French President to send military advisors to Ukraine: “If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe”


Important Takeaways:

  • The Ukrainian government praised France’s “determination” for sending military advisors to the country, saying it hoped Paris making the first move would encourage other Western partners to deploy troops too.
  • A months-long drama over French President Emmanuel Macron’s apparently intractable desire to deploy French soldiers directly to Ukraine appears to be approaching the point of action, as Ukraine reveals it has now legally cleared the way for foreign troops to arrive.
  • Ukraine’s new Commander in Chief General Oleksandr Syrskyi and the nation’s Defense Minister Rustem Umerov had talks with their French counterpart Defense Minister Sebastien Lecorne, they said on Sunday, underlining how they welcomed French troops and appealed to the country for more equipment and ammunition to be donated.
  • France’s Macron faced a barrage of criticism from fellow NATO leaders over going public with his views on sending troops to Ukraine, but despite the furor has restated that position dozens of times since. Earlier this month, Macron said he would not “rule anything out”, stating his view that: “If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe”.

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French President would send troops to Ukraine if asked. That means NATO would get involved


Important Takeaways:

  • Emmanuel Macron has said he would be prepared to send troops to Ukraine if Vladimir Putin’s forces break through the front lines – further raising the risk of NATO forces clashing with Russia’s armies.
  • In an interview published today, the French president said the issue of sending troops would ‘legitimately’ arise if Kyiv and President Volodymyr Zelensky made such a request.
  • The Economist said Macron gave the interview after delivering a keynote speech last week where he declared that Europe is ‘mortal’ and could ‘die’ partly due to the threat posed by Russian aggression after its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
  • It also came as Russia claimed its forces had taken another town in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, with Moscow’s armies continuing to push against Kyiv’s defenses.
  • Russia is rushing to advance against struggling Ukrainian forces ahead of the long-awaited arrival of the bulk of US weapons to the front for Kyiv’s outgunned troops.
  • ‘I’m not ruling anything out, because we are facing someone who is not ruling anything out,’ Macron said when asked if he stood by comments earlier this year not excluding the sending of Western troops that sent shockwaves around Europe.
  • Such a move would see NATO troops go head-to-head with those in the Russian army, dramatically increasing the risk of an escalation.
  • ‘I have a clear strategic objective: Russia cannot win in Ukraine,’ Macron said.
  • ‘If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe,’ he warned.
  • ‘Who can pretend that Russia will stop there? What security will there be for the other neighboring countries, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Lithuania and the others?’

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Red Lines are disappearing as Russian former President responds to French President Macron’s comments


Important Takeaways:

  • Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday warned France that Russia has “no more red lines” for the country.
  • His warning was directed at French President Emmanuel Macron, who earlier in the day reaffirmed Paris’ firm support for Kyiv in its war against Russia’s invading forces while meeting with France’s other party leaders at the Elysee Palace.
  • Le Monde reported that after the meeting, Fabien Roussel—national secretary of the French Communist Party—said Macron had expressed how “France’s position has changed” regarding the war, and that “there are no more red lines, there are no more limits.
  • Medvedev addressed the report from the French newspaper in a threatening X post.
  • “Macron has said, ‘there are no more red lines, there are no more limits’ in terms of supporting Ukraine (Le Monde). Then that means, Russia has no more red lines left for France,” Medvedev wrote.
  • The Kremlin official then added, “In hostem omina licita,” a Latin phrase that roughly translates as “everything is legal if it is done to an enemy.”
  • “Nothing should be excluded,” the French President said, following a gathering of Ukraine’s backers in Paris on February 26. “We will do anything we can to prevent Russia from winning this war.”

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French President Macron suggests deploying troops is a possibility to stop Russia. Moscow could view that as a declaration of War

Important Takeaways:

  • ‘Catastrophic scenario’ if NATO troops deploy to Ukraine – top Russian senator
  • The possibility mulled by the French president could be taken as a declaration of war on Moscow, Konstantin Kosachev has said
  • The potential deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine will lead to a “catastrophic scenario,” and could be interpreted as a “declaration of war” on Moscow, top Russian senator Konstantin Kosachev has said.
  • The Vice Speaker of Russia’s upper chamber, the Federation Council, offered his take on remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron on the possibility of sending troops in a Telegram post on Tuesday. The approach exhibited by the French leader carries a risk of the situation devolving into a “catastrophic scenario,” Kosachev warned, stating that the move would not be tolerated by the Kremlin.
  • “This is the line beyond which it’s no longer just NATO’s involvement in the war – this has been happening for a long time, but can be interpreted as the alliance entering direct hostilities, or even as a declaration of war,” Kosachev wrote.

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Trade Unionists in France cutting power to Macron’s speaking engagements forcing President to travel with own backup power

Mathew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Important Takeaways:

  • Running on Fumes: Macron Forced to Travel With Generator Truck as Unions Literally Cut Off His Power
  • Under massive pressure as a result of his controversial pension reforms, Macron is currently undertaking a public-relations blitz in France in the hopes of rallying the general public to his side.
  • However, his whistle-stop tours of various regions across the country have not been going well, with the President’s visits often being met with protesters noisily banging pots and pans in the hopes of derailing the PR stunt.
  • To make matters worse, trade unionists with access to the country’s national grid have also taken to cutting the power in areas where Macron is stopping in an effort to cause even further chaos for the head of state.
  • Such a scheme appears to be working, with French Broadcaster TF1Info reporting the President and his entourage as now bringing along a truck-mounted diesel electric generator when visiting an area, seemingly in an attempt to circumvent the cuts.

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CCP and French President Macron work together to form a Peace Deal

Xi Macron Peace Deal

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Macron Working with Beijing on ‘Secret Plan’ for Peace Deal Between Ukraine and Russia: Reports
  • French President Emmanuel Macron is reportedly actively working on a “secret plan” with Communist China to attempt to broker a peace deal by the summer between Russia and Ukraine.
  • According to the report, the Elysée believes that such a deal could possibly be struck by the summer should certain conditions be met, namely that Kyiv succeeds in its Spring counter-offensive to such a degree that the Zelensky government would be able to come to the table with Vladimir Putin from a position of strength.
  • An official from Macron’s office reportedly told the news outlet that the French president has tapped his foreign policy advisor Emmanuel Bonne to work alongside the CCP’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, to begin crafting a potential peace framework.
  • In February, Beijing proposed a supposed framework for peace negotiations, including an immediate ceasefire, however, the approach was widely dismissed as being light on detail and unworkable given China’s close relationship with Russia.
  • Yet, apparently, the French president believes that the communist regime — which has openly threatened to launch a territorial war itself to capture the democratic independent nation of Taiwan — is a genuine actor in the cause for peace.
  • The reports come as Macron cause outrage in Berlin, London, and Washington over his comments following his China trip, in which he said that Europe shouldn’t “follow” America into a conflict with Beijing if the communist nation invades Taiwan and that Europe should develop its own “strategic autonomy” to stop being the “vassal” of the United States.

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Macron’s appeasement to China’s new world order has EU divided; not everyone’s ready to bend their knee

Revelations 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • When Macron met Xi: Welcome to the New World disorder
  • China’s leader is gathering autocratic regimes to his banner, Europe and the US are divided over how to respond, and the French president just lobbed a grenade onto the field of international diplomacy
  • In 2019, he famously declared that Nato was experiencing “brain death”.
  • In 2021-22, he took it upon himself to mediate, ostensibly on Europe’s behalf, with Vladimir Putin over Ukraine. Even after Putin ignored him and invaded, Macron insisted Moscow should be offered “security guarantees” and that Russia not be “humiliated”.
  • At home, Macron has caused uproar in recent months by pushing through controversial pension reforms opposed by two-thirds of the population. The row has contributed to a plunging personal approval rating, down to 30% this month. Facing a confidence vote in March, his government survived by bypassing parliament. The reforms are under legal challenge, while violent nationwide protests are continuing. Yet insouciant Macron seems almost oblivious at times.
  • The latest explosion was ignited by an interview Macron gave after a visit last weekend to Beijing…On China policy, European countries were too subservient to the US and should not be Washington’s “followers”… Macron also implied that defending democratic Taiwan from a Ukraine-type Chinese invasion was not Europe’s business.
  • China, on the other hand, just loves Macron’s ideas about rescuing Europe from America’s smothering embrace. His comments were wildly applauded in state-controlled media
  • If a European consensus view on China actually exists, it was possibly best expressed by Von der Leyen in a speech last month. China, she said, had become “more repressive at home and more assertive abroad,” and Europe must be bolder in response.
  • EU countries should use economic measures such as screening of foreign subsidies and restrictions on sensitive technology transfers to rebalance relations with Beijing
  • “China is a fascinating and complex mix of history, progress and challenges. And it will define this century,” she said. But her message to Beijing was unapologetic and – Macron please note – unbending. The tried-and-tested democratic international order, based on shared principles and values, could and would prevail.

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Protest in France continues as 500,000 take to the streets

Revelations 6:4 “And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.”

Important Takeaways:

  • France on Fire: Over Half a Million Protest Against Macron Government
  • Over half a million people took to the streets of France on Thursday to protest Emmanuel Macron’s government.
  • The demonstrations are mostly concerned with unpopular pension reforms pushed through by the government, which utilized a loophole within the French constitution to implement an increase to the pension age without the approval of parliament.
  • This has prompted a huge degree of anger in the country, with political opposition on both the left and right up in arms about the current ordeal.
  • Another target for protesters was the Paris headquarters of various major financial institutions, including the infamous BlackRock investment firm, all the while chanting Antifa slogans.
  • Meanwhile, problems the country is having with fuel shortages at gas stations appear to be slowly resolving themselves, though supply will remain scarce at many stations over the Easter weekend.
  • That is not to say that Macron has escaped the crisis scot-free.

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Millions protesting in France as Government tries to push thru Bill without a Vote

Anti-government protesters

Revelations 6:4 “And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.”

Important Takeaways:

  • France protests: Thousands of police deployed as protesters march against pension reforms
  • Protesters blocked train tracks and highways and clashed with police in some French cities on Tuesday as they marched across the country against President Emmanuel Macron’s deeply unpopular pension bill.
  • Earlier in the day, the government rejected a new demand by unions to suspend and rethink the pension bill, which will bring the retirement age from 62 up to 64, infuriating labor leaders who said the government must find a way out of the crisis.
  • Millions of people have been demonstrating and joining strike action since mid-January to show their opposition to the bill. But public frustration has evolved into broader anti-Macron sentiment.
  • In particular, the protests have intensified since the government used special powers to push the bill through parliament without a vote.

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French citizens protest in the street as lower parliament push Vote of No Confidence as social security program looks to go bust

Revelations 6:4 “And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.”

Important Takeaways:

  • Macron’s government faces vote of no confidence after pushing up retirement age
  • French President Emanuel Macron looks to change the retirement age from 62 to 64
  • Days of protests turned violent and prompted hundreds of arrests after Macron and Borne bypassed the parliament Thursday to raise the pension age by two years in what French leadership has argued is necessary to keep its social security program from going bust.
  • The Senate, which has a conservative majority, backed the changes to the retirement plan and passed the legislation last week.
  • If the vote of no-confidence fails, the bill will become law.
  • If the motions pass, Borne will be forced to resign and Macron’s presidency will likely be marred by the incident through his tenure which will conclude in 2027.

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