  • Still, stay safe out there, everyone. Make sure you have a plan in place if an earthquake hits.

Read the original article by clicking here.