Nigerian Generals Found Guilty Of Arming Islamic Terrorists

A Nigerian military court has found ten generals guilty in providing arms and intelligence to the Islamic terror group Boko Haram.

In addition to the generals, several other senior military officers were found to be telling the Islamic terror groups the sizes of military units and troop locations, allowing the terrorists to attack in places the government security forces were weak.

Boko Haram is currently the subject of an international manhunt because of almost 300 young girls kidnapped from a school.  The Islamic terrorists are threatening to force the girls into marriages to Islamic men and to sell them as slaves if they refuse to convert to Islam.

The government’s prosecutors say that some of the military leaders convicted yesterday had been undermining the efforts to find the missing girls along with working to destroy the effectiveness of the government’s offensive against the Islamists.

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has said he believed there were members of the military and possibly members of the Cabinet who were supporters of and members of Boko Haram.  Jonathan claims the government has now located the kidnapped girls but has yet to find a way to save them without endangering their lives.

Nigerian Government Claims Progress In Boko Haram Offensive

Nigeria’s interior minister, Abba Moro, said that despite a Sunday terror attack on a mosque there has been major progress in the army’s efforts against the terrorist group Boko Haram.

At least 44 people are dead from the attack with dozens more injured. The mosque was located in Konduga, a town 22 miles from the Borno state capital where Boko Haram was founded in 2002. Witnesses say the terrorists were wearing army uniforms. Continue reading

Nigeria Pulls Troops From Mali To Fight Islamists At Home

Just a day after Boko Haram terrorists bombed a Christian neighborhood in Kano, Nigeria that killed at least 28 people and injured dozens, the government has announced a troop pullback from Mali to help restore peace to the region.

Nigerian troops had been assisting an international force in driving Islamic terrorists out of Mali. Continue reading

Clash Between Nigerian Troops And Islamic Terrorists Kill 185

Islamist terrorists in extreme northeast Nigeria launched an assault on military troops in the town of Baga, killing 185 civilians and essentially leveling the town.

The assault featured rocket-propelled grenades and heavy gunfire that resulted in the destruction of over 2,000 homes. Residents of the town fled into the bush and returned the next day to find human and animal corpses strewn all over the streets of the ruined city. Continue reading