Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Important Takeaways:
- One-in-Four High School Students Identify on ‘LGBQ’ Spectrum
- As curricula across the country feature “LGBTQAI+” content and “Social Emotional Learning” methods, the numbers of students who are identifying as something other than heterosexual is rising to levels more than double seen historically and even dwarfing rates seen among adults, according to data collected by Centers for Disease Control.
- CDC data shows 12.1% of students 14-18 years old say they are bisexual, 3.2% say they are gay or lesbian, 3.9% say “other,” and 5.2% say they are “questioning” their sexuality. In the adult population, 7% identify as gay, bisexual, or “other.”
- The data shows that total number of students on the LGBQ spectrum has jumped from 11% in 2015, to 24.5% in 2021.
- “There is no doubt in my mind that schools are absolutely playing a role in this growth,” Jay Richard, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation told the Mail.
- “Queer” themes are being presented to school children as young as pre-K and Kindergarten — in many cases without parental consent.
- The national CDC survey included data from 17,232 students across 152 schools in 45 states.
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