Vladimir Putin manipulated another election to remain indefinitely in power


Important Takeaways:

  • The tally, virtually unimaginable in any democratic nation, suggests that the Kremlin is now less focused on manufacturing a veneer of electoral legitimacy and more on creating a cult of personality around Putin as Russia’s undisputed national patriarch and leader for life.
  • We should see elections under Putin as not being about popular sovereignty, but about popular subordination
  • It is about the masses voting to accept Putin as their czar
  • It’s not just that the Kremlin is no longer embarrassed to rig the election. I think it’s almost, ‘So, what you can do about it?’
  • Western leaders face a strident, emboldened adversary in command of a nuclear arsenal.
  • Appearing supremely confident, Putin shrugged off the “unfortunate” death of his main rival, Alexei Navalny, in prison last month, which has left Putin with no conceivable challenger.
  • Nobody from the very beginning considered these elections to be elections

Read the original article by clicking here.