Islamist Sneak Attack Repelled In Mali

Islamic terrorists found a way to sneak past checkpoints into the northern city of Gao but were repelled by French and Malian troops after the city residents sounded the alarm.

Gao had been under control of Islamic terrorists for ten months before French troops liberated the city in January. A strict version of Sharia Law was imposed on the town that included cutting off hands of suspected thieves. Continue reading

Islamic Terrorists In Nigeria Ask For Amnesty

The Islamic terror group Boko Haram, who as recently as last week killed Nigerian police officials in terror bombings, has offered a cease fire to the government of Nigeria in return for amnesty. The group says that the amnesty could “help end violence” in northern Nigeria.

However, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said that the government will not give amnesty to a group that continues to hide its leaders and members. Continue reading

French President Announces Troop Withdrawl

French President Francois Hollande has announced a timetable for the removal of all French troops from the battle with Islamists in Mali.

The first wave of troops will be withdrawn in March and the remainder will be gone by the end of April. Over 4,000 French troops have been deployed to the region to help stop an advance of a brutal al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group. Continue reading

UN Eases Ban On Selling Arms To Somalia

The Somalian government will finally be able to purchase weapons in it’s fight against Islamic terrorists in the nation.

The United Nations Security Council announced they are partially lifting a ban on selling weapons to Somalia that has been in place since 1992. The lift will allow the country’s new government to purchase light arms to help in its battle to keep Islamic militants from taking over the country and to take back land under the control of the terrorists. Continue reading

Libyan Islamists Torture Christians

Christians in Benghazi, Libya were captured and tortured last week by Islamists.

The 48 Christians were initially held on charges of proselytizing as Islamist Salafists claimed they had Christian icons in their marketplace stalls.

The Islamists shaved the heads of the Christians, beat them and in some cases used acid to burn tattoos of the cross off the bodies of the men. The men were eventually released but are going to be deported by the Islamic dominated government. Continue reading